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If Maddux signs with the Yankees just because of the money, I honest to God hope he blows his arm trying to pitch for his 300th win in May or June, and he can never pitch again. I hate to be so mean and spiteful, but I've had it with these lying sacks of s*** who claim "that it's not all about money," and then they turn around and prove otherwise.


And don't get me started on what I hope happens to Scott Borasshole. I couldn't post it here or I'd be banned.

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If Maddux signs with the Yankees just because of the money, I honest to God hope he blows his arm trying to pitch for his 300th win in May or June, and he can never pitch again.  I hate to be so mean and spiteful, but I've had it with these lying sacks of s*** who claim "that it's not all about money," and then they turn around and prove otherwise. 


And don't get me started on what I hope happens to Scott Borasshole.  I couldn't post it here or I'd be banned.

Honestly, would you turn down the Yankees if they offered you more money than anyone else as well as probably the best opportunity to win a championship. As much as I hate the Yankees if I was put in the same situation I'm not sure I wouldn't make the same decision.

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I'm just pissed, and rightly so.  We constantly complain and b**** about our owner spending 60 million on payroll, and then we watch the Yankees corner the market and buy anyone they want.


Maybe it's jealousy, but I'm still miffed. :angry:

I'm pissed too. And I will likely be even more pissed when the Yankees go out and get a second baseman (just a guess but I have a feeling that they are going to go out and get a very good second baseman).

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Wait until they grab Willie Harris from under our noses. I will really s*** a brick.


I hate to say this, because it will mean the potential downfall of baseball and maybe even kill it, but they need a salary cap. I hate the salary cap 99% of the time, but it needs to find its way into Major League Baseball. Otherwise, this kind of bulls*** will continue to go on and ruin the sport.


Can you imagine how many people are already alienated and irritated to the point that they won't even watch the season?


Something has to be done to stop spendthrift assholes like Steinbrenner. A salary cap is the only alternative. Whatever happens will happen. The MLB Players Union is in for the nightmare of their life very soon. Thank goodness. I used to support the players completely, but I don't anymore.

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