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Everyone clam down

Pale Hose Jon

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It seems like there has been a lot of negativity on this board. People are disgusted that Maddux could head anywhere other than the sox. Others are complaining that the yankees are ruining baseball. We seem to forget that Pitchers and catchers report in two days. This team finished in second place last season at 86 and 76. The odds makers have us at 10-1 to win the pennant.


This is a good team that is returning pitchers like mark, and loaiza, and garland will deffinetly improve. With a lineup that includes Maggs, Lee, Thomas, and konerko, we can win this division very easily.


If everyone preforms on this team like we know they can we should easily win the pennant, and frankly the yankees don't really scare me in the playoffs. So lets all start thinking of how good our team really is, insted of complaining about other things that are out of our control


Go Sox

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It seems like there has been a lot of negativity on this board. People are disgusted that Maddux could head anywhere other than the sox. Others are complaining that the yankees are ruining baseball. We seem to forget that Pitchers and catchers report in two days. This team finished in second place last season at 86 and 76. The odds makers have us at 10-1 to win the pennant.


This is a good team that is returning pitchers like mark, and loaiza, and garland will deffinetly improve. With a lineup that includes Maggs, Lee, Thomas, and konerko, we can win this division very easily.


If everyone preforms on this team like we know they can we should easily win the pennant, and frankly the yankees don't really scare me in the playoffs. So lets all start thinking of how good our team really is, insted of complaining about other things that are out of our control


Go Sox

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

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It seems like there has been a lot of negativity on this board. People are disgusted that Maddux could head anywhere other than the sox. Others are complaining that the yankees are ruining baseball. We seem to forget that Pitchers and catchers report in two days. This team finished in second place last season at 86 and 76. The odds makers have us at 10-1 to win the pennant.


This is a good team that is returning pitchers like mark, and loaiza, and garland will deffinetly improve. With a lineup that includes Maggs, Lee, Thomas, and konerko, we can win this division very easily.


If everyone preforms on this team like we know they can we should easily win the pennant, and frankly the yankees don't really scare me in the playoffs. So lets all start thinking of how good our team really is, insted of complaining about other things that are out of our control


Go Sox

Saturday's newspapers had the Sox at 10-1 to win the Division. I guess that's considered "the pennant" these days, but to me the "pennant race" isn't over until you've won the LCS. Also, at least the report I read had the Twins also at 10-1 to take the division, and then said something like 'if the Roayals win it pays out half of .' Meaning KC is really the Division favorite at 5-1, or did I miss something?


I'm not being negative actually, but I don't think any of us are very happy with the way the off-season went. The season just needs to get started and we'll see if OzzFest is this year's big ticket.

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Saturday's newspapers had the Sox at 10-1 to win the Division.  I guess that's considered "the pennant" these days, but to me the "pennant race" isn't over until you've won the LCS.  Also, at least the report I read had the Twins also at 10-1 to take the division, and then said something like 'if the Roayals win it pays out half of .' Meaning KC is really the Division favorite at 5-1, or did I miss something?


I'm not being negative actually, but I don't think any of us are very happy with the way the off-season went.  The season just needs to get started and we'll see if  OzzFest is this year's big ticket.

I don't recall the exact wording, but I took it to mean that the odds on KC was 20-1.

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It seems like there has been a lot of negativity on this board. People are disgusted that Maddux could head anywhere other than the sox. Others are complaining that the yankees are ruining baseball. We seem to forget that Pitchers and catchers report in two days. This team finished in second place last season at 86 and 76. The odds makers have us at 10-1 to win the pennant.


This is a good team that is returning pitchers like mark, and loaiza, and garland will deffinetly improve. With a lineup that includes Maggs, Lee, Thomas, and konerko, we can win this division very easily.


If everyone preforms on this team like we know they can we should easily win the pennant, and frankly the yankees don't really scare me in the playoffs. So lets all start thinking of how good our team really is, insted of complaining about other things that are out of our control


Go Sox

I like that. Finally someone is optimistic about things this season.

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Yes.. anyone with the hint of negativity needs to just sit down and STHU. This is no place for those posts questioning the desire to win from this management nor is there any need to question the unproven player(s) that have been assembled... :headshake




Whatever. I'm all for being optimistic, but I'm also going to voice my frustration when I feel like it. It's a message board... don't like the negativity, those threads are easy enough to spot, and just pass them over.

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Yes.. anyone with the hint of negativity needs to just sit down and STHU. This is no place for those posts questioning the desire to win from this management nor is there any need to question the unproven player(s) that have been assembled... :headshake




Whatever. I'm all for being optimistic, but I'm also going to voice my frustration when I feel like it. It's a message board... don't like the negativity, those threads are easy enough to spot, and just pass them over.

Save your anger for those who deserve it. Like the Slackhawks.

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