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Bush lied???

Gene Honda Civic

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Clinton lied and a blue dress got soiled.  Bush lied and soldiers died.

No silly, it's all about obstruction of justice, grand perjery and Presidential Office-humiliation....while the entire world looked on in disgust.


Plus, Bubba is clearly responsible for the nation-wide junior-high blow-job epidemic.


Moral fabric will never be the same again, you hear!

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what about that statement is bulls***?


/looking for something to do

it's basically saying soldiers are dieing in Iraq because George Bush lied to us all. It's bulls***. I really dont wanna get into it right now cuz i have class in a few minutes. But it wasnt just Bush. Congress and many others had access to the intelligence reports and Bush lots of people, including Kerry voted to go to war in Iraq. It's what the statement he said implied that i dont like. It's not true, it's just what people like to say so they have someone to blame cuz they dont like Bush and are bitter he's in office or because they were against the war. The fact that no WMDs have been found yet doesnt necessarily mean there arent any. In my opinion, they're in Libya and Syria. But i have class now so i'm not gonna get into it any further until i get back if someone chooses to respond to this

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it's basically saying soldiers are dieing in Iraq because George Bush lied to us all. It's bulls***. I really dont wanna get into it right now cuz i have class in a few minutes. But it wasnt just Bush. Congress and many others had access to the intelligence reports and Bush lots of people, including Kerry voted to go to war in Iraq. It's what the statement he said implied that i dont like. It's not true, it's just what people like to say so they have someone to blame cuz they dont like Bush and are bitter he's in office or because they were against the war. The fact that no WMDs have been found yet doesnt necessarily mean there arent any. In my opinion, they're in Libya and Syria. But i have class now so i'm not gonna get into it any further until i get back if someone chooses to respond to this

Firstly let me say that Clinton having an affair or three didn't surprise me. I'm more surprised that Bush hasn't. I mean, Laura Bush's sex appeal is as non-existant as the WMD in Iraq.


Bush lied about uranium in Africa that Iraq was trying to get its hands on. Bush lied about the unmanned drones that he said could spray chemical and biological agent (turns out they can't). Bush lied about nuclear capabilities of Iraq citing a UN report that doesn't exist. Bush and Powell lied saying that there were mobile labs (turns out they were used to study weather balloons). The entire UN speech was plagiarized (even the misspellings) from 1991 grad school work done by a student. The administration lied saying that Saddam had connections to 9/11 and Osama bin Laden. The administration lied when Rumsfeld said "We know where the WMD are." in Iraq yet we didn't find them. The US even removed their WMD search crew. There was another country that used pre-emptive war and it was found to be a crime against peace, the worst crime to be committed because it entailed both war crimes and crimes against humanity. That was the Nuremburg tribunal of 1946 that rejected the Nazi doctrine of pre-emption. Let's take Spokesman John Hughes' statement from the 1980s during the Iran/Iraq war (a White House spokesperson) saying:

[the United States] "finds the present Iranian regime's intransigent refusal to deviate from its avowed objective of eliminating the legitimate government of neighboring Iraq to be inconsisent with the accepted norms of behavior among nations.

In other words, back when Saddam actually started gassing his people, his government was considered "legitimate" and Iran's attempt to achieve what the current Bush administration has called "regime change" was "inconsistent with the accepted norms of behavior." Don't you just hate it when history bites you in the ass?


Also, wouldn't it stand to reason that IF Saddam had stockpiles of weapons, wouldn't a full scale invasion of his country that could very well topple his rule be a more than adequate reason to use such weapons? If he had them why didn't he use them? And I love how the Reich wingers (my pet term for ultra-righties like Hannity ad nauseum) bring up the fact that Saddam gassed his own people in the 80s. Yes, he did that with the weapons we gave him.


I just have to ask the Republicans here...if Clinton pulled this "intelligence failure" and Gore had ties to a company that was raking in millions of dollars would you be "it was the fault of the CIA and the President isn't at fault."...just wondering.


And speaking of the "We need more time to look for the weapons." Wasn't that what Blix and the UN said too? But yeah, we had to rush in there and kill approx. 10,000-37,000+ Iraqi civilians over 500+ American soldiers. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sacrifice that the military is willing to give, I just value that sacrifice so much that it pisses me off to no end that Bush lied so damn much and sacrificed so much life for no real tangible reason. I mean, it went from "weapons of mass destruction" to "weapons of mass destruction programs" to "weapons of mass destruction related programs" to "weapons of mass destruction related program activities". Now, I'm of the frame of mind where the more adjectives there are the more the person has no idea what the f*** they are talking about. If I want cheese, I get real cheese not some processed fake crap. If I want frosting, I make it from scratch not some store bought processed garbage. And when I'm scared of WMD, I don't wet my pants over "weapons of mass destruction program related activities." What the f*** are those anyway? Even the testimony of Hussein Kamal, the testimony used by many neo-con hawks to justify the war states that Iraq destroyed their programs by 1995 and he should know since he was the head of the programs.

