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Parent body-slams Ref


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Ahhhh, yet another shining example for the youth of America.

I'm really starting to think that parents should be placed behind a huge plexiglass wall during their children's sporting events.

Except for the 3 years that my Dad coached me, my parents never even attended my games, and I was glad about it. My Dad practiced with me on non-team practice days, but left me alone to play the games. I get sick to my stomach when I hear these know-it-all parents shouting instructions to their 7-year-olds during an at-bat.

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couple weeks ago at a high school girls basketball game here ,the opponents made a 3point goal at the buzzer to send the game into ot


the father of our team's star player threw a water bottle at the ref who allowed the shot to count--missing him bu a couple feet and exploding on the court


he apologized to everyone and their goat--but the school board banished him from the next 6 games


during the last game this guy's daughter was held to 8 points and the local paper reported that she had been bottled up :nono

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As a former youth official i am surprised that this doesn't happen more often. Parents need to take a chill pill and leave the refs alone. You old people are not always right. :headshake  :banghead  :stick  :david  :fight  :chair

I volunteer at our YMCA as a youth sports ref most of the year. we just had our first week of play, and in the preschool division we already had a coach arguing calls. Way to teach the kids good sportsmanship asshole :headshake :bang

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couple weeks ago at a high school girls basketball game here ,the opponents made a 3point goal at the buzzer to send the game into ot


the father of our team's star player threw a water bottle at the ref who allowed the shot to count--missing him bu a couple feet and exploding on the court


he apologized to everyone and their goat--but the school board banished him from the next 6 games


during the last game this guy's daughter was held to 8 points and the local paper reported that she had been bottled up :nono

There's a girls basketball now too?

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I was at the between season coaches meeting for a parochial middle school league. THe girls b-ball coaches were complaining about the poor officiating. I looked at them and told them for $11.50 per game, that was as good as they would get and if they really wanted it fair, have the girls call their own fouls.

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I ref kids wrestling all the time. Me and some of the other kids on my team went and reffed last weekend. I would love for someone to try to f*** with one of us.

I'm pretty critical of wrestling refs on the mat but if you do it properly you can get things staightened out in wrestling calls most of the time.

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I'm pretty critical of wrestling refs on the mat but if you do it properly you can get things staightened out in wrestling calls most of the time.

The refs at my level are great, and I feel I do a very good job reffing. I worked a table at one of the Boarder Wars tournaments (a tournament run by MSU coaches and we work them), and we had this one ref who probably had never really wrestled before. He said it was his first tourny, and asked me and our 125 pounder (the kid I was working the table with) a bunch of stuff; about slamming, back points, illegal chicken wings. During the tournament, one match on our mat got f***ed up. We had the score right at the table from what he was rewarding and said was right, me and the 125 pounder had the same exact thing, there was just about a fight between the two coaches and it got pretty bad. The same kid f***ed the same type of thing up on the other mat he was working, and there was some pushing and so on between coaches. BTW, the kids were about twelve years old.

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During one of my fall league games a few years ago, a coach from the other team was screaming and yelling all game long. It was getting ugly, with a lot of profanities and such. Then, at the end of the game, after we shoke hands, the coach went up to the umpire and spit on him. Then they started to get in a fist fight. All the dads had to break up the fight. It was abdominable.:headshake That is just one of my many encounters with assholes on the diamond.

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ive coached youth sports for awhile now..football , basebal and soccer...on any given weekend there are millions of parents on sidlelines of there kids games being supportive..volunteering their time and money because this is something that important to their kids...but the one guy loses his temper and all of a sudden we have an epidemic of unruly parents...


this is one isolated incident..if you look at the situation its between two small towns in PA that are rivals...in small towns across america there are these kinds of rivalries everywhere..these are guy that grow up playing against each other and hating each other their whole lives...it wouldnt surprise me to find out if these two guys had some kind of history to could date back as far as one of these guys little league careers...thats how it is in small towns...those rivalries are a major part of the towns' identies...been that way since sports were first invented..


like ive said ive coached for years..ive had some problems along the way ..you coach long enough and you'll always run into a jerk or two..but for the most part ive believe that parents who get their kids involved in sports and take maore than a passing interest are parents who are guiding and helping their kids reach and achieve dreams that many of us never had a shot at..you cant fault a parent for that...


also..as a coach ive have been involved in 2 games , one baseball and one football , where there was absolutely no doubt we were getting cheated by the refs...we also had a football game where we were at home and i felt we were on the receiving end of hometown calls...in most sports programs that are not in-house the home team is responsible for hiring the officials...so many officials feel if they make close calls against the home team they might not get called back...and this is a good chunk of change we are talking about...in our football league we pay 37 bucks a game for officials (we use ISHA officials) there can be up to 8 games on any given staturday...8 times 37 = enough money to make sure you dont piss off the hand that feeds you...leads to a bunch of home town officiating which in turn leads tp parents losing it...no parent wants to see their kid purposley cheated...its almost an instinctual reation from oparents when this happens..


there is alot more going on here than just a parent losing it and attacking someone...not that i would ever condone any type of physical alltercations but if you see some of the stuff that goes on during youth sports you would understand how things could get out of control..but despite all that again the vast majority of parents conduct themselves properly..

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