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finally - an article all sox fans will love


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i dont have the link because im not a member at chicagosports but there's an article out of the trib by john kass that will make everyone laugh...can someone who is member there please post the link???..i have it sent to me..can i post the article in full w/o getting the site in trouble???

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I assume this is it...




A 156-6 season: Cubs' greatness sure thing, right?


As a bitter and perhaps jealous White Sox fan at Tribune Tower, I am surrounded by all things Cub.


Unfortunately, the Cubs' signing of future Hall of Fame pitcher Greg Maddux has only inflamed the Cubmaniacs.


Many colleagues are Cubs fans, including George, who edits the column and thinks I put the mati, or evil eye, on them, since I attended two games at Wrigley Field last year and the Cubs were humiliated each time.


In the first, the White Sox won in a laugher. And the other game? That was the famous Bartman game.


Jinx? What jinx?


To be a Sox fan in Cub Nation, you must attain the proper emotional distance. It's the only way to deal with the Cubmaniacs, who have been pushed beyond their fragile limits with the Maddux signing.


The glee, the dancing, the hopping up and down, the excited clapping, the "Woooo-eee-aaahh!" sound.


And over latte all you hear is Cubbies this and Cubbies that and "Pass the biscotti, and do you think we'll win 160 games this year or only 159?"


Indeed, baseball historians will marvel at what was the perfect season. An early recap of your 2004 Cubbies:


The Cubs lost only 6 times in the regular season of 2004, compiling a fine record of 156-6. Then they whipped the Houston Astros and won the National League pennant, breaking almost a century of North Side pain.


Finally, the Cubs went on to sweep the hated Yankees in the 2004 World Series.


Every World Series victory by the Cubs was almost perfect. Kerry Wood struck out 27 straight but walked one. Mark Prior struck out 27 straight, yet there was a dropped third strike and the batter took first.


In the third game, Maddux struck out only 3, but got the other 24 outs on one-pitch ground balls to the second baseman, with pitches thrown perfectly on the outside edge of the plate. He threw 33 pitches.


Then Wood struck out 20 and hit two home runs in Game 4. The mighty Yankees were so humiliated that owner George Steinbrenner fired his entire team.


What puzzled many observers was how the Cubs' power pitchers learned finesse pitching. The answer was Maddux mind control.


"The first day we reported to spring training, Maddux just touched my forehead with the ball in his hand," said Wood, "and I, like, knew how to do it."


Early on, back in late February of 2004, there were some troubling questions about the ballclub and Sosa's relationships with the pitchers.


The big issue is always Sammy Sosa. And the big issue was that Sammy wasn't so big.


He showed up for spring training weighing only about 185 pounds. His uniform had to be taken in by expert tailors. Since Sammy's muscles were noticeably smaller, there were fears that he wouldn't be strong enough to hit his usual 60 or so home runs.


He didn't.


But he worked hard to lose his once ponderously heavy muscles, in order to become more limber and lithe in the outfield.


He also worked hard to build relationships with his teammates, including having his personal valet pass out earplugs--hand carved out of expensive Spanish cork--to the other players, before he cranked up his loud music on his powerful locker room boom box.


"TELL SAMMY THANKS FOR THE EARPLUGS," the pitchers told Sammy's valet. "THEY FIT JUST FINE!"


Once again, Sammy tried to throw runners out at home, though he didn't have a chance of nailing them.


This Sosian habit unfortunately allows other runners into scoring position in the late innings of close ballgames, but the starting pitchers weren't upset.


"That's OK. Don't worry, Sammy," said Wood. "Just play that boom box loud in the clubhouse, dude. This is your team, remember. You're the man."


"Just keep heaving those high throws to home with runners on, and we'll just strike out the side," said Prior. "It's cool."


The season was a thing of glory, best played in slow-motion on TV sports specials with the soundtrack of "The Natural" cranked up loud.




The beer was extremely tasty. The fans, denied so long, were naturally enthusiastic.


