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Hating Oprah


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I like my interviewers to be well read, intellectual individuals. I loved the old Later show with Bob Costas. It seemed like there was nary a subject that Bob couldn't discuss at length with a guest. The insightfulness that comes from having done your reasearch, or just being plain smart, makes for a great interview.


Oprah on the other hand, will, in talking to jim Carey about the Grinch, ask a non-question like, I bet that suit was itchy. If that doesn't stimulate your synapses, I don't know what will.


My favorite though, is when she has on anything electronic. She is usually proclaiming whatever it is to be the greatest gadget around, the whole time deferring to whoever is demonstrating the gadget, on how to use it. It's one thing to play dumb to guide an audiance through something, It's another to just be plain stupid.

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I hate the way she helped invent Garbage Talk Television and now distances herself from it ( AFTER she drained every available penny from it ) like she's some kind of Mother/Nurturer/Almighty Sister.

She and Phil Donahue swam in the same muck that JerrySpringer, Maury Povich and Rikki Lake swim in, but they carry themselves like they never heard of it.

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Never have watched the show.  Can't say I like her or that I hate her. 


Maybe me never watching the shows is how I hate her??? :huh

I watched it a few times (don't ask why) and I gotta say it's not as nearly as bad/dumbed down as people say it is. Is bringing domestic violence, spirituality and "serious" issues like that to the nation's prime-time forefront....is that so terrible? I think the fact that Oprah is of average intelligence/plainspeak actually works better with the audience which seems to know remarkably little and probably wouldn't serisouly research things on their.....Partial ignorance is better than total one, right?


Granted, they say most of the ground-breaking stuff was back in the 80s and that t now it's mostly a celeb kissfest....but from what saw I can honestly say I took away some things I didn't think about before.


The again I am not exactly a poster child for enlightened-ness, so maybe maybe that's why I didn't see huge faults in her patented issue-popularizing/simplifying mothermoon rhetoric.


I guess the larger issue is that I am just curious when it comes to these trendy, overblown dislikes for media personalities and reasons why.

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I dislike the concept of solving the world in 50 minutes, I'm sure I don't like the books she suggests, don't like the fact that she capitalizes on all the shortcomings of others, but can't really say I hate her since she has no affect on my life whatsoever.

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I dislike the concept of solving the world in 50 minutes, I'm sure I don't like the books she suggests, don't like the fact that she capitalizes on all the shortcomings of others, but can't really say I hate her since she has no affect on my life whatsoever.

Is a super-rich, powerful Black woman such a terrible thing to have around? Wouldn't it be worth it if it meant scores of unwashed masses were just a little less ignorant or read at least something?


As far as solving/saving the world in 50 minutes....would you rather no one even tried? How about Jimmy Kimmel Show/Sportcenter instead in the time slot?

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Is a super-rich, powerful Black woman such a terrible thing to have around? Wouldn't it be worth it if it meant scores of unwashed masses were just a little less ignorant or read at least something?


As far as solving/saving the world in 50 minutes....would you rather no one even tried?  How about Jimmy Kimmel Show/Sportcenter instead in the time slot?

I never said it was a bad thing for the globe, I think my response was entirely centered about my own situation, hence the recurrence of the word I in my previous post, I know some people who love Dr. Phil and Oprah, just doesn't work for me that's all. When I first heard there was a Dr. Phil show I thought Phil Donahue had come back and was calling himself Dr.?

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I know some people who love Dr. Phil and Oprah, just doesn't work for me that's all


I am not exactly one of her disciples either.


I was just wondering why the excesses of Cult of Personality bother people so much when it comes to Oprah.


Then again, I never really cared about high-profile celebrities not knowing much about the cause they are supporting or deriving tons of publicity out of it.....

AS LONG as they raise bunch of dough and awareness for that cause. Call me crazy.

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I actually don't know many people (including myself) who watch it.....but SOMEONE has to, right?  Right?


And I was asking more about the Cross-media Phenomenon that is Oprah, not just her show....

I think I apply my hatred-by-association theory to Oprah, like I do with the Grateful Dead. I don't really hate Oprah herself all that much (same goes for the GD) but the amount of hatred I have for the followers of said entertainment icons spills over to the degree that I develop a small amount of hatred towards the icons themselves.


The Oprah Book Club? Dr. Phil? Give me a f***ing break. These stupid women that rely on talk show hosts and unlicensed self-help gurus to guide their lives need to get a clue. How about actually utilizing your brain, rather than let the Oxygen channel tell you what to think, what to read, etc. These cheeba monkeys that think Oprah is the all-knowing, all-empathetic uber-goddess need to have a reality milkshake and realize that she is nothing more than a newscaster from Baltimore that took a better paying job in Chicago. You want diet advice? Call a f***ing nutritionist. You want book advice? Read the Review. Want advice on how to start a new career? Go to the goddamned local college, do some research, and figure it out for yourself.


I don't know when common sense became on-high knowledge, but it probably occured around the same time that people came to expect praise simply for doing their job right.

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These cheeba monkeys that think Oprah is the all-knowing, all-empathetic uber-goddess need to have a reality milkshake and realize that she is nothing more than a newscaster from Baltimore that took a better paying job in Chicago. You want diet advice? Call a f***ing nutritionist. You want book advice? Read the Review. Want advice on how to start a new career? Go to the goddamned local college, do some research, and figure it out for yourself


But you KNOW it's not how it works for MANY people-- they don't or are afraid to do ANYTHING worthwhile until their favorite movie star or a TV personality explains its benefits to them and empowers them. Such is reality.


Plus, I think Oprah is a huge role model for many disenfranchised Blacks to aspire to be: she is NOT a rapper or a basketball player, and she has gotten this far not by the grace of incredible talent, beauty or intellect, not by blowing the right exec.....but by hard-work, common sense and a people-friendly, charitable personality.


People consider Bill Cosby to be something of a Martin Luther Kingian figure in a sense of how he affected the way Blacks not only view themselves but the way they are perceived by Wider, Whiter America.....Has what Oprah done in the last 20 years been any less "imporant"?

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don't know when common sense became on-high knowledge, but it probably occured around the same time that people came to expect praise simply for doing their job right.


That's the by-product of Age of self-actualization and empowerment for you-- excessive self-entitlement and ego.


Would you rather have people behave like nice little clogs in the machine and be content with an unacceptably low wage and a nice bouquet of -ISM's.......as they pretty much have been throughout the milenii?


Cuz you can't have it both ways.

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I dont dislike her nor like her, I find her show not amusing at all, but I dont have anything agaisnt her.

I love her book club. Oh yes I do. She's just super. I miss Dr. Phil from her show, but I'll live. She brigtens my day like a rainbow after some drizzle. :wub:

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