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What's everyone doing for Valentine's Day?

Queen Prawn

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Anyone doing anything romantic/fun for V day? :wub:


Since Brian is working this weekend (Sunday makes 14 days in a row), I don't know what I will be up to other than bringing him some dinner later in the evening.


We were supposed to get carry-out and rent a few DVDs but since Phil (Brian's boss) kaboshed that, maybe I will still do that, but share my meal with my hamsters instead of Brian :lol: :ph34r: .


Also, what are you getting your significant other? I am getting Brian PS2 NHL 2004, a green pen and a Die Cast of a Mercury Turnpike Cruiser. We plan on playing each other in the NHL game. I can beat him in PS2's NASCAR game, but I am not that great with the hockey (looks like I'll have plenty of time to practice though :D ).

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I always spend Valentine's Day with my single friends--it's just a tradition. So, this year we're all getting together having pizza, wine and watching 8 Mile.


But Friday night the Boy and I are probably going to have dinner and just enjoy each other's company (we're both broke so nothing big), drink some wine, and then we're going out to Lunch on Valentine's Day. So, it should be nice and lowkey. No gifts except he brought me back my favorite beer from when he was in Scotland last month. :wub: Nothing says love like a pint of Tennents. Sigh....

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I always spend Valentine's Day with my single friends--it's just a tradition. So, this year we're all getting together having pizza, wine and watching 8 Mile.


But Friday night the Boy and I are probably going to have dinner and just enjoy each other's company (we're both broke so nothing big), drink some wine, and then we're going out to Lunch on Valentine's Day. So, it should be nice and lowkey. No gifts except he brought me back my favorite beer from when he was in Scotland last month.  :wub: Nothing says love like a pint of Tennents. Sigh....

Nothing against Tennent's per se, Soxy, but Scotland has much better to offer.


I think it's a near-abomination of the Natural Order for lagers to be brewed in the UK - British Real Ale has a hard enough time surviving in the pubs with all the imported lagers.


Scottish ales tend to be a little darker, sweeter, and often more alcoholic than the pub bitters from England. Scotland is just a little too far north to be good for hop growing, so most of the hops have traditionally been purchased from the hop growers in Kent. To keep production costs down, the beers are generally underhopped, leading to the sweet malt-accented flavor. The higher alcohol of the "80 shilling" offerings all the way up to Scotch ales (usually called "wee heavies" - I love that name!) is understandable given the percieved warming effect of alcohol and the climate of the country.


Truly, I'm not knocking your liking of Tennent's, it's quite well made. I'm just encouraging you to be a little more adventurous if you ever have anyone willing to bring you back beer from Scotland. I'll give you my list if you need one! :D


Oh, and don't even gt me thinking about the pure rapture that is the single malt Scotches from Islay and some of the coastal distillers... YUMMMM!

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I was expecting it Jim...But you forgot the prime draw of Tennents for a poor College kid studying abroad: it's cheap. :D I did, of course, sample many fine, fine, fine brews from all over Scotland, from the Outer Hebrides to fine Aberdeen to the borders to the lighthouses up north. But Tennents was always just right for my struggling pocketbook. So, that's mostly why I drank a fair amount of the Tennents...But anyway, to decent cheap beer, good beer, and to nice boyfriends who'll cart stuff half way across the world for you :drink !

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My girlfriend HATES Valentine's Day(as well as Sweetest Day).  Thinks it's a contrived commercialistic piece of crap.  No complaints from me there!

I've got a simillar situation... Except I don't believe it... She "SAYS" she hates Valentines Day, but I think she secretly loves the thought of flowers and candy and :wub: ... So either way I'm screwed... Oh well.



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I've got a simillar situation... Except I don't believe it... She "SAYS" she hates Valentines Day, but I think she secretly loves the thought of flowers and candy and  :wub: ... So either way I'm screwed... Oh well.



So why does that have to be done on THAT day? That's why I hate it.


If you want to get your girl/wife some flowers, why is it a flippin' mandate that on February 14 (when they triple the price of chocolate and quadruple the price of flowers) every damn chick in the country should get some flowers and chocolate?


For Cripes sake do it cause you want to, not because the damn calendar says Feb. 14!!!


*getting off my soapbox now*


I got it good cause my wife's birthday is Feb. 18, so we just celebrate it all somewhere in the middle and I get off easy (well, easier) that way.

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I've got a simillar situation... Except I don't believe it... She "SAYS" she hates Valentines Day, but I think she secretly loves the thought of flowers and candy and  :wub: ... So either way I'm screwed... Oh well.



I specifically tell him not to on/for Valentine's day. That stuff is over-priced because of the day.

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Valentine's Day, in a move typical of the Catholic Church, was created by the church during the Roman times. It was created to divert efforts away from celebrating the Roman Feast of Lupercus, which was celebrated essentially with orgy-ing. The church, apparently as uptight about sex then as it is now, drummed up the milder, more christian, St. Valentine's Day.

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