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Maggs needs to get off the baseball field, and get his ass on the phone to Kenny! 




I wonder why no one returns Kenny's phone calls - is he that much of a dullard when you're talking to him? :huh

Would you want to talk to a guy who almost traded you? I think it's good that Ordonez is getting his mind off of the organization, and just focusing on his native country, and the team.

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Maggs needs to get off the baseball field, and get his ass on the phone to Kenny! 




I wonder why no one returns Kenny's phone calls - is he that much of a dullard when you're talking to him? :huh

I think it's because Kenny can't seem to keep his mouth shut to the public. No trust that what you say in private, stays in private.

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Maggs needs to get off the baseball field, and get his ass on the phone to Kenny! 




I wonder why no one returns Kenny's phone calls - is he that much of a dullard when you're talking to him? :huh

Has Kenny mentioned that he attempted to call Maggs? I must have missed that. If I was Kenny I don't think I would call him. I would have some interpreter call him and let me know what the hell he is saying. I can't even understand what the guy says half the time.

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I think it's because Kenny can't seem to keep his mouth shut to the public. No trust that what you say in private, stays in private.

I don't think you have a leg to stand on there. Sharing personal matters of Ray Durham to everyone in a public message board forum? Yeah, like your one to talk about this stuff. :lolhitting

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I wonder why no one returns Kenny's phone calls - is he that much of a dullard when you're talking to him? 


I am very selective in returning calls from my boss. In fact, most of his calls go directly to my voicemail when he calls me at home. I figure he'll leave a message if it is important or he'll talk to me in the morning at the office.



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I don't think you have a leg to stand on there. Sharing personal matters of Ray Durham to everyone in a public message board forum? Yeah, like your one to talk about this stuff. :lolhitting

And this is coming from the guy who wanted to make nice with Steff...give me a break and put all of this to rest. I don't know what your beef with Steff is, but she is one of the nicest Sox fans I've met and there's no reason to say a bad word about her...

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I don't think you have a leg to stand on there. Sharing personal matters of Ray Durham to everyone in a public message board forum? Yeah, like your one to talk about this stuff. :lolhitting

Irish.. nothing I have shared on this board is not already public knowledge. If you knew ANYTHING about the Sox Wives events you'd know these things. Crystal was interviewed in the paper, as well as spoke to HSC, regarding them keeping the house. Ray has been the team DD every year in ST and has made countless jokes about it. And thanks to his brother being a member of the Sox as well.. his entire family is known. Pick up a media guide, or the Sox Wives charities info, or a ST or game program once in a while and you'd know these things.


Now please.. pretty please... STOP PM'ing me and BEGGING me to respond to you. I told you I would NOT respond to you anymore about anything other than baseball issues. You appeared to comprehend that.... :rolleyes:

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Change you screen name you are an embarrassment to the Southside Irish.

Yes he is. I've lived on the southside for about ten of my seventeen years and noone that I know would be that picky of everything. You would get your ass beat around there if you would. ;)

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Irish.. nothing I have shared on this board is not already public knowledge. If you knew ANYTHING about the Sox Wives events you'd know these things. Crystal was interviewed in the paper, as well as spoke to HSC, regarding them keeping the house. Ray has been the team DD every year in ST and has made countless jokes about it. And thanks to his brother being a member of the Sox as well.. his entire family is known. Pick up a media guide, or the Sox Wives charities info, or a ST or game program once in a while and you'd know these things.


Now please.. pretty please... STOP PM'ing me and BEGGING me to respond to you. I told you I would NOT respond to you anymore about anything other than baseball issues. You appeared to comprehend that....  :rolleyes:

Oh really? It is public knowledge then? I didn't know that. Wow, foolish me. I should be more knowledgeable about the players' personal lives as you are. Then again I am not that interested in the players' personal lives. Whatever I know is what is said through the media. The way you were posting,

"After knowing someone for a decade.. watching them with their families and children.. watching them on the road with their teammates, out with their teammates, knowing their faith in God.. I'd say the odds of Ray having a dual personality are slim to none"
it seemed as though you were telling me things you found out about him while spending time with him. That is wierd how you can make it seem that way. I wonder if you always do that. I mean do you always read from the media guides to find out the names of people, such as their agents and such and then pass on to us at the message board to make it seem as though you know them? I think that is possible. You seem to love to drop names on the board. Plus you never mentioned in your last post that you shared that he had some faith in God. I don't see a mention of that in any of the media guides, that he has a faith in God. Isn't that private? Isn't that his own personal business?


