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Zhamnov will be gone too Nuke... just give em time.


This is Arnason, Bell, Calder, Ruutu, and Co.'s team from here on in.


get this team some Defense and they'll be fine.

Those guys will be gone the minute they ask for anything close to what their worth. This team's sole purpose is to serve as a cash machine for that son of a b**** Bill Wirtz. All this is is a salary dump. Captain DUI will be gone soon too I agree and so will anyone else that is moveable with any kind of salary.


Sullivan is the latest in a long line of notable Hawks who got run out of Chicago because of money. I wish Sully the best on his new team and I know that he'll be much better off.

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I don't follow hockey real closely, but I thought I heard that this draft was supposed to have the next Gretzky, Lemieux, etc.. in it.  Any chance the Blackhawks get this guy?  I do watch playoff hockey and thats about it but it would be nice to see the Blackhawks in the playoffs.

Alexander Ovekchin would be that guy. No the Hawks wont get him, as they arent as bad as the Penguins, who are 13 or so points behind the Hawks.


However, like basketball, there is a lottery draft in the NHL, so it's a possibility to move up from the second or third pick and get the first pick. I hope the Hawks get the first or second, and once Zhamnov is traded, the Hawks will rarely score.


The Hawks are at a stage where they are seeing progress with the likes of Ruutu, Bell, Calder, McCarthy, and have some younger guys in the minors who can fill some holes, and the Hawks should have asked for prospects who are either ready or ready next year. This blows, Wirtz blows, and I'll be the first one to dance on his grave.

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This is still an original six team, in the greatest city in the world. I wouldnt discount the value of this team that much.


That being said, im optimistic that my hawks will be back in the playoffs as soon as the lockout ends.


I just hope they find a way to trade Zhamnov and Daze... they both make me sick

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I don't think this trade is as bad as people are making it out to be. Sullivan is a solid player who gives it his all, but lets not pretend like he is the best thing since sliced bread. For once I actually think this organization is starting to head in the right direction. Instead of filling the roster with overpaid underachieving veterans, it appears that the Blackhawks are set on building a strong young nucleus. There are some very talented youngster on the roster now and in the minors, and combine that with a solid draft(due to a bunch of draft picks) and the Blackhawks could become a solid team again. The key is to be patient and realize that this process will take a year or two to happen, but I would much rather lose with some promising youngsters than some overpaid veterans. The key will be to keep the young talent that does develop, which hasn't always been the case in the past.

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They could have done worse with the two second rounders, but our scouting department blows now with Pully and Tallon at the helm.  At least Smith could draft.

How do we know that Pulford and Tallon suck at drafting? Thats not fair to say, they havent drafted yet.


Sure Smith could draft..... but Igor Korolev, Valeri Zelepukin, Berezin, Karpotsev..... the list goes on... he sucked at everthing else

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Wow.  I'm shocked.  He's the one Blackhawk I didn't think they'd trade just due to his competitiveness night in and night out, who teaches the kids heart and what it means to get down in the trenches.

This team doesn't want players with heart and desire. They want a bunch of yes men who will do what they are told no matter how stupid and will do it for peanuts.


Anyone who actually pays to go see these losers play hockey is a sucker. I dont see how anyone could care about a team that is only there to serve as a cash cow for Dollar Bill. Winning is secondary to Dollar Bill's money & thats why I no longer am a fan of this team.

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Im sad I have to respond to this thread, becasue I dont like wasting my time. This story should not have 3 pages dedicated to it. This many people shouldnt care. This is a worthless orginzation, that is a drain on Chicago, and all its sports fans. The papers shouldnt waste any room in there sports section for this story, because the Hawks dont deserve it. I should be sick over this, becasue the Hawks just traded there heart for draft picks, but im not, which hurts the most. Even last year I wasted hundreds on tickets, wasted my time listening to them on the radio, and buying merchendise. Now I could care less.  :headshake



Sully, I wish you well.

cheer up, i'm sure alot of things will be changed during the lockout to make sure hockey in chicago will prosper in the future :D :D :D :) :snr

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Guys, Sully is going to be gone next year and no one is going to be resigning anyone for a long time. Get rid of all the contracts you can, tahts what I'd be doing if I were the GM of the Hawks.


Hockey isn't going to be played next year and no owner is going to be making any big term investments (Well maybe the Rangers and their moronic ownership).


Hockey is going to be different a year from now, how different, I don't know but don't assume anything.


I do assume that Daze and Zhamnov will also be gone and I wouldn't be shocked if Thibault was dealt if a good deal comes up (I have no idea if thats rumored or not, but I could see it making some sense).

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I'm very sad that Sully has gone. Only guy who gave everythin every nite, and he was the 1 veteran i would hav kept around to teach da young guys. Get rid of contracts Zhamnov is goin, Daze could as well, T-Bo also a possibility, I only wish Marshall Johnston was still with the organisation cos he would hav drafted great kids and build a team up like he did with Ottawa. Now call up up Vorobiev, Yakubov etc. and giv em 20 mins a nite, and fire Suuter and hire Yawney.

