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What are the Twinkies thinking?


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From Rotoworld.com:


The Twins aren't showing any interest in signing their remaining two arbitration-eligible players, Doug Mientkiewicz and Johan Santana, to multiyear deals.

GM Terry Ryan is just hoping to get both players signed to one-year deals prior to their hearings. Mientkiewicz, who was paid $1.75 million last year, filed an arbitration figure of $3.6 million, compared with the team's $2.5 million offer. Santana, paid $335,000 in 2003, asked for $2.45 million and was offered $1.6 million.


I can understand Mientkiewicz, but Santana? He's the best pitcher they got. The only way I can see them doing this is because Santana's injury may have been more serious than they thought. Otherwise, it's a stupid move.

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From Rotoworld.com:


The Twins aren't showing any interest in signing their remaining two arbitration-eligible players, Doug Mientkiewicz and Johan Santana, to multiyear deals.

GM Terry Ryan is just hoping to get both players signed to one-year deals prior to their hearings. Mientkiewicz, who was paid $1.75 million last year, filed an arbitration figure of $3.6 million, compared with the team's $2.5 million offer. Santana, paid $335,000 in 2003, asked for $2.45 million and was offered $1.6 million.


I can understand Mientkiewicz, but Santana?  He's the best pitcher they got.  The only way I can see them doing this is because Santana's injury may have been more serious than they thought.  Otherwise, it's a stupid move.

God I hope the Twins piss off Santana so he doesn't resign there when he becomes a FA.

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Maybe Santana will be so pissed he'll wanna join up in Chicago with the White Sox.

No s***. :cheers


Why is Santana being offerered 1.60 Mill while we are paying a younger Mark Burhle whose numbers have been slipping for 2 straight years, 18 over 3?


Padilla was another one who got peanuts from a team who can actually spend more than the Sox....


KW....Stop trying to convince us that you're a winner and start DEALING like one.


2 year, 6 Million for a 24yo, 1st year arbit. eligible soft-tosser would have been plenty. :headshake

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No s***.    :cheers


Why is Santana being offerered 1.60 Mill while we are paying a younger Mark Burhle whose numbers have been slipping for 2 straight years,  18 over 3?


Padilla was another one who got peanuts from a team who can actually spend more than the Sox....


KW....Stop trying to convince us that you're a winner and start DEALING like one.


2 year, 6 Million for a 24yo, 1st year arbit. eligible soft-tosser would have been plenty. :headshake

Look at their track records, Buehrle is a proven starter, a former all-star and in the past 3 seasons, only 6 or 7 pitchers have won more games than him in the majors.


Santana, on the other hand, is a guy who had a good season last yr, has been mostly used out of the bullpen and wouldn't command jack s*** compared to Mark in arbitration.


Consider the Buehrle deal one of the bright spots of the offseason, like it or not.

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Screw Doug remember what he said about us the fans

I don't give a s*** what he said about White Sox fans, if he put on the White Sox uniform and played 100%, you would be happy with what you got. Mientkiewicz, IMO, is probably their best hitter, because he can hit and draw walks. He is a Mark Grace type of ball player. Mark Grace, in his prime, was awesome. I would take Mientkiewicz in a second.


Oh yeah, I'd take Santana too. Both are winners and are money(as in clutch) ball players.

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In regards to Santana the guy gets injured a lot so it's not safe to offa him a long term deal. Just think of Chan Ho Park. He's got really nasty stuff, but he needs a full year in the rotation bf he's goin to earn sum money. There's no point in offerin guys long term deals now much anyways, because they are always goin to be rumored for trades when ur younger players like Joe Mauer will become arbitration elgible.

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I don't give a s*** what he said about White Sox fans, if he put on the White Sox uniform and played 100%, you would be happy with what you got.  Mientkiewicz, IMO, is probably their best hitter, because he can hit and draw walks.  He is a Mark Grace type of ball player.  Mark Grace, in his prime, was awesome.  I would take Mientkiewicz in a second.


Oh yeah, I'd take Santana too.  Both are winners and are money(as in clutch) ball players.

Yes, but Chemistry in the clubhouse is important too. Do you really think if he came here, he would get any respect from the sox players and his fans from all of the comments he made to this ballclub? It would create a disaster to the clubhouse and the team. How do you think the twinkies won the division two years straight? By them looking out for each other, playin as a team, and having each other's back. They all played as equals. Individual stats mean nothing in baseball. You play as a TEAM.

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Yes, but Chemistry in the clubhouse is important too.

