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If You Didn't Know Already.....

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My Lord, the hits just keep on coming.


Is it just coincidence that the two biggest NCAA scandals of the past calendar year have taken place at Big 12 schools? First Baylor and the Patrick Dennehy fiasco and now Colorado. I wonder if the conference will face heightened scrutiny.

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I just read a short blurp in the Trib about how the sex parties for recruits happened when Gary was at Northwestern also...

Oh, so that's how he got recruits at NU. Who honesly would want to play sports at NU? :lol:


Anyway, I'm happy to see Barnett in s***. That's what you get for ditching what would have been a national power in NU1 :fyou

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off that same link there is a story about marcus vick (mike's lil brother) having sex with three minors..one was 15..nick turner , rb from mississippi st , was releasedfrom the team for passing counterfiet 100 dollar bills...UW cited for lack of institutional control for the gambling flap with former coach rick neuheisel..


bad week for NCAA football...they gotta clean their act up fast

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this goes on at every school in the country...university of oregon gives college credit to girls who screw recruits...its an actual class you can sign up for...and its taught by an assistant coach from the football team..


it wouldnt surprise me if notre dame had a confessional right outside the no-tel motel that the players use so they can be immediately be absolved of their sins :D

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Exactly. There's no way he did not know anything about those accusations. You can't get away w/ saying "I don't know." to everything. Then he just blew it w/ what he said about that girl. That was so insensitive and terrible to say. If this girl was so horrible, why was he keeping her on the team. Barnett's a dips***.

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If this girl was so horrible, why was he keeping her on the team.  Barnett's a dips***.

Being a woman in a man's world (engineering), I can give an answer that.


One of two things: he knew about the harassment and was afraid she'd come forward or two if he did kick her off the team, he was afraid she'd cry sexism. I'm not saying I agree with either reason, but those are the two that jump out at me.

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