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This season is a waste anyway. Why not trade "the heart and soul" of a dead team? Wirtz fully expects there to be a salary cap in place when hockey resumes. Clearing payroll from this moribund group will give him some flexibity to add to the core of talented youngsters, if he chooses to do so. That's a big "if".

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This season is a waste anyway.  Why not trade "the heart and soul" of a dead team?  Wirtz fully expects there to be a salary cap in place when hockey resumes.  Clearing payroll from this moribund group will give him some flexibity to add to the core of talented youngsters, if he chooses to do so.  That's a big "if".

He won't. He'll get some aging has-been for like 2 mil a season and call that a big signing and just pocket the rest.

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Just read in the Sun-Times that the reason he was dealt was that he wouldn't re-up for 3 years at a PAY CUT.

And he was a restricted FA, so they could have seen what he was offered and decided if they wanted to try to keep him. I'm sure there's some kind of compensation process for teams losing their FA's.

Just kind of sickening that the Nashville Predators (1) are closer to playoff contention than the Slacks and (2) care more about remaining competitive than the Slacks.

Typical SlackHawk cheapness.


And if it's a "dead season", does that mean they'll be forfeiting the rest of their games? or letting people in for free? If nobody's playing next year, why NOT keep one of the few guys who played like he cares? At least then the 6,000 or so suckers who keeping dropping money into Bill Worst's Deep Pockets would have one player to watch. Whenever something exciting happened for the IndianHeads this year, Sully was usually involved in it somehow.

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Just read in the Sun-Times that the reason he was dealt was that he wouldn't re-up for 3 years at a PAY CUT.

And he was a restricted FA, so they could have seen what he was offered and decided if they wanted to try to keep him. I'm sure there's some kind of compensation process for teams losing their FA's.

Just kind of sickening that the Nashville Predators (1) are closer to playoff contention than the Slacks and (2) care more about remaining competitive than the Slacks.

Typical SlackHawk cheapness.


And if it's a "dead season", does that mean they'll be forfeiting the rest of their games? or letting people in for free? If nobody's playing next year, why NOT keep one of the few guys who played like he cares? At least then the 6,000 or so suckers who keeping dropping money into Bill Worst's Deep Pockets would have one player to watch. Whenever something exciting happened for the IndianHeads this year, Sully was usually involved in it somehow.

Well, now that Sully and Shamnov are now gone and soon to be gone Dollar Bill will have plenty of extra cash laying around. Lets take a look at how that extra cash will be spent.


One one hand we have: Quality free agents


On the other we have: Cheap cigars and scotch



Hmmn. Quality players or cheap cigars and scotch.......Quality pla....CHEAP CIGARS AND SCOTCH......Qual.....CHEAP CIGARS AND SCOTCH.

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Today's Daily Herald ran a column by Steve Sassone that puts the Blackhawks's trade of Steve Sullivan, that bent so many here out of shape, in perspective.


From Sassone:


"While Sullivan might have 15 goals and a team-leading 43 points, he scored only 6 goals in the first 42 games when the Hawks needed him most with Zhamnov and Eric Daze out with serious injuries. Sullivan only started producing regularly when Zhamnov returned from back surgery.


Last season, Sullivan scored 26 goals, but 10 came in the final 14 games when the Hawks were hopelessly out of the playoff race."



In other words, Sullivan for all his scoring, is hardly a clutch player. For the Hawks to regain their former status as a perennial contender, they need to have players who score when it really counts. In other words, Sullivan was the Hawks equivalent of the Bulls Eddy Curry.


That being the case, those 2 2nd round draft picks could work out a lot more for the team than retaining the services of Sullivan ever could.

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For what its worth, here's an email that was sent to Blackhawks season ticket holders by Acting GM Robert Pulford:


Letter To Season Ticketholders




I wanted to address the trading of Steve Sullivan and to explain the reasons to you as to why it was the right thing to do.


First of all, we tried to re-sign Sullivan to a 3-year deal worth $2.5 million per season. He turned the deal down. The Blackhawks would have had to qualify Steve next year for the $3 million salary he was currently making. If we had done that, it still would not have guaranteed that he would have been here next year.


Steve had the right and his agent, in fact, had told us that they would be taking the Blackhawks to arbitration. With the uncertainty of arbitration cases, the Blackhawks may have had to walk away from the decision and come away with nothing.


That being our decision, we tried to make the best deal we could for Steve. We felt that the deal with Nashville was the best deal we could make at this time. We felt it was important to get something in return for Steve instead of losing him for nothing at the end of the season.


I know that some of you are upset over this decision. However, you can rest assured that the Blackhawks will invest that money on players in the free agent market who will make us a much more competitive team next year. We are positioned and well-prepared to enter the free agent market as well as continuing to draft and develop our young players. Together, these things will help us to become a much more competitive team next year.


I hope you now understand why we felt trading Steve Sullivan was the right thing to do at this time.


I thank you for your continued interest and support of the Chicago Blackhawks.



Bob Pulford

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