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I mean, Laura Bush's sex appeal is as non-existant as the WMD in Iraq.


I am always taken aback by people raggin' on Hilary and Laura's looks or sex appeal.


I think for someone in their 50's, they look average. Hardly Pam Grier, Felicia Rashaad, angie Dickinson, Jackie Onassis or Ann Bancroft-ish.......but certainly not John-Goodman-in-chalat bad.



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I am always taken aback by people raggin' on Hilary and Laura's looks or sex appeal.


I think for someone in their 50's, they look average. Hardly Pam Grier, Felicia Rashaad, angie Dickinson, Jackie Onassis or Ann Bancroft-ish.......but certainly not John-Goodman-in-chalat bad.



I'm talking she's not hot cuz of that whole vehicular manslaughter and getting a walk thing.

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Bush lied and over 500 and counting Americans died,


the numbers of Iraqis who died as a result of American action ahs been estmated from 10,000 to 100,000


al qeda is now - wasn't before but thanks to Bush is now commiting terrorism in Iraq - what I fearded most, Bush's intemperate actions wuld increase al qeda's power snd spread -


Bish lied, he lied, he lied.

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I am always taken aback by people raggin' on Hilary and Laura's looks or sex appeal.


I think for someone in their 50's, they look average. Hardly Pam Grier, Felicia Rashaad, angie Dickinson, Jackie Onassis or Ann Bancroft-ish.......but certainly not John-Goodman-in-chalat bad.



I have seen some hot chicks on CNN. They were way too smart for me, but they are still hot.

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I have seen some hot chicks on CNN. They were way too smart for me, but they are still hot.

The point I was making is that there is nothing particularly wrong with Hilary or Laura. They're like your mother's older sisters. Unspecracular but FAAAR cry from Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Dumont or Ann-Margaret.


I have nothing against young pretties (asamaterafact dating one right now), but there is a certain smart kind of super-sexiness about women in their early-mid-40's. Fine wine analogy doesn't begin to do it justice.


I dunno, maybe I have a Mommy complex. :headbang

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The point I was making is that there is nothing particularly wrong with Hilary or Laura.  They're like your mother's older sisters.  Unspecracular but FAAAR cry from Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Dumont or Ann-Margaret. 


I have nothing against young pretties (asamaterafact dating one right now), but there is a certain smart kind of super-sexiness about women in their early-mid-40's. Fine wine analogy doesn't begin to do it justice.


I dunno, maybe I have a Mommy complex. :headbang

Well, I was just talking about the hot 20's-30's chicks on CNN, or atleast they look like they are around that ages. :lol:

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if you belive everything you hear from your sources, you might be the dumbest person of all.

That should not be leveled at Apu (we're not big fans of personal attacks 'round here). It SHOULD be mailed to every American citizen who still manages to somehow support Bush and Co.

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Looks like he mite hav gone AWOL durin da Vietnam War too,


Bush arms himself with service record

By Roy Eccleston, Washington

February 12, 2004


FACING an election battle against a war hero, US President George W. Bush has distributed pay records from his time in the Texas Air National Guard to try to kill off claims he was absent without leave during the Vietnam War.


But the records, which the White House says were unearthed only this week, have not cleared up allegations by Democrats that Mr Bush - a fighter pilot - failed to show up for duty for long periods.


The documents say Mr Bush received pay for service during the 1972-74 period, accumulating enough points from duties to be entitled to an honorable discharge when he left the military. But they also show the then lieutenant Bush received no pay at all for about six months of 1972, during which he had transferred to Alabama to work on a Senate political campaign.


The issue was raised in the 2000 election, but has blown up again because Massachusetts senator John Kerry - who looks certain to be the Democratic presidential candidate - volunteered to go to Vietnam and won several medals for bravery. Senator Kerry declined to comment yesterday, after previously likening Mr Bush's service in the National Guard to others who refused to serve in Vietnam.


The Air National Guard's website admits it acquired a reputation "as draft havens for relatively affluent young white men".


But White House spokesman Scott McClellan rejected the criticisms. "These records I'm holding here clearly document the President fulfilling his duties in the National Guard," he said.


"The President was proud of his service. The President recalls serving both when he was in Texas and when he was in Alabama."


But he said the White House had been unable to find anyone who could remember serving with a man who later became the US President.


"I mean, obviously, we would have made people available," he said.


In contrast, Senator Kerry has campaigned with his comrades-in-arms, including a Green Beret whose life he saved.


Mr McClellan said the new information came from the US military's personnel centres in St Louis and Colorado state, which had begun to pull the information together after Mr Bush said at the weekend that he would agree to his pay records being made public.


The documents showed that accusations Mr Bush was a "deserter" or "AWOL" were "outrageous and baseless", Mr McClellan said.

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