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Intersting to see Seattle fans take...


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Wait a second, the original rumor that I read was Maggs for Garcia, Soriano, and Winn(although I did think it was one-sides and had to be more too it), but Maggs WITH Koch, Cotts, and Rowand for those 3. No thanks. That trade favors the M's.

Ya i thought this at first too and i thought it would be a solid deal for us but trading koch and cotts w/ maggs would definetly be a bad deal for KW and the Sox.

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Like I said.....Give us Soriano, keep Winn,  keep Garcia, take Magglio and a prospect.

Do you also mean give us Piniero as well?


If so....Maggs plus a prospect for Soriano and Piniero....I like it. Gives us a solid 1-2-3 for sure and puts Garland in the #4 role where I think he is better suited for atleast right now(much like he was last year, but he got screwed in some games as well), solidifies our bullpen, and frees up some money. For the M's, it gives them a big-name bat in the middle of their order.


That probably wouldn't be the exact trade, but it could be if the prospect was Arnie Munoz....or if we added another and it was Felix Diaz. That would definately help solidify their pen, and then maybe they go out and sign John Burkett to be a #5 starter....something like that.


Not sure if the Mariners would do this, but I would do it in a second and would be in favor of it bigtime.

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And he gets screwed every year when the Sox bring in a better player.



2002 - we were unsure on how Rowand was even going to do, so we brought in Lofton, and for the first two months, the move worked brilliantly. The next month was s*** and then Rowand came in, when we were far, far out of it.


2003 - the job was his and he started off hitting .125 for April, was demoted, fixed his swing, and come July was ready. However, we needed a LH bat in the middle of the lineup and the main place to put a LH bat was from the CF spot, and that's what we did, and we added Everett


2004 - the job is his up to this point


Doesn't look like he's getting screwed to me. Looks like he has kind of brought it on himself. All I can do is hope he comes through.

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Doesn't look like he's getting screwed to me.  Looks like he has kind of brought it on himself. All I can do is hope he comes through.

WHat I meant was that every ear it seemed like the job was his and he was ready to take it, then all of a sudden another player showes up. Yes I know it is partially his falt, but it still doesnt feel good to constently get your job taken away from you whether you deserved it or not.

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Do you also mean give us Piniero as well?


Ok Wite Earp, we both gotta lay off the fire water :bang


If you're the Ms...


Why would you give up one of the most electric young RH relivers in the game, one who makes league minumum and is two years away from arbitration? What's the incentive?


Then you got Pineiro, also young and almost as cheap. 4 PLUS pitch repertoire.


For a slightly overrated slugger in his walk year making 14 Mill?


Don't thet already have a RF making serious money?


Diaz + Munoz? I dunno, I'll do it, but are you sure M's would.


Burkett is back with the BoSox, nor do I want any part of him.

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Ok Wite Earp, we both gotta lay off the fire water  :bang


If you're the Ms...


Why would you give up one of the most electric young RH relivers in the game, one who makes league minumum and is two years away from arbitration?  What's the incentive?


Then you got Pineiro, also young and almost as cheap. 4 PLUS pitch repertoire.


For a slightly overrated slugger in his walk year making 14 Mill?


Don't thet already have a RF making serious money?


Diaz + Munoz?  I dunno, I'll do it, but are you sure M's would. 

Where's the embarrassed smiley? :D


I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I was posting that(maybe I wasn't :huh ), but I think a better trade would involve us getting one of Piniero/Soriano and then probably Winn as well, and I'd have to imagine Garcia as well to make the $$$ involved divided better. Maybe we give them Schoney as well to help fill a hole, along with Munoz and/or Diaz.


Salary-wise, it is something like this


Piniero - $2.5 mill/Soriano - $500,000, Garcia - $7 mill, Winn - approx. $3.5 mill = $11-13 mill

Maggs - $14 mill Schoney - $2 mill Prospects - almost nothing = $16 mill


So it would put us below and the Mariners might make it with money to spend. I don't think they would, just saying it makes sense financially. Would fill holes for both teams, but maybe not to the extent the Mariners would want. It would give us 5 very solid starters, and our bullpen would remain unharmed. The only thing that would take a hit is our offense, and I think even that would be fine. While we lose a big power hitter in the middle of the order, we do gain speed, no matter how much, along with the good bat that Winn has. And like I said, with the pitching we would have, we would have little need for a powerhouse offense. We would need only a mediocre offense to get by. Then we trade Konerko to LA for say Mota or Shuey to help shore up the pen, sign Randall Simon, and we are in good shape going into the season.


Burkett is back with the BoSox, nor do I want any part of him.


Burkett resigned with Boston? s***, missed that news flash. Anyways, I don't want any part of him either, but the Mariners might. In a pitcher friendly park, he could put up 10-12 wins.

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