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Thomas looking for hits

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Thomas doesn't have the time to contact his employers but he has time to gamble at the Palms Hotel in Vegas where Buerhle saw him, and he was seen last night at the Mandalay Bay Hotel watching the Ultimate Fighting Championships.

That's a step up from lifting chicken wings at the KFC.

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Thomas doesn't have the time to contact his employers but he has time to gamble at the Palms Hotel in Vegas where Buerhle saw him, and he was seen last night at the Mandalay Bay Hotel watching the Ultimate Fighting Championships.

he works out in Las Vegas really hard -


his attendance at SoxFest would have been a huge medic circus of controversy, nothing good, all this Ozzie v Frank and Jose v Frank crap.


So he was free and he went out on Saturday night.


oh bad Frank, bad bad Frank

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I don't have a problem with him going out on a Saturday night or not being at Soxfest if he didn't have to. What I have a problem with is that he is making what 8M, and he acts like a Prima Donna. Im sure you work as I do, and would I still be working if I didn't call my bosses since November, I don't think so, its called respect.

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he works out in Las Vegas really hard -


his attendance at SoxFest would have been a huge medic circus of controversy, nothing good, all this Ozzie v Frank and Jose v Frank crap.


So he was free and he went out on Saturday night.


oh bad Frank, bad bad Frank

As opposed to the sedate gathering it turned out to be?


:D :D :D :D :rolleyes:

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Frank, Just do not end any quote with "for the fans". I believe Soxfest is "for the fans" there are ways for Frank to come in for an hour or two without causing friction. Lead a few cheers. I understand the guys playing winter ball can not be there.

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Frank, Just do not end any quote with "for the fans". I believe Soxfest is "for the fans" there are ways for Frank to come in for an hour or two without causing friction. Lead a few cheers. I understand the guys playing winter ball can not be there.

this is Ozzie's first SoxFest as manager - with all the medic shark that would have descended on Frank, he stayed away and let it be the Ozzie show with taking away the spotlight which is what he would have been accused of - Frank is in a no win situation - and maybe watching ultimate fighting will help him get ready for the Sox locker room in 2004

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I think way too much is being made about Frank not returning phone calls.

I agree.

Right now, Frank and all the other Sox players are on vacation. If I was on vacation, I don't think I'd return my boss' calls either. A discussion about comments my boss made about me wouldn't merit an immediate response - it would fall under "we'll talk about it when I get back to the office".


We can't really equate our work situations to his, anyway - he's guaranteed 6 million bucks this year regardless of whether or not he returns phone calls, or whether or not the Sox release him.


As long as Frank shows up on time and in shape, I don't care at all what he does right now. I just hope that if he IS pissed off, he uses it as motivation and doesn't sulk.


Maybe my opinion on his non-attendance at SoxFest would be different if I enjoyed going to fan conventions or wanted to get his autograph, but I don't care too much about those things. If he wasn't contractually obligated to attend SoxFest, then the choice is his. It's not like his attendance at previous SoxFests helped prevent the negative reaction he gets from some fans anyway.

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last year.........


I think way too much is being made about Frank not returning phone calls.  If I were him, I would be doing the same thing.

and the year before that... in fact, I don't remember him missing one but my memory could be off and someone is sure to correct me

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last year.........


I think way too much is being made about Frank not returning phone calls.  If I were him, I would be doing the same thing.

Last time I checked the roster it appaeared that Frank Thomas was an adult. I think whatever he wants to do on any night of the week is his business as long as it is legal. Too much is being made of this fuss and the only thing that will get it settled I believe is Spring Training.

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I just read a comment by Aaron Rowand this weekend in the paper. He said that Frank is fine and that everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. I think I said about the same thing in the beginning and everyone jumped down my throat for saying that and said that Ozzie just shouldn't have said anything. Ozzie even reiterated what he said at the press conference at sox fest. He was quoted that Frank has to play the game right, but not just Frank, everyone on the team. He also said that there shouldn't be a problem with anyone about this. Like I said this whole thing was blown way out of proportion and was a lot to do about nothing.

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I just read a comment by Aaron Rowand this weekend in the paper. He said that Frank is fine and that everyone is making blowing this way out of proportion. I think I said about the same thing in the beginning and everyone jumped down my throat for saying that Ozzie just shouldn't have said anything. Ozzie even reiterated what he said at the press conference at sox fest. He was quoted that Frank has to play the game right, but not just Frank, everyone on the team. He also said that there shouldn't be a problem with anyone about this. Like I said this whole thing was blown way out of proportion and was a lot to do about nothing.

Need a couple of stilts to prop yourself up there?

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we saw the true kenny williams friday night at soxfest..and if i was a player and he had a history of treating me the way he was treating fans friday night id never return his calls either...

with the ego's of both thomas and williams nothing good would ever come out of a phone call between the two...imo it would be better if any correspondence between the two went through thomas' agent

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we saw the true kenny williams friday night at soxfest..and if i was a player and he had a history of treating me the way he was treating fans friday night id never return his calls either...

with the ego's of both thomas and williams nothing good would ever come out of a phone call between the two...imo it would be better if any correspondence between the two went through thomas' agent

I don't think Kenny would have had to call him if he returned Ozzie's calls. It is just called respect and from what I have seen not one of them has that for each other. Just my opinion.

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I don't think Kenny would have had to call him if he returned Ozzie's calls. It is just called respect and from what I have seen not one of them has that for each other. Just my opinion.

well , everything here is just our opinions , or gut feelings..all we can hope for is come ST..none of this is even an issue anymore...


ill give kenny this much..atleast its not boring around here :lol:

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