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Jack the Ripper and St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Queen Prawn

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Jack the Ripper


They did the analysis on an episode of 'Unsolved History.' A lot of it seemed to be taken from a book that I have on it that covers the many theories and also goes through the opinions of various levels of authority and psychology for their opinions as well as the opinions of known 'Jack the Ripper' historians (there's got to be a better word for this).


The violence of the 5 murders (although there is one of the murders that some think was not work of the Ripper) was unreal, especially Mary Kelly's murder and what 'Jack' did with her remains.


The conclusion that seemed to be agreed on in the end does seem supported by the evidence. (They thought it was Kominski, the Polish Jew that lived in that area with his brother. If wanted, I can list why they thought he was the guilty party.)


St. Valentine's Day Massacre


I think this was on Tuesday where they had forensic scientists come in and do a re-enactment of the shooting using the autopsy reports as well as police reports (I think) and talked about why tommy guns were used instead of shot guns (from a science standpoint as well as Capone's preferences).


The lasers they used to act as tommy guns to get reaction times were awesome. The re-enactors said they were surprised that the lasers elicited such a response from them - obviously no pain or blood shed, but the said they almost seemed real for the first few seconds.


It helped to explain why if they were facing the brick wall, there were shots in the front of several of the victims rather than all entrance wounds being from behind them. They even had sheriffs from Michigan perform a simulation to show what happens when shooting at something that is near a brick wall.

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Jack the Ripper


They did the analysis on an episode of 'Unsolved History.'  A lot of it seemed to be taken from a book that I have on it that covers the many theories and also goes through the opinions of various levels of authority and psychology for their opinions as well as the opinions of known 'Jack the Ripper' historians (there's got to be a better word for this). 


The violence of the 5 murders (although there is one of the murders that some think was not work of the Ripper) was unreal, especially Mary Kelly's murder and what 'Jack' did with her remains.


The conclusion that seemed to be agreed on in the end does seem supported by the evidence.  (They thought it was Kominski, the Polish Jew that lived in that area with his brother.  If wanted, I can list why they thought he was the guilty party.)


St. Valentine's Day Massacre


I think this was on Tuesday where they had forensic scientists come in and do a re-enactment of the shooting using the autopsy reports as well as police reports (I think) and talked about why tommy guns were used instead of shot guns (from a science standpoint as well as Capone's preferences). 


The lasers they used to act as tommy guns to get reaction times were awesome.  The re-enactors said they were surprised that the lasers elicited such a response from them - obviously no pain or blood shed, but the said they almost seemed real for the first few seconds.


It helped to explain why if they were facing the brick wall, there were shots in the front of several of the victims rather than all entrance wounds being from behind them.  They even had sheriffs from Michigan perform a simulation to show what happens when shooting at something that is near a brick wall.

Yeah, sure: whenever a few fairly grusome murders take place, blame the Polish Jews.


I mean, WTF.......Everyone and their epileptic grandma knows by now that Lewis Carroll was the real Ripper and that details of the evil deeds are encoded throughout Alice in Wonderland. :headshake


SVDM, was that the one depicted in the movie State of Grace?

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Yeah, sure: whenever a few fairly grusome murders take place, blame the Polish Jews. 


I mean, WTF.......Everyone and their epileptic grandma knows by now that Lewis Carroll was the real Ripper and that details of the evil deeds are encoded throughout Alice in Wonderland. :headshake


SVDM, was that the one depicted in the movie State of Grace?

I wished they had provided some insight as to why people think it was Lewis Carroll. The book I have mentions that theory only in passing and provides no details.


The fact that he was a Polish Jew does cause some people to doubt that he was the one, but the evidence is compelling. Some of it was corroborated (sp?) by Kominski's brother when he had Kominski institutionalized soon after the last murder. Kominski had an intense hate for women, especially prostitutes, he was clinically insane, psychotic is the label he was given (I think) in the institution. There is more information in the book that I have that was mentioned on the show. Also the FBI profile that was developed, fit him to a 'T.' As the retired FBI dude said, this does not mean that Kominski did it, just that he fit the profile.

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I wished they had provided some insight as to why people think it was Lewis Carroll. The book I have mentions that theory only in passing and provides no details.


:) cough*apocryphal*cough




Also the FBI profile that was developed, fit him to a 'T.' As the retired FBI dude said, this does not mean that Kominski did it, just that he fit the profile


So does Clujer, what does that prove! :lol:

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