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The season is getting closer


What a difference a year makes. What are you thinking  

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  1. 1. What a difference a year makes. What are you thinking

    • Let's get to opening day!
    • Oh crap, we're running out of time

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Last year I couldn't wait, this year I'm wishing Jerry could f*** another championship season for a Chicago team with a strike, only this time it ain't the good guys. I really wish we had a #2 or #3, a 2nd baseman, center fielder, perhaps a proven lead off man.

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call me crazy but I am more excited to start this season than any other before.

You're crazy. Someone was going to do that so I thought I would.

You may not really be crazy, but, geez our rotation is thin. Thin like see-through.

Schoenweiss is a gamble as a fifth starter, but as the 4th guy with the cast of has beens and who-knows-if-they-ever-will-bes as the the 5th guy?


Crap, it's getting late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This team HAS to get out to a hot start. These guys have shown themselves unable to dig themselves out of an early season hole unless you count 2003. I don't count 2003 because we still lost the division.


I also am excited about this season and the possibility (knock on wood) that this team will play the OPPOSITE of corpseball.

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I'm anxious for some baseball!!

And after a loooooooong offseason of gnashing of teeth and prophecies of doom, if I'm going to bash someone, I at least want some fresh crappy outings to refer to during the bash!!!


I always look forward to baseball season - it's the official beginning of spring, even when the snow and slush, blackened from car exhaust, still clings to the street!

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I always look forward to baseball season - it's the official beginning of spring, even when the snow and slush, blackened from car exhaust, still clings to the street!

I remember a couple years ago listening to a spring training game while it snowed - we had something like 6 inches of snow that day.

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I'm ready for some baseball...Regardless of the White Sox right now. With the Bulls sucking ass and football being over I need baseball more than ever...I'm actually lookin forward to watchin some of these new look teams like the Red Sox, Orioles, Angels, Phillies. As far as the Sox go. We need a lot of things to go right if were gonna win this division. Things that I don't think r impossible either by the way. For one Garland needs to break out. After that I say the most important things r Willie Harris and Aaron Rowand proving they can be Productive everday players. After that we need Billy Koch to revert back to 2002 Billy Koch or atleast 90% of it. After that we need Person, Shoenweis, Rauch or whoever step in and be that quality 4th starter we desperately need. If we get all these things to happen we've got a great shot at the playoffs...

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Im excited, and I hope at this point unless the Sox are blown away with a deal they do not trade Thomas or Maggs.


Konerko I could still live with being moved for a good sp, but its getting to the point where I think a trade will only hurt where this team is going.


I also am excited about seeing Harris play, and Rowand being given the CF spot the entire year. I think that Crede will finally hit his stride and become a permanent .285+ 20 hr, 80rbi 3b with a good glove.


I cant wait to see what Lee, Thomas, Maggs, Konerko can put together numerically now that Lee has improved his game, and Konerko is bound to do better than last year.


As for pitching, I think Beurhle breaks out as a clear number 1 starter, and becomes the best pitcher in the AL Central hands down. I think I will be pleasantly suprised with Loaiza coming back for another stellar year, and Jon Garland improving and finally breaking the .500 mark.


I am excited to see Schoenweiss in the SP role, as last season I thought he did better with no runners on:




None On: 139 1 31 6 0 2 2 5 2390 0 .223.260 .309 .570

Runners On: 111 34 32 4 01 34 142 17 2 1 .288 .369 .351 .721


For some reason, Maneul always brought Schoe in with some one on base and it seemed to rattle him. When he started the inning with no one on, he always seemed to do much better. I think this will really impact him as a SP, because he has a good powerful fastball and some what funky motion as a Left hander. I think if he can keep his walks down he will be fine, and with none on he only gave up 5 walks in 139 abs, compared to 14 in 111 with runners on base.


I am excited with the bullpen if Koch can come back at all, because i think Zero, Wunsch and Marte will give us good depth and good lh and rh matchups.


And lastly, Im excited to see who will win the 5th spot and what our team will look like come opening day.


Hope "spring"s eternal.


We may not have the team on paper, but you never know, and that is why spring training is so exciting.



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God i cant wait for baseball season to start beacuse all i have heard about is how good the damn cubs are going to be. I think if Aaron Rowand and Willie Harris can play well and another pitcher emerges as a 10-15 game winner then i think we will be able to at least contend. The only bad part is that the good guys never seem to get out to a fast start. They are always slow out of the gate and before you know it the Twins have captured another central title. I hope Ozzie re-energizes this team and makes them a contender. :fthecubs

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Problem is that Guillen made a bad impression at his inaugural press conference and has only reinforced it in the time since. We could have a re-occurrence of what happened in 1987 and 1996 where you had talented teams in a winnable division but with incompetent managers like Jim Fregosi and Terry Bevington messing things up.

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I don't think that its really a big deal everyone is underestimating the Sox. It seems everytime people pick them as the favorites that can't handle the pressure anyway. So maybe with no pressure they will play harder. I think it really lies in if these guys can get that "Chemistry" or not. There is a ton of talent on this team...as much if not more than anyone else in the AL Central. IMO

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I love spring training. The start of baseball always brings a smile to me. To start watching the games in sunny Arizona while its still snowing here. To see a new season start, new hope, new attitudes. Just think 10 more days til pitchers and catchers report. I'm starting to get excited.....

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Problem is that Guillen made a bad impression at his inaugural press conference and has only reinforced it in the time since.  We could have a re-occurrence of what happened in 1987 and 1996 where you had talented teams in a winnable division but with incompetent managers like Jim Fregosi and Terry Bevington messing things up.

Yeah. That sucks that he expects hustle out of his players. The nerve of the guy. :angry:

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