A century of North Side heartache was ended, even for those who weren't born in Illinois and didn't care about baseball until July, and still wouldn't care, except that "Sex and the City" was over and they needed something to fill those empty hours.


The Maddux signing proved that the Cubs didn't even have to play a game. They even won the World Series, in February.


Cubs win! Cubs win!


Believe me, White Sox fans are happy too. Envy has not entered our minds.


Jinx? What jinx?

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God it's going to be a nightmare. Down here everyone assumes I'm a ScRub fan since that's the only team in Chicago :(


I feel bad for y'all that have to live near them.


I'm going to try and be happy for the fans. I realize they are the same guys that cheer the Hawks, Bulls, and Bears. We all love Chicago pizza. I may even get to the point that at least someone in Chicago wins a championship. I know some are even good baseball people that now an ERA from a Latte


Still, it's a nightmare

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Here in the s***ty state of Kansas, everyone also assumes I am a Cubs fan.


Everyon is wearing Cubs jerseys and hats.


My girfriend(who I converted to the sox) and I were in class.

Here comes this deuschbag wearing all Cubs gear. Finally, I needed to put these f***s in their place. I go up to him and I go boy I love your jersey, but can I ask a question. What do you think is better Giordano's, Lou Malnatti's or Due's. He looked at me and said huh. I said you do not know those places. He responds with huh. Then I ask him about the Cubs and he says, he loves them and he went to Wrigley in 1995 for a game, it was the greatest moment of his life. I asked him to name some players on the team now, and he said sure "Sosa, Dawson and Sandberg." I responded by saying take that jersey off you are disrepcting yourself, a city, and their fans. As I walked away I said your not worth the s*** I muscles out this morning.


Moral of this story, if you can make one "cubs fan" look like a fool a day, everything is great.

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Here in the s***ty state of Kansas, everyone also assumes I am a Cubs fan.


Everyon is wearing Cubs jerseys and hats.


My girfriend(who I converted to the sox) and I were in class.

Here comes this deuschbag wearing all Cubs gear.  Finally, I needed to put these f***s in their place.  I go up to him and I go boy I love your jersey, but can I ask a question.  What do you think is better Giordano's, Lou Malnatti's or Due's. He looked at me and said huh.  I said you do not know those places.  He responds with huh.  Then I ask him about the Cubs and he says, he loves them and he went to Wrigley in 1995 for a game, it was the greatest moment of his life.  I asked him to name some players on the team now, and he said sure "Sosa, Dawson and Sandberg."  I responded by saying take that jersey off you are disrepcting yourself, a city, and their fans.  As I walked away I said your not worth the s*** I muscles out this morning.


Moral of this story, if you can make one "cubs fan" look like a fool a day, everything is great.

I see it here a ton. I always just start talking to them about lesser-known impact players on the Cubs, ie Borowski, Ramon Martinez, Grudz, Gonzalez, and Zambrano. Shuts them the hell up when they don't know who Joe Borowski is.

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My take on the cubs is this. They made some moves this offseason some were very newsworthy but none were all that earthshaking.


They have 7 everyday players which may strikeout over 120 times (Patterson, Sosa, Ramirez, Gonzo, Lee and Barrett) plus the pitchers spot. I can honestly see them averaging about 9 a game. What will that do when the wind is blowing in and they need to move runners over?


Their rotation is better than good but not great. I think Oakland's is great. This assumes no injuries. They had four guys lose double digit games and were all healthy. Zambrano and Clement were terrible at the end of the season. What makes anyone thinks they were not flukes. Maddux was a six inning pitcher last year what will he be this year? Andrew Jones catches everything in center, the cub defense is not that great. What happens after Ramirez launches one into the dugout four times in a game and K's four times? Wood has never won more than 14 games in a year and has flashes of brillance but can breakdown and be wild. Prior......well he is just plain awesome.