Is it really? I thought everything was like Major League 2 where you could kick the s*** out of each other and come back and win the division. :rolleyes: :bang


Do you really think if he came here, he would get any respect from the sox players and his fans from all of the comments he made to this ballclub?


Hell yeah I do. I'm sure Albert Belle said a naughty thing or two about the White Sox when he was on the Indians. Next thing you know he's making naughty signs with his arms to the Cleveland fans as a member of the White Sox.

Mientkiewicz wouldn't come in and be like "You guys are all pieces of s***, Chicago sucks ass, I hate this town, blah, blah, blah." If he came here, it would be via free agency, and that would mean he would have to want to play in Chicago, and then if he did sign, don't you think he would maybe downplay the comments he made about Chicago and their fans? His teammates wouldn't give a s*** about what he said in the past, because the past is something that can't be changed. Kevin Millar went behind Nomar's back and said he wanted Arod to be the Red Sox SS next year, how the hell is that going to work out? I would bet that after either a punch or two is thrown or after an adult discussion, it would be over. They're professionals, and they get paid to do this. Same thing has happened here too. Ozzie called out Frank....how's our team chemistry doing, huh?


It would create a disaster to the clubhouse and the team


I thought that's why we hired Ozzie...?


How do you think the twinkies won the division two years straight?


How do I think the Twins won the division two straight years? Well, for starters, they had a kick ass bullpen both years, and I think they'll have another this year. They also had a good, well-balanced team, and they had, IMO, the best defense in the league in both range and gloves, bar none. If we had Torii Hunter in CF instead of Carl Everett(or in other words, you switch those two), I can almost guarantee you we win the division. And their INFers, while good, are somewhat overrated mainly because of that brick wall they have at 1B who is the topic of discussion right now, named Doug Mientkiewicz. Again, I think that if you switch Dougie M and Kong, we win the division with ease. Not only is Mientkiewicz a much better pure hitter then Kong, he is also a top 3 defensive 1Bman in the MLB(and I personally think he is the best, but there are some arguments that can be made for guys like Olerud and the like)


By them looking out for each other, playin as a team, and having each other's back.


I disagree. The Sox looked out for each other, played as a team, and had each others back(...which is different from looking out for each other in what way?). How come the Sox weren't pouring champagne over each other at the end of September last year?


Individual stats mean nothing in baseball. You play as a TEAM.


Tell me something....do you honestly think that the White Sox did not play as a team? I don't think they were too concerned about individual stats(except Thomas) with the main exception of the stat on the left in the standings column(also referred to as the win column). What I thought they displayed at the end of last year was selfishness....they all wanted to hit the 5-run homer, which is impossible....that was the ONLY time I thought they tried to do too much. Also, forgetting the White Sox, don't you think the Royals played like a team? the Indians? Mariners? Angels? Blue Jays? Phillies? Cardinals? Astros? My point is, the Twins didn't get in because they played with teamwork, because if you got in by doing that, we'd have about 28-30 teams in the playoffs each year. They got in because they actually played up to their potential...no overacheiving, no underacheiving, just playing to their porential. The White Sox play to their potential, they win 103 games and sweep through the playoffs and destroy Josh Beckett and the Florida Marlins in the World Series.




Plain and simply, we lost this past year because we had a s***ty manager who apparently knew nothing about teaching fundamentals and couldn't manage a bullpen to save his life. The Twins had a manager in Ron Gardenhire who was the exact opposite of Jerry Manuel.

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Damn, WITE, you stole my gimmick.



Sorry....couldn't let that one get away. :lol:


Also, regarding Paulie and his OPS, the only thing I will say is that I said pure hitter....I chose my words carefully there. Paulie is not a pure hitter....in fact, I would go as far as to say the White Sox do not have a pure hitter, and that is something they could use. Just a guy who hits .300 with maybe 10-15 homers who can get on base. Paulie(along with Lee, Thomas, Maggs, Valentin, and maybe even Crede, though I wouldn't count him) are all power hitters and really nothing else. DM will not beat you deep too often, he'll usually just get quite a few doubles, and that's all the power he will show.

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Plain and simply, we lost this past year because we had a s***ty manager who apparently knew nothing about teaching fundamentals and couldn't manage a bullpen to save his life


JM + Kong + Koch + WhiteTrash = the difference between a 96-win team and an 86-win team.

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JM + Kong + Koch + WhiteTrash = the difference between a 96-win team and an 86-win team.

Those too....but I think a better manager gets through that somehow unscathed. I just think of the Sosa situation on the NorthSide....he had a down year(though not a bad one), and was out for a little bit of time due to an injury early on and CorkGate....Dusty somehow pulled something out of his ass and they actually won quite a bit when he was out with his injury.



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