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GOP Issues


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The Dems are the hot topic since their nomination is being contested. I thought we should also have a GOP forum. Even if George W isn't on the campaign trail he is campaigning from the Rose Garden. Is he doing the right things? Will some weird karma be in play where both he and his dad are 1 timers? What can he do to get re-elected? The last scientific poll I read shows the country about 50-50 regarding his approval rating. Obviously he can win or lose.


Would a different running mate help or hurt? Some said his dad lost when he kept DQ.


Is he trying to buy voterd with election year spending? Does it work?


I am trying to separate politics of a policy vs. the relative good or evil of the policy itself.

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Is he trying to buy voterd with election year spending? Does it work?

I hope not, 'cause I ain't buyin', and most conservatives I know aren't buying either. He's pissing off his base. Not a smart thing to do this close to the election. He's got some major damage control to do if you ask me.

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I hope not, 'cause I ain't buyin', and most conservatives I know aren't buying either. He's pissing off his base. Not a smart thing to do this close to the election. He's got some major damage control to do if you ask me.

I am right there with you eye. After the Clinton years of deception, the whole Bush platform was that you could believe what they said. There have been just as many lies under this admin.

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I love how politicians try and argue both sides of an issue. Clinton's draft issues wasn't suppose to mean a thing in 1992 but the GOP kept trying to hammer at it. Now the roles are reversed and the GOP is saying W's favors are not an issue and the Dems are trying to hammer away. Both sides make me laugh. They are mostly cut from the same cloth and we accept it.

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The first question is whether McCain or Giuliani will be his running mate. I think adding either of them will give a huge spark to his chances of another 4 years.


I also expect to see Kerry's numbers continue to climb, but when Bush finally goes out and starts campaigning for the election, you'll see his numbers rise back up, imo.


The one thing that interested me about Kerry is I saw where he wants to greatly increase the size of the military (kind of surprising considering how he's voted at times). I also am completely against his and most of the democrats amnesty plan with Mexico, or whatever you want to call it. Well, essentially just making everyone thats in the country legal so we don't have to hassle with it anymore. To me thats rewarding people that go in here the wrong way.


Maybe more people should be allowed into the US, but rewarding those that are doing things against the law, just doesn't seem right to me.

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I hope not, 'cause I ain't buyin', and most conservatives I know aren't buying either. He's pissing off his base. Not a smart thing to do this close to the election. He's got some major damage control to do if you ask me.

I don't like Bush from a conservative standpoint. I like his stance on the military (I don't know what his reason was for going to Iraq, but I thought their were enough reasons to go in and handle the situation the way the US did). But this spending crap is riduculous, the only reason I'll vote for him is because Kerry and honestly all of the democratic candidates spending approaches are even more ridiculous.


This stems from my belief that there are some things the government just isn't responsible for and I don't want to see them become responsible for even more things.

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The first question is whether McCain or Giuliani will be his running mate.  I think adding either of them will give a huge spark to his chances of another 4 years.


I also expect to see Kerry's numbers continue to climb, but when Bush finally goes out and starts campaigning for the election, you'll see his numbers rise back up, imo.


The one thing that interested me about Kerry is I saw where he wants to greatly increase the size of the military (kind of surprising considering how he's voted at times). I also am completely against his and most of the democrats amnesty plan with Mexico, or whatever you want to call it.  Well, essentially just making everyone thats in the country legal so we don't have to hassle with it anymore.  To me thats rewarding people that go in here the wrong way. 


Maybe more people should be allowed into the US, but rewarding those that are doing things against the law, just doesn't seem right to me.

Has he officially dumped Chaney? I hadn't heard that. There is only one way to orchestrate that without major fall out. Well actually two ways.

1. Kill him.

2. Have him decide not to run because of health problems.

Anything else and it may look like W made a mistake in running with him anyway.


McCain would help solidfy the SW for Bush and would be a big plus in my book.

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I think that Bush is going to be fine in November provided that we dont get another major terrorist attack or that the economy suddenly stops growing. The likelyhood for either is pretty low though.


As for a running mate I wouldnt mind seeing either McCain or Guiliani but I don't see McCain running with Bush.

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I think that Bush is going to be fine in November provided that we dont get another major terrorist attack or that the economy suddenly stops growing.  The likelyhood for either is pretty low though.


As for a running mate I wouldnt mind seeing either McCain or Guiliani but I don't see McCain running with Bush.

The biggest factor that would sweep him in is capturing Bin Laden a few days before the election. You know the pressure is going to build big time if Bush needs a boost. For history look at our almost election-eve attempt in Iran to free the hostages during President Carter's term.


Unfortunatly, like snow in Chicago, politicians do not always control events that can doom their campaign.


Last thought, I'm not certain a terrorist attack would doom his campaign. I believe we have been slow to switch horses during a time of crisis. I think cw could correct me if this is false. He has a better grasp of this end of history.

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A BIG "NO" from me on McCain. He's anti-First Amendment (as shown by McCain Feingold). He's anti-Second Amendment (as shown by his anti-gun rights stand).

No way.


I don't think Cheney is going anywhere, but the only reason I see to bring in Giuliani is to set him up for '08. I hate to say it, but Hillary scares me in '08 and I think Giuliani is the only early "candidate" that can beat her.

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Pure speculation but I don't think its a coincidence that he is all of a sudden getting more involved and no, I don't think its because they want to talk about what he does to hype him for the next election.


Most speculation is that he already knows he is out and right now I think he's on his little farewell tour in a sense. Nothing against Cheney, but I believe he probably wants him gone.

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