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Queen Prawn

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When any of you dream, have you become aware during the dream that you are dreaming? If so what do you do in the dream - do you have fun/go to extremes in the dream or do you try to wake yourself up?


A couple nights ago I had a dream where all of a sudden I became very aware that I was dream and had a terrible feeling of impending danger and couldn't figure out how to wake myself up. I started breaking coffee mugs and then all of a sudden I thought, maybe if I go to sleep in the dream, I will wake up. I looked around for someplace to fall asleep and since I couldn't find such an area, I closed my eyes and then finally woke up. :unsure:


I've had many dreams where I was aware I was dreaming, but never felt like I was in danger or went into a panic because I couldn't wake myself up. :ph34r:

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I am aware in my dreams on a pretty regualr basis. I remember them to the smallest detail, and sometimes if I wake up, I can fall back asleep and resume where I left off. I can also initiate and alter them. If I talked about something during the day, I can actually think it before bed, and dream about it.

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Lucid dreaming is pretty cool. There are ways to train yourself to have more lucid dreams.


What you do is during the day, periodically check yourself to see if you are dreaming. If you do this on a regular enough basis, your mind will get accustomed to this habit. Then when you dream, there's a good chance you will become aware and be able to fly around and stuff. It's weird cuz sometimes you can feel your body lying on the bed but you can't move it or anything. Wild.

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It's weird cuz sometimes you can feel your body lying on the bed but you can't move it or anything.  Wild.

I used to experience this quite often, but I haven't experienced that in at least 6 to 12 months.


Discovery channel did a great special on what causes this and some of the other experiences that come along with it.


What can I say, Discover channel is the channel for me.


I've just never had a dream where I was so afraid after becoming aware I was dreaming. Usually once I become aware, I have fun with it.

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Lucid dreaming is pretty cool.  There are ways to train yourself to have more lucid dreams.


What you do is during the day, periodically check yourself to see if you are dreaming.  If you do this on a regular enough basis, your mind will get accustomed to this habit.  Then when you dream, there's a good chance you will become aware and be able to fly around and stuff.  It's weird cuz sometimes you can feel your body lying on the bed but you can't move it or anything.  Wild.

Around October i read a couple of books on lucid dreaming. I put what they taught into practice and actully was able to control the occasional dream. The lucid dreams were less satisfying than a regular dream thuogh. It was as if the magic was gone.

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When any of you dream, have you become aware during the dream that you are dreaming?


They say it's a sign of high intellectual capacity.


So, no.


And I am glad, too cuz as scary, tragic, erotic, insane and/or fantastic as are my dreams often are, I am totally IN the moment and usually have this huge WTF? as I wake up....sometimes glad (as in when people I love die and I could have saved them, etc), sometimes mad-- you get my meaning, lol


Inducing and controlling dreams? No way. I don't walk on water either.

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I'm a lucid dreamer too. I enjoy it--and it comes in handy because I have nightmares a lot. I frequently have dreams where I think to myself, man this is boring what if I...So, it's kind of fun.


One time when my lucid dreaming was not so fun was I had a dream where my roommate was trying to kill me (scary--we have our beds bunked) and I was thinking this is a dream wake yourself up! So, I was like, okay, wake up wake up--tell her to stop, tell her to stop. So, I woke myself up screaming this horrible blood curdling scream--but it wasn't just a scream it was her name. So I screamed Kate in just terror. She woke up and the girls that share a bathroom with us came running in too. But I wasn't too upset because the whole time I had known it was a dream--so it makes even having nightmares not that bad--so I'm glad to be a lucid dreamer. :)

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I went through a period of time where I was able to realize I was dreaming. More often than not, i didnt do anything. i was just ablt to wake myslef up if the dream went where I didnt want to go. BUT, one time i remeber that i was dreaming that there was a woman laying in my bed. She wasnt the girl I wanted, so I blinked and thought of someone else (i dont remember who). WHen i opened my eyes in the dream, she changed. It was nice :D

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Oh it made sense alright!


You just need some help with interpreting it.

Sure it did ;)

One dream I had, was i was playing this sport where you had to throw a bouncy ball into a car through the open window. I won the championship, I remember the celebration :lol:

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I am pretty much a lucid dreamer every night.

Back whne I was in fifth grade, I had a night terror. Night Terrors are worse than nightmares. They are so scary that sometimes you cannot remember them, but you wake up screaming or sweating.

Anyway, this effected me so much I read everything I could get my hands on on the subject of dreams. Soon I begandoing all of these exercises to promote lucid dreaming until it became second nature when I slept.

I still will have nightmares, but I can deal with them now.

Some fun dream tips I can give you:

To prove to yourself you are in a dream, look at a clock, then look away and look back. The time will change.

Try to read the newspaper...you can't get past one sentence.

This has to do with the fact you dream with the side of your brain that does not handle these simple functions.


To wake yourself up...Try closing your eyes and dive to the ground. Since your eyes are closed, you have eliminated your surroundings. You will feel like you are falling forever. It's a great sensation. At this time you can concentrate on another subject and change your dream or shake your body and you'll wake up.


A lot of these things take practice...enjoy!

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I had a night terror. Night Terrors are worse than nightmares. They are so scary that sometimes you cannot remember them, but you wake up screaming or sweating.

Homer had night terrors in the episode where he got tasseled to Bart. He kept screaming "Cobras!! Cobras!!!!" That was a one of the few good new ones.

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