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Jimmy Kimmel Live

Mr. Showtime

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I thought it was good for the first night.

I like the idea of rotating guest hosts - I wonder how long it will take for Adam Corolla to get his week guest-hosting ( over/under is 3 weeks ).

I think Jimmy is very funny, and I think he can crossover to the "mainstream" audience without pussifying too much.

Also, one of my favorite writers, Bill Simmons ( the Sports Guy from espn.com ) is on his writing team.

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I thought it was good for the first night.

I like the idea of rotating guest hosts - I wonder how long it will take for Adam Corolla to get his week guest-hosting ( over/under is 3 weeks ).

I think Jimmy is very funny, and I think he can crossover to the "mainstream" audience without pussifying too much.

Also, one of my favorite writers, Bill Simmons ( the Sports Guy from espn.com ) is on his writing team.

I thought it was pretty damn funny, I've always liked Jimmy, from his damn radio days, and I don't mind the "uh" part. Also I heard him on Howard Stern, he said Adam will co-host in the third week I beleive, so you're right.

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I read in Maxim or USA Today or something that Kimmell would of liked Corolla as part of the show, but Adam is really lazy and is happy just being how he is.


He didn't even want to do the man show, but Jimmy was able to convince him to do it.


Jimmy signed like a 7 yr deal for 1.75 mill this first year.

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I liked it...and for some reason, I especially thought the Arnold Schwartzenegger(sp) part was hilarious....maybe because it was just so dumb. I'm not a dumb guy, but I laugh at dumb things....like geese crossing the street....and things like that. And the part where Clooney and Kimmel were talking about what can and can't be sensored....didn't know you couldn't say God's name in vain on air....but now that I think about it, it makes sense....which is a reason why you can't say goddamn-it.


The thing I didn't like was when Warren Sapp was on there...because about every 30 seconds, he'd say something and he and Snoop would shake hands or give each other a five or whatever.

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I like the guest host thing as well. Snoop is funny as hell. I'm sure after awhile it'll get lame, but for now its' great.

Mike Douglas was doing guest hosts back in the 60s and early 70s. All ideas get recylced again and again - but since no one ahs done it for a while, could be cool.


I missed the actual show but I saw his goodbye to cable during the pregame and I thought that was funny. He is somewhat of an acquired taste. Some of his stuff on Fox (I hope it was Fox now that I have typed that) was great and some sucked. But good luck to him!


When is this show going to air normally?

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I'm gonna jump on a limb and guess 11:00 your time on your ABC affilliate?

what time zone? Are you talking 12 Eastern?


11 Eastern is non-network (local news) -


I'll never see it then. I watch Letterman.

It is 10 MST and therefore I figured 11:00 CST central which I assumed chicago was in that is midnight on the East so you may not see it if that time slot don't work for you. My ABC affiliates are out of Seattle and Detroit though so who knows. It is reshown here at 1:00am MST so maybe if you are insomniac you can watch it at 2:00 CST. Confused yet? :huh: I sure am :(

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:) I was on Letterman last week sometime.  It was the one with the guy from American Idol.  Well, I was in the audience.


I'm never going to be able to see any of them, cause I like my sleep

So what was the Letterman experience like? I have always wanted to go -

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IT was pretty cool. I wasn't planning on going, but I was walking down the street in times square and some lady come up to us and said the show starts in like an hour, and they had a cancellation and asked if we wanted to go.


They made us answer a trivia question of who some guy on the show was...I didn't know, but my friend that watches the late night stuff new.


The one thing I realized is what puppets the audience is. I think it would be better if people laughed at what they actually thought was funny.


It was cool how they do it straight through without any outtakes. The band was really good too. I was ticked though, found out Zwan played the next night, and I would of loved to see them on Letterman.


Pretty fun though.

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Back to the Kimmel show...don't be surprised if he ends up with a bullet in his ass sooner or later if he keeps bringing up marijuana and if Snoop is taking it....I could tell Snoop was pissed as hell after Kimmel put the piss sample cup on his desk. That is essentially 3 times he has brought up Snoop and him smoking marijuana....weed ain't good, but you don't need to bring it up like it's your job, like Kimmel was doing. I don't know if Snoop will be able to make it through the next 4 days.


Atleast he took the test...unlike one SamME.

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Back to the Kimmel show...don't be surprised if he ends up with a bullet in his ass sooner or later if he keeps bringing up marijuana and if Snoop is taking it....I could tell Snoop was pissed as hell after Kimmel put the piss sample cup on his desk.  That is essentially 3 times he has brought up Snoop and him smoking marijuana....weed ain't good, but you don't need to bring it up like it's your job, like Kimmel was doing.  I don't know if Snoop will be able to make it through the next 4 days.


Atleast he took the test...unlike one SamME.

I thought that was pretty damn funny. :headbang

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