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Hey Nuke, speaking of whitewashes...what about the 9/11 commission?


The administration has stated that they will not speak to the commission under oath, have stonewalled with providing documents, and has said that testimony they give must not be made public.


Or how about the whitewash of not allowing media to take photos of the American victims in the war on terror coming home for their final resting place? Rove knows that these images were the ones that turned the tide against the War in Vietnam and therefore does not want to show them.


And there has been an exaggeration "responses to a general terror threat", "color coded alert systems", buy duct tape and plastic sheeting with stores selling out of the stuff. Nuke, the Bush administration gives vague warnings damn near every goddamn day to keep us scared so we follow whatever bulls*** he spews whether it be billions for Mars or a moon base or just keeping his own ass in power.


I never knew right wing, silver spoon having murderers and thieves had apologists.

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