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maddux to sign with scrubs tommorow??


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I totally agree that I don't think the Cubs are as great as most are giving credit for. They finally have a good season and all of a sudden they are the greatest team ever. I don't think so. For all the reasons you pointed out and there are others. Do you think Sammy will be as effective now since he can't use the juice or a loaded bat?? Hell no.

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1. If JR/KW had any "grapefruits" at all, THEY would offer Maddux a 1-year, $10 million deal


If they do that, Cubs will raise their offer to 2/16.


16 Mill is > than 10 Mill.


Cubs offer more money.

Cubs offer more exposure.

Cubs offer much better chance at WS ring.

Cubs are in the NL-- there are no teams with offenses of Yankee, Red Sox, Rangers and even Oriole caliber.

Cubs allow him to actually bat.

Cubs are his roots.

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If they do that, Cubs will raise their offer to 2/16.


16 Mill is > than 10 Mill.


Cubs offer more money.

Cubs offer more exposure.

Cubs offer much better chance at WS ring.

Cubs are in the NL-- there are no teams with offenses of Yankee, Red Sox, Rangers and even Oriole caliber.

Cubs allow him to actually bat.

Cubs are his roots.

And Greg Maddux is an important player in the Union, and would never sign with JR because of the 94 strike being a big part of his doing.

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And Greg Maddux is an important player in the Union, and would never sign with JR because of the 94 strike being a big part of his doing.

You raise an interesting point, that a lot of people look over. Why don't the Sox make moves? Let's face facts here, folks. Baseball players and agents really have a dislike for the Sox due to the ownership group on the southside. They are dishonest scumbags who really don't care about winning - at least to the point to spend enough money to take care of their players. Now, yes, JR is fighting for that balance, which I can somewhat understand, but you have to remember that this team led a bitter, bitter fight against the players and by in large it will take decades (a new owner) to get that monkey off of this franchises' back.

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Maddux has voiced his preference for the NL, but lot sof money and the chance to win now can temper one's opinion. And for everyone thinking that the Sox had a legit chance of landing him if he tried, doesn't the Borass factor have to be considered here as it does with every one of his clients that ws don't land?

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