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Stupid Protest


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President George H.W. Bush was speaking on campus last night and as I drove in on my way to class I had a weird 60s flashback. Long hair, peace signs, and picket signs.


The one that caught my eye was Drop Bush Not Bombs


All I could think is:


Hey Idiot! It's his Dad the EX-President Speaking

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The weird thing is, I swear they must have travelled to this thing. The group of protesters were way too white for down here. I noticed a few out of state plates but we get a lot of winter Texans so I couldn't be too certain.


I am told by a well heeled friend of mine who dropped $10,000 into the scholarship fund to hear him speak it was a very interesting and entertaining speech. He went on about old people should step aside and let younger people have their chance. Too bad Reagan didn't take his advice.

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President George H.W. Bush was speaking on campus last night and as I drove in on my way to class I had a weird 60s flashback. Long hair, peace signs, and picket signs.


The one that caught my eye was Drop Bush Not Bombs


All I could think is:


Hey Idiot! It's his Dad the EX-President Speaking

Nobody ever accused leftist anti-war protestors of being all that smart

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Nobody ever accused leftist anti-war protestors of being all that smart

It may be the area. They also protested Clinton after he left office and dropped by for a visit. I sat across the street in a coffee shop with a couple friends (coincidence we were there) and watched the protesters. At one point, as the crowd grew in numbers, my buddy started laughing and almost choked. He noticed that about 75% of the women were wearing blue dresses. They were also the over 60 crowd.


Sitting Presidents do not want to come down here. Being so close to the border dredges up anti-Nafta sentiments, immigration policies, the drug "war", and other issues they would rather not deal with. So we get the ex-President tours.


The University has their OWG (old white guy) speaker series. Bush, Guiliani, and Gen. Schwarzkopf.


Nuke, which is better. Anti-war types questioning every military action or gung ho let's send a few thousand troops over there and a few thousand over there, who cares who dies, let's fight?

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It may be the area. They also protested Clinton after he left office and dropped by for a visit. I sat across the street in a coffee shop with a couple friends (coincidence we were there) and watched the protesters. At one point, as the crowd grew in numbers, my buddy started laughing and almost choked. He noticed that about 75% of the women were wearing blue dresses. They were also the over 60 crowd.


Sitting Presidents do not want to come down here. Being so close to the border dredges up anti-Nafta sentiments, immigration policies, the drug "war", and other issues they would rather not deal with. So we get the ex-President tours.


The University has their OWG (old white guy) speaker series. Bush, Guiliani, and Gen. Schwarzkopf.


Nuke, which is better. Anti-war types questioning every military action or gung ho let's send  a few thousand troops over there and a few thousand over there, who cares who dies, let's fight?



People who are about in line with my way of thinking are those who believe in sending in the military when a vital national interest is at stake.


Anti-war protestors make me sick because they claim they are looking out for the troops welfare by opposing every military action we take. These are the same type of people who were spitting on troops returning from Vietnam and now they changed their tune cause the military is cool now that 9-11 happened.


The people who want to send troops to every country where someone threw a spitball in the 3rd grade class make life tough for us because of the tasking load. They seem to think we're robots that can just stay deployed away from family for ever and ever.

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People who are about in line with my way of thinking are those who believe in sending in the military when a vital national interest is at stake.


Anti-war protestors make me sick because they claim they are looking out for the troops welfare by opposing every military action we take.  These are the same type of people who were spitting on troops returning from Vietnam and now they changed their tune cause the military is cool now that 9-11 happened. 


The people who want to send troops to every country where someone threw a spitball in the 3rd grade class make life tough for us because of the tasking load.  They seem to think we're robots that can just stay deployed away from family for ever and ever.

I guess I'm part way. I have been against about ever military action we have taken in the past 35 years. I also have the greatest deal of respect for those that serve our nation, and endevour to never disrespect that. I know if an enemy was knocking at our door, I will sleep better at night knowing we have the best equiped, best trained, military force in the world. I would not sleep better at night thinking men were being killeed because the President's approval rating slipped 6 points or his buddies corporation has a billion dollar investment in a country and it was being threatened.


I believe as a citizen I have a responsibility to make certain the OWG in power use those forces judiciously. Not for political purposes, not for the enrichment of corporations or any other purpose, than our national security. I believe Americans run our government through our elected officials. Being a good shareholder means being diligent in knowing what the company (government) is doing.


I have a problem with the America Love It Or Leave It crowd who in "supporting our Troops" blindly agree to send them anywhere at anytime to be shot at. Sorry, some very good humanitarian causes are not worth having Americans die for. I can support my Troops better by making certain they are fighting and risking tehir lives for something worthwhile.


One of the things that pisses me off the most about the Vietnam War are the reports from the soldiers who were there; pointing out that the very citizens whose country we were there to save, were the first to high tail it out of rough spots and leave it to the Americans to die for. If we have to go in and help some country we damn well better be back up not the front lines.

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