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Kurkjan on the Dodgers


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Even when he has a "bad season", he hits bombs and drives in runs.


Since he got "all right" in June (his bat look a little slow in April in particular), he was a 1000 OPS player for the remaining of the year.


But his symbolic value to this franchise must also be considered. 3-4 more good Frank seasons and he will be a first ballot HOF'er.


Sox must win 2004 and nothing short of Perez having a excellent seasons is going to get it done. Can we count on it? I am high on him, but even I am sceptical.


Why would people want him and his 6 Mill out of town this badly? Perez is not going to get it done, and he is simply not worth Miller AND Jackson, especially not in a pitcher's park in the NL where he'd have to play 1B, so Dodgers would laugh at this offer.


It looks like this trade is not in the interests of either team. Forget it.

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Yeah, I think many of the media view Thomas as a clubhouse cancer.

Like who? Mariotti, he's a hypocrite. He'll b**** and whine about Frank, but if the Sox's would really trade him, he'd b**** and whine about that.


Infact most of the media are hypocrites and no matter what they say now, if Frank really was traded they'd make it out into another "white flag" trade.

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I dunno....2 years ago, I take a chance on Jeff Weaver....now, I'm just tired of hearing his name in the same sentence as the White Sox. I'd rather have a guy like Paulie who had one bad year, but is a true White Sox type player, than a complete headcase like Weaver.



Edited to say, welcome black jack!!! :cheers

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what if the trade got a bit bigger?

frank for OD and a prospect AND they take paulie off our hands and we take weaver off of theirs?

the kid could bounce back in a big way.

Welcome BJ........


Just say no to Weaver. He can't bounce back because he was never better than decent in the first place. He had one year that might qualify as solid, but the bottom line is you don't want a guy whose ceiling is your #4 starter making $8 million.

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Perez for Thomas is highway robbery - for the Dodgers. That would be the stupidest trade in Sox history. Unless Jackson is involved, forget about it.


Plus, I thought I read that some "Billy Beane" clone was close to taking over as GM for the Dodgers. If that's the case, then I could see Perez for Thomas straight up, since Beane has a history of making Kenny look silly, and his clones might do the same.


However, if Kenny is going to try to trade Thomas just because he didn't return phone calls, then KW's a dolt and a moron of gigantic proportions. All respect I've gained for him over the last 2 years will be flushed down the s***ter. For once, I hope Reinsdorf sticks his ugly face into the situation, and then nixes the deal.

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Oh come on, you people make KW sound like a complete dumbass. Granted he's made some bad moves, but he's not about to trade one of the greatest players in Sox history for s***, the media and fans would have his head and he knows it.

Kenny does not like Frank. Kenny does not want Frank here. Kenny would trade Frank for a bag of peanuts. He already tried. It has NOTHING to do with Kenny's IQ. It's penis envy.

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Kenny does not like Frank. Kenny does not want Frank here. Kenny would trade Frank for a bag of peanuts. He already tried. It has NOTHING to do with Kenny's IQ. It's penis envy.

See this is what i'm talking about, only a very stupid GM would let his personal feelings make his decisions for him. I believe Kenny is a little smarter than that and would put team success over his personal goals.

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See this is what i'm talking about, only a very stupid GM would let his personal feelings make his decisions for him. I believe Kenny is a little smarter than that and would put team success over his personal goals.

Well then Kenny is stupid.

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Well then Kenny is stupid.

Yes, it is possible that KW is "stupid" based on some previous trades, but remember Steff he said he would make no trade unless it improved the Sox. One can only hope that he has matured as a GM and will not do something like the Big Hurt even up for Perez. I even extend that to Konerko even up for Perez because Paulie at least has a better history of production leaving out late 2002 and early 2003.

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