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The Simpsons Movie


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You know why Fox has finally agreed to make this movie? Because the Simpsons have sucked wang the last several seasons, and its time to milk this cash cow for all its worth. Its a perfect market ploy: Fox needs some buzz to carry this series and they got it. I mean, how many times can you watch Homer act like an idiot and Lisa become a whining b****?


All I can hope for is that this movie is not a f***ing clip show. If I have to see Homer skateboard over the springfield gorge ONE MORE TIME.........:bang

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You know why Fox has finally agreed to make this movie........because the Simpsons have sucked wang the last several seasons. Now that the show is going down the s***ter, Fox needs some buzz to carry on through to 2006.  I mean, how many times can you watch Homer act like an idiot and Lisa become a whining b****?

everyday!!! i would watch all the new episodes, if i was home on sunday nights.

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Its nowhere near as good...I think the only reason I watch it anymore is for the name, although I do ocassionally chuckle. Thank goodness Monday through Friday you got the syndicated episodes which are hillarious.


But Family Guy has replaced it as my favorite tv show and King of the Hill (new episodes) are pretty damn hillarious.

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