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I would like to know why Sox fans rip on Marriotti when we All have voiced our opinions on how this joke of an organization continues to fail,lose and make excuses to their fan base. Seems to me,we Sox fans are all pretty much upset about the negative direction Uncle Jerry and the other clueless owners has guided this team to. Jay is a sports writer who is paid just to give and write an opinion. I don't agree with everything he says,but it is no different than we Sox fans going on talk radio or even going to all of the Sox web sites telling everyone who wants to hear how terrible JR or KW really is. I'm glad someone is stepping out to ridicule this org because they deserve all the negative vibe they get,considering the way they treat their fan base with lies,constant excuses towards the media,talk radio,agents,and against us fans as well. Just remember the attack at Sox fest by Sox mgt towards the fan. Jay is not the reason why the Sox have destroyed their fan base and he is not the reason why the Sox org haven't won a WS during Uncle JR twenty three years.

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Because Mariotti is a jackass of a writer who contradicts himself week in and week out and is the worst plagarizer I have ever seen(because it is quite obvious he gets all his work from this site). He has blind faith and has had several very s***ty articles written about the White Sox(if we had gotten Nomar Garciaparra in the ARod to Boston deal which has fallen apart, he thought it would have been stupid to trade Nomar to LA for Perez, Mota, and a prospect or two, even knowing Nomar would be unhappy here and we would still have Jose Valentin, and he would have written s*** about how it would be a terrible move to trade Nomar for a no-name Odalis Perez, a s***ty Guillermo Mota, and two prospects who have little chance of doing anything....come late October when the White Sox have won the Series while riding on the backs/arms of Perez and Buehrle and Mota being a key part of our bullpen with one of these prospects we got winning minor league player of the year, while Nomar had his worst year ever, he would then write something about what a great trade the Nomar deal was....given, none of that happened because of those damn Yankees, but that's what Mariotti does).


We do not do the same as Mariotti(except for long-gone OldRoman, but he was known as the windsock for a reason). We us more intelligence when posting, we rarely if ever contradict ourselves, and we look at things objectively.

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It's Simple:

We are SOX fans, we have a right to complain. We follow this team day in, day out. We point out the positives, and the negatives.

Mariotti is a CHICAGO fan. We have a problem with him because he will spend just about all of his time praising the cubs and then the few times he does talk about the sox, it's always negative. He never has one thing positive to say about the sox, ever.

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It's Simple:

We are SOX fans, we have a right to complain. We follow this team day in, day out.  We point out the positives, and the negatives.

Mariotti is a CHICAGO fan.  We have a problem with him because he will spend just about all of his time praising the cubs and then the few times he does talk about the sox, it's always negative.  He never has one thing positive to say about the sox, ever.

That too. :)

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We do not do the same as Mariotti(except for long-gone OldRoman, but he was known as the windsock for a reason).  We us more intelligence when posting, we rarely if ever contradict ourselves, and we look at things objectively.

Wow, Oldroman, I haven't thought about him in a LONG time, what an ass he was.

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You mean other than the fact that Kotex-Boy said on one of his first ATH shows that if he had a billion dollars he would want to own the Yankees, because there still would be no hope for Chicago team? You mean other than the fact he is a plagerist, liar, and hypocrate? You mean other than the fact that he writes first hand accounts of what is going on in the Sox clubhouse, after only being in the new ballpark ONCE since it openned?


Go ahead read and enjoy this guy. Keep believing Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clinton while you are at it :rolleyes:

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It's Simple:

We are SOX fans, we have a right to complain. We follow this team day in, day out.  We point out the positives, and the negatives.

Mariotti is a CHICAGO fan.  We have a problem with him because he will spend just about all of his time praising the cubs and then the few times he does talk about the sox, it's always negative.  He never has one thing positive to say about the sox, ever.

Yes,he does have something positive to say;he's positive the Sox suck :lol: :lol:


When he isn't busy giving BJ's to various sCrUBs,he tells us what Sox fans have been saying for 20 or more years already:REINSDORF IS THE MAIN f***ING PROBLEM AND UNTIL HE SELLS TO SOMEONE OUTSIDE HIS FAMILY,NOTHING WILL CHANGE!!

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Why do I hate Mariotti? I'll leave it to one reason (otherwise I could type until next week):



He goes out of his way to villify Frank Thomas, all while going out of his way to kiss Sammy Sosa's ass. Big Blurt? Big Skirt? Baby Huey? And I bet you if he ever came across Frank face to face, he'd wet his pants.

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I remember when the Bears fired Ditka; right before it happenned, Mariotti wrote a column about how they needed to launch "Da Coach"!


Right after his firing, Mariotti wrote a column about what a bad thing it was that the Bears fired Ditka, and how they mistreated him. (Mariotti is a "windsock"!)


Regardless, his columns on Reinsdorf and the Sox were 100% right on!!!

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