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Dan Jiggets predicts Reinsdorf sells team


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There are "beat" guys in the newspapers, and columnists, who would love to break this kind of story. I have a hard time believing a TV guy, not known for being a hard digging investigator type, would get the story first. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


But PLEASE let it be true.

I wonder if Jigggets just took the internet rumor and ran with it to make a joke?

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i dont know if its still out there but its been reported for some time now that an offer was on the table that was substantially more than the 250 million that forbes estimates the sox worth..


as for reinsdorf selling , well it depends on the new owners agenda...i always look back to the debartolo family and them getting blackballed by the other owners..his plan was to move the sox to denver....i know we have this lease but there has to be some kind of buy out clause in it...

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JR is NOT selling...


Not yet at least.... He's too smart to sell this year... I'm sure he can turn a profit this year. Plus, with the additional stadium renovations getting done next year also, the franchise as a whole will go up in value even more next year. The earliest JR sells is next year. But even that is highly unlikely, next year we should be poised to make a run, and I'm sure that JR actually has it in his heart to win a World Series. It's just not going to be this year.

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I think the one difference between ownerships would be that Trump realizes that sometimes you have to spend money to make money, I don't think he would have the similar "if you show up we will spend money" attitude. He may be like the Angels owner who will spend money to create a buzz... but with all that said I don't think JR is selling the team right now, I think Jiggets may have been speculating for conversation sake (Jiggets is a Harvard graduate so his "speculations" may actually have some thought behind them)


I would keep an eye on Trump buying real estate in Chicago, if he starts investing in South Side property there may be some truth to this rumor. The Sox are going to have little in guaranteed contracts, a rehabed stadium with a good naming rights deal, a solid long term lease, and a new cable contract, so they probably are a somewhat appealing team to buy right now.


Speaking of the new cable station, did anyone who went to Soxfest hear how this is going to effect Sox revenue?

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I want a Mark Cuban type owner....someone fun who likes to win and spend cash!


Cuban seems like a jerk though. He hasn't won anything, just spent recklessly and alienated the rest of the league. I want Arte Moreno. He's willing to spend to improve the team and he's trying to give the team a more fan-friendly image to compete with the Dodgers (changing stadium name, etc.). Although I'll admit he's only owned the team for less than a year, right now it seems like he's making all the right moves and would be the perfect owner.

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Cuban seems like a jerk though. He hasn't won anything, just spent recklessly and alienated the rest of the league. I want Arte Moreno. He's willing to spend to improve the team and he's trying to give the team a more fan-friendly image to compete with the Dodgers (changing stadium name, etc.). Although I'll admit he's only owned the team for less than a year, right now it seems like he's making all the right moves and would be the perfect owner.

bigred, I paid for this article so I will repost it a few times! :lol: This explains better than I can why I detest the idea of Cuban as the owner of any sports team.


Stan Smith

Chicago Tribune


Sports section, page 2

getting this cost me $2.95 but for those who only follow the SI glitz, my gift...



Dallas soap opera: We know how players get a coach fired. They just curtail their effort. But how do players get an owner fired? It turns out padded slippers and fluffy towels aren't enough to overcome Mark Cuban's insincerity, disingenuousness, hypocrisy and pretension. Anyone get the picture here? The Mavs players surely have. They are 17-12, which would be cause for celebration with the Bulls. But the Mavs were 25-4 at this time last year. And they're 4- 10 on the road, the only top Western team with a losing road record. There has been talk of Dirk Nowitzki's bothersome ankles and Michael Finley's injuries and slump. But insiders and players say the same spirit and drive are gone, emptied by the double dealing and personal aggrandizement of owner Cuban. It's one reason why All- Star guard Steve Nash talked of going to Toronto when he becomes a free agent.


Players are confused about the constant personnel changes, like the deals for Antoine Walker and Antawn Jamison that have left only five players from last season's conference finals team. Even now, Cuban is talking about taking on troublesome Rasheed Wallace. Promises to popular veterans like Tim Hardaway and Nick Van Exel were broken. Players were upset with Cuban's obsessive courtship of Pat Riley last season that held up coach Don Nelson's extension. Now, insiders say, Cuban will dump Nelson the minute Riley says he'll come aboard.


To no one's surprise, Cuban is blaming Nelson and his staff for the struggles this season. "The issue isn't so much with our players as it is with our coaching staff just drilling them and drilling them and drilling them to death," Cuban said last week. "In terms of personnel, I wouldn't change it for anything." Until he does. Dallas has now become one of the most unfriendly places in the NBA for players

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anybody watch the Apprentice?


Although I want to I keep on missing it.


Anyway, my brother heard from another big Sox fan that Trump said something about going to Chicago to speak with a sports owner.


I don't think that would've been said on TV and if so, someone would have caught it by now, so I think it may be fabricated a bit, but there has to be something to it.


anybody know anything about this?

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anybody watch the Apprentice?


Although I want to I keep on missing it.


Anyway, my brother heard from another big Sox fan that Trump said something about going to Chicago to speak with a sports owner.


I don't think that would've been said on TV and if so, someone would have caught it by now, so I think it may be fabricated a bit, but there has to be something to it.


anybody know anything about this?



I watch it and didn't hear that and I think I would have.


But I could have missed it.


But not likely.

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