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Maddux Butt Kissin Press


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I have a huge issue with how Cubs fans and the Chicago press are rooting for the return of Greg Maddux to the Chicago Cubs. There are 3 reasons I hear as to why he should come back, and 2 of those I have a serious issue with.


The First one I have issue with is that Greg should come back because it would be really great for him to come back and end his career with the team he started with. Why does this matter? Why is it so important hat he has to return to a team he hasn’t played for in over 10 years just because it is the team he started with?


The second one I have a problem with is how everyone thinks it would be GREAT if he came back to the Cubs to get his 300th victory. That would be all well and good if Maddux had won 299 games with the Cubs. That would be a nice acievment for him. However, lets not forget, that of his current 289 victories, 194 were with the braves and only 95 were with the Cubs. Why is it SO important that he has to come back to get his 300th win? 194 of them weren’t even with the Cubs! In fact, 11 were AGAINST the Cubs!

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all that said and done, Mrs Maddux was viewing Chicago area homes in January with her real estate agent

I am not against him going to the Cubs, I am just saying I dont like 2 of the 3 reasons being thrown out there as to why he should come. There is one, and one reason only as to why he should play for the Cubs, he makes them better.

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Those two reasons make perfectly good sense to me.


Bringing him back is nostalgic. For him and for the team and their fans. Having a guy come home that fans feel never should have been left, is a feel-good move. If he helps them reach or win the WS, all in life is good for Cub fans. Most people remember how they got their start. There is something to "going home" after doing good elsewhere and in this case, Wrigley can be considered his home.


Wanting him to win his 300th win for the Cubs is a great thing for them. It is a milestone that few players reach. To have a player do that at minimum is great PR.


Both of these reasons take a backseat to the real reason for bringing him back and that is to help them win. But don't discount the feel-good aspect of a deal like this. It can be a win-win for the player, team and fans.

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I also love how Cubs fans quickly forget how much they hated mangement and Maddux for leaving for money after the '92 season.

Well, all the Cub fans I know were completely anti-management when that went down.

When Maddux came back to accept the Cubs offer he was told that the money wasn't there anymore - the Cubs used it to sign Jose Guzman, Randy Myers and one other guy I can't remember right now ( a starter I think ).

That management is gone, and most of my Cub friends are GEEKED about the idea of Maddux getting #300 with them.

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