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John Henry wants a cap, too...


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Boston owner flips to pro-salary cap stance

BOSTON (AP) — Red Sox owner John Henry now believes a salary cap could be good for baseball after watching the rival Yankees trade for Alex Rodriguez — a deal his own franchise could not complete.

Henry said in an e-mail response to reporters early Wednesday morning that he is changing his mind on whether the sport needs a salary cap "to deal with a team that has gone so insanely far beyond the resources of all the other teams."


The Yankees' payroll is about $186 million after they acquired Rodriguez from the Texas Rangers earlier this week in exchange for Alfonso Soriano and a minor leaguer to be named.


But the number would come down by about $5 million if third baseman Aaron Boone is released. Boston is expected to be second at about $125 million.


"One thing is certain the status quo will not be preserved," Henry wrote.


"There must be a way to cap what a team can spend without hurting player compensation ... without taking away from the players what they have rightfully earned in the past through negotiation and in creating tremendous value. There is a simple mechanism that could right a system woefully out of whack."


Henry's comments come after his team failed in its bid to land the reigning American League MVP.


The Red Sox tried to trade Manny Ramirez, the second highest-paid player in baseball, for Rodriguez this winter. But talks fell apart because the two sides could not agree on how to divide the remaining $179 million on Rodriguez's contract.


The Yankees were able to absorb Rodriguez's salary without dumping a major star.


"Baseball doesn't have an answer for the Yankees," Henry said. "Revenue sharing can only accomplish so much. At some point it becomes confiscation. It has not and it will not solve what is a very obvious problem."

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The Red Sox have a $130M payroll.  They're complaining because.....?

Because it's $60 million less than the Yankees.. and the only way they can make large moves is to dump another big salary. He's makin' a little noise for all the little guys.. :cheers

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Because it's $60 million less than the Yankees.. and the only way they can make large moves is to dump another big salary. He's makin' a little noise for all the little guys..  :cheers

True....That is a big difference and all, but where would the Red Sox salary have been if the A-Rod and Mags deals went down in December? Like Cheat said, it really seems like it's just sour grapes. If his intent is to stick up for us little guys, I'll take that.

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True....That is a big difference and all, but where would the Red Sox salary have been if the A-Rod and Mags deals went down in December?  Like Cheat said, it really seems like it's just sour grapes.  If his intent is to stick up for us little guys, I'll take that.

not sure but it would only be a couple million higher. they where sending over many ramariz(sp??) who is another high priced player.

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True....That is a big difference and all, but where would the Red Sox salary have been if the A-Rod and Mags deals went down in December?  Like Cheat said, it really seems like it's just sour grapes.  If his intent is to stick up for us little guys, I'll take that.

Not drastically different because they would have dumped salary in the form of Manny, Nomar and others.......

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Not drastically different because they would have dumped salary in the form of Manny, Nomar and others.......

i think it would have depended on what a-rod's contract was restructured to. remember they were sending money to texas to pay a portion of manny's salary and i believe that maggs makes more than nomar this year. so i think they potentially could have had a significant increase in payroll.


and for the record, i don't think john henry gives a flying #$%% about the little guy. this is about the red sox and yankees. if he cared about the small market teams it would have been obvious to him that something needed to be done long before the yanks got a-rod.

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Give me cap, or give me death!

I think the league could servive if they put a cap at $90 million and a floor at $45 million. Most teams fall between $90 and $50 million. By nature, not allowing teams like the Yankees and Red Sox from spending over $90 million, their players that they cant afford would trickle down to lower teams, there for making the league more even.


On top of that, if MLB implimented an NFL like profit sharring scheme, then the teams in smaller marketss that legitimatly may not be able to afford higher priced players could now afford better players. In the end, everyone benifits.


If the MLBPA thinks a cap will "Drive down" salaries, i really believe they would be wrong. All that would happen is that players would be playing for differant teams, but still at the same price. Right now, the Yankees, Dodgers, Boston, and Atlanta would be over the "Cap". Their players would just be playing in differant areas. Consevably, they would be making the exact smae amount.

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I do not get it.....even if the MLB got a cap for every team, what would the Yankees do then?


They have all their big money folks like Jeter, ARod, Giambi, Sheffield etc signed for > 5 years....they cannot get under the cap even if they wanted to, say, two years from today.....


Facts are the damage has been done.....expect the Yankees to win around 5 of the next 10 WS, and play in 8 of the next 10 WS.....dem are just the facts.....

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I do not get it.....even if the MLB got a cap for every team, what would the Yankees do then?


They have all their big money folks like Jeter, ARod, Giambi, Sheffield etc signed for > 5 years....they cannot get under the cap even if they wanted to, say, two years from today.....


Facts are the damage has been done.....expect the Yankees to win around 5 of the next 10 WS, and play in 8 of the next 10 WS.....dem are just the facts.....

They could implement a cap and phase it in over a 5 year period. Freeze the cap right now at what the Yankees payroll currently is, and whittle it down more as each year goes by.


I think the ARod deal hit Henry between the eyes with a sldge hammer and made him realize that even he cannot outspend King George.

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