Their bullpen. The old lefty is old. Borowski may have been a flash in the pan and he is old and hawkins and Farnsworth are capable of cracking under the pressure. There is a reason the Yanks went with Gordon over Hawkins and it wasn't money.


Are the cubs better than the Sox, I am not as naive to say no but I do not think they are all they are cracked up to be especially when I feel the Astros rotation is better.



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Lets not compare the Cubs to the Sox. The Cubs have a 100 mil payroll so they better be better, if they aren't its a shame.


As for the people accross the country running into cub fandum, WGN is all I have to say. I know I wouldn't want to be cheering for the same team as a person like that anyway.

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I just hope that John Kass is okay. I'm sure after that article ran in the morning papers, the rest of the Cubune staff came at him with pitchforks and blazing torches. :rolleyes:


I'm so surprised that he was even allowed to have that article printed. Unless you're "all Cubbies, all the time," I thought you weren't allowed to work there. He's obviously just a token hire - "Well, we have to hire a Sox fan according to the law, so hire this guy." :bang

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I just hope that John Kass is okay.  I'm sure after that article ran in the morning papers, the rest of the Cubune staff came at him with pitchforks and blazing torches. :rolleyes:


I'm so surprised that he was even allowed to have that article printed.  Unless you're "all Cubbies, all the time," I thought you weren't allowed to work there.  He's obviously just a token hire - "Well, we have to hire a Sox fan according to the law, so hire this guy." :bang

the cubune at this point is probably so confident in owning the town they let john kass have is bone so to speak...

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Always remember that Kass is a WHITE SOX fan, and he writes some of the best and most thought-out articles at the Cubune - although being the best writer at that s***ty newspaper is proverbially like being the tallest midget.


Either way, he gives Sox fans a good name. He's one of ours. :headbang

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Through this tough times, all the real sox fans are staying strong while the drifters have all joined cubdom. I have already begun taking mental notes about all the drifters, and in July when the sox are doing better than the cubs, I will be laughing, laughing.......

Ok, my dreams over.

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Great article.


My take on everything: Right now I view all the Cubs have done as their time to shine in the light. So be it. It's not our turn, it might not be our turn this year, or in ten years. I'm 16, and I am certain the Sox will someday shine again. IMO, they are very close to shining, some talent needs to pan out, a few signings, hopefully, and we're back. Our team is nowhere near disgraceful this year. The only thing I wish we had something better of was starting pitching. OUr pitching is very iffy and tons of question marks. I also hope so much that Frank wins a World Series with us.


But for now... let the Cub fans bask in the glory. I'm just ignoring everything right now and following my own team. After so many years they have something to be happy about, good for them.

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Through this tough times, all the real sox fans are staying strong while the drifters have all joined cubdom.  I have already begun taking mental notes about all the drifters, and in July when the sox are doing better than the cubs, I will be laughing, laughing.......

Ok, my dreams over.

The drifters don't really count as Sox fans anyway. Being a Cub fan is skin deep, but being a Sox fan is down to the bone.

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Yeah...it's pretty bad being in so called Cub Country. I know the people on the board living in Chicago and Illinois have to get it worse. However, everyone here is now on the friggen' sCrUB bandwagon. I can't stand it. It's funny how they only announced themselves as "sCrUB" fans after they made the playoffs.

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I'm 16, and I am certain the Sox will someday shine again. IMO, they are very close to shining, some talent needs to pan out, a few signings, hopefully, and we're back.

Don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but I said nearly the same thing when I was 16 and the Sox had it within their grasp. I figured we'll be right back there the nest year and for several more to come. That was 1983 and I'm still waiting. :angry:

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Today at school one of my teachers said that the Cubs signed Maddux and the whole class was so very happy. Then she said the Cubs would beat the Yanks in the world series. I told her she was wrong and the Sox were going to win it and everyone laughed at me. :rolleyes: I will be the one laughing come October. :) All these fair weathered fans piss me off.

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