Now lets see you want things that are private to stay that way. People shouldn't know about private things? However, you keep on wanting to bring up that I sent you PMs. That is pretty hypocritical. A PM stands for what? Private Message? Alrighty then. I believe please and thank you is not considered begging. I beleive that to be called politeness. That is something I haven't seen you show to one person on this board unless that person is agreeing with your opinion or kissing your ass. You don't want personal things about people out in public? Then please stop being such a name dropper and keep the personal things you know about people private. The way you believe they should be kept.

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Oh really? It is public knowledge then? I didn't know that. Wow, foolish me. I should be more knowledgeable about the players' personal lives as you are. Then again I am not that interested in the players' personal lives. Whatever I know is what is said through the media. The way you were posting,  it seemed as though you were telling me things you found out about him while spending time with him. That is wierd how you can make it seem that way. I wonder if you always do that. I mean do you always read from the media guides to find out the names of people, such as their agents and such and then pass on to us at the message board to make it seem as though you know them? I think that is possible. You seem to love to drop names on the board. Plus you never mentioned in your last post that you shared that he had some faith in God. I don't see a mention of that in any of the media guides, that he has a faith in God. Isn't that private? Isn't that his own personal business?


Now lets see you want things that are private to stay that way. People shouldn't know about private things? However, you keep on wanting to bring up that I sent you PMs. That is pretty hypocritical. A PM stands for what? Private Message? Alrighty then. I believe please and thank you is not considered begging. I beleive that to be called politeness. That is something I haven't seen you show to one person on this board unless that person is agreeing with your opinion or kissing your ass. You don't want personal things about people out in public? Then please stop being such a name dropper and keep the personal things you know about people private. The way you believe they should be kept.

I'm going to say this one time and one time only, because I don't have time for this s***.


Irish if you think Steff is phony or whatever, don't respond. I don't care if she says Shoeless Joe called her last night, no matter hif you think she's lying or not, don't respond. You've got something for her that's fine, just ignore her. I'm tired of this.

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I'm going to say this one time and one time only, because I don't have time for this s***.


Irish if you think Steff is phony or whatever, don't respond. I don't care if she says Shoeless Joe called her last night, no matter hif you think she's lying or not, don't respond. You've got something for her that's fine, just ignore her. I'm tired of this.

You silly guy, Shoeless Joe is dead. How do you like Hanover Park? Do you own there? Rent?

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Oh really? It is public knowledge then? I didn't know that. Wow, foolish me. I should be more knowledgeable about the players' personal lives as you are. Then again I am not that interested in the players' personal lives. Whatever I know is what is said through the media. The way you were posting,  it seemed as though you were telling me things you found out about him while spending time with him. That is wierd how you can make it seem that way. I wonder if you always do that. I mean do you always read from the media guides to find out the names of people, such as their agents and such and then pass on to us at the message board to make it seem as though you know them? I think that is possible. You seem to love to drop names on the board. Plus you never mentioned in your last post that you shared that he had some faith in God. I don't see a mention of that in any of the media guides, that he has a faith in God. Isn't that private? Isn't that his own personal business?


Now lets see you want things that are private to stay that way. People shouldn't know about private things? However, you keep on wanting to bring up that I sent you PMs. That is pretty hypocritical. A PM stands for what? Private Message? Alrighty then. I believe please and thank you is not considered begging. I beleive that to be called politeness. That is something I haven't seen you show to one person on this board unless that person is agreeing with your opinion or kissing your ass. You don't want personal things about people out in public? Then please stop being such a name dropper and keep the personal things you know about people private. The way you believe they should be kept.

I agree 100% it is a nice picture of Maggs ;) :ph34r:

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Irish, I feel confident that I can speak for the majority of the people on this board when I say that your constant harping at Steff is getting old.  I, for one, would appreciate it if you would cease and desist.  Thank you.

Ditto. Get over it.

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