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JULIE SWIECA resigns from the score?

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Julie Swieca was the only reason this Sox fan bothered to drag his ass out of bed on a Sunday morning at 7:00.I read in the Scum Times today thatshe didn't have enough say over the content of her show,whatever that means.

She was one of the more entertaining on air hosts at the Score.I'll miss her Sox talk on Sundays. :headshake :headshake

What a shame.To me,she was the most knowledgable female

sports broadcaster in this city.

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I have a feeling I heard why she left. Last week, the night the Cubs signed Madux, she had a whole show planed out, told the callers to call in to sum up the offseason's for both Chicago baseball teams, then they took a break. When they came back, she told them that her producers told her to talk all Madux, all night. She added in some remarks like "mabye if my producers allow me to add something else in, we will get to it" like she was pissed. I can see why she left. Sad to see her go.

I heard that crap, too. As soon as I heard all the Maddux talk, I had to shut it down. It had all been said in the weeks before, she knew it, and was as sick of it as anyone else.

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How the score has a jagoff like Mike North still there is amazing.  He makes like a few mill too if I recall and for what, he don't know jack about sports.  I'd say almost every poster here knows more about sports then North and its not like North is amazing with words.

ahh but you see.... radio is a buisness. And in a buisness you go with what makes you money. Believe it or not, North brings in a ton of money because a lot of people listen to him. Believe me, if he didnt draw listeners, he would have been fired a long time ago.

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ahh but you see.... radio is a buisness


No, a convenience store is a business.


Profit is good and all, it may be a necessity up to a point....But sports radio is radio first and foremost, so it's a powerful tool of influence, but also happens to be about sports, which is in turn about people's dreams and emotions and even thoughts.


It's up to the radio station to set and uphold certain standards of broadcast excellence and provide an appropriate forum for the listeners to participate in....NOT the other way around. Students do not dictate the teachers what the carriculum should be.


Once you surrender such lofty concepts as integrity, fairness, diversity, etc and concede all ideals to the Great God Dollar, it will help usher in a new reality, dominated by incompetent, conflict-merchants -- Mike Norths of this world.

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Julie's strong Sox bias combined with an even stronger dislike for everything Cubs (that's my girl!) probably played a big role in this, causing all sorts of problems with management and sponsors over the months. She is not as big a sell-out as North, so she couldn't pretend to buy into the Cubs Mania. She is not as professional as Bernsy, who can stop giving a s*** about the Sox and ridicule the hell out of KW, JR, etc  on a dime.     


Who knows, maybe she realized that she was too young and too good-looking (I am talking radio here and besides look at Jill Carlson -- Michelle Pfeiffer she is not)  to be stuck in the 10pm radio slot -- that's Grobstein domain.    She might just try out for a TV gig.    She is weird-pretty which makes her more memorable and her dorky sportshead personality - more relatable  - unlike some other, more conventionally beautiful vacuous sports bimbos.    I am suprised she hasn't tried it yet.


What do they say officially?


PS Does anyone know why Les Grobstein hate her so much?

Grobstein posts on WSI under the name Grobber33: Pulled this post from over there:


Grobber33 []

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Originally posted by jabrch

Grobber? Any thoughts?




I ALWAYS have thoughts, as for this,,I will keep most of my thoughts to myself for now other than to say.....I will NEVER celebrate anyone losing their job and I wont in this case,even tho one Person was jumping for joy when I lost mine in July 2001.

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Grobstein posts on WSI under the name Grobber33: Pulled this post from over there:


Grobber33 []

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Originally posted by jabrch

Grobber? Any thoughts? 




I ALWAYS have thoughts, as for this,,I will keep most of my thoughts to myself for now other than to say.....I will NEVER celebrate anyone losing their job and I wont in this case,even tho one Person was jumping for joy when I lost mine in July 2001.

I can only comment on Julie as a radio personality. For all I know she is this mad, power-driven whore from Hell. All I know is she loves baseball and has a visible rhetorical limp on the Sox side.


Who really knows how she got her gig while at NW and the subsequent promotions? Who did she blow and/or sell out to get where she is? Maybe once at the Score, she pulled a Jimenez and talked s*** about everyone, esp behind their backs. Or insisted on getting special treatment from her bosses. Or was simply annoying.


On the other side of the coin.....maybe people hating her over at the Score are insecure mysoginists. Maybe she didn't want to socialize and it resulted a in a couple of grudges.....I have no idea why Les can't stand her and Bernsy.


The truth is probably in between: she is not as innocent/simple as she sounds, nor do people at the Score who supposedly can't stand her are being reasonable adults in this case. Egos collide, misunderstandings happen. The rest is between her and the management. Management won.




This what Mark Liptak over at BSI says his trusted source had told him:


Plenty of people at the Score are singing 'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!" today. For those that think she's gonna land at ESPN AM 1000, that will happen when Pigs Fly or the enitre staff turns-over. One person there already told management (back before she renewed her contract at WSCR) that if they even THINK of hiring her,they would make just about the entire staff unhappy.


She has many enemies."

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Profit is good and all, it may be a necessity up to a point....But sports radio is radio first and foremost, so it's a powerful tool of influence

Nothing personal, but you are living in a dream world. I am a radio broadcasting student and I can tell you that radio is first and formost a buisness. If they arent making money, you get fired and they will try and find someone else to make them more money. This has become even more of a reality since big companies (Infinity and Clear Channel) have started to gobble up all the radio station. THey look at the bottom line. If they have to sacrifice "integrity, fairness, diversity" to make more money, they will.


Yes radio has a responciblity to the public, but they are in it for the money.

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Nothing personal, but you are living in a dream world. I am a radio broadcasting student and I can tell you that radio is first and formost a buisness


I am telling you what the radio SHOULD be and sometimes WAS....NOT what it is now. Of course Clearchannel and Infinity don't give a s***. No kidding.


It's easy to say "let the ratings sort it out". How very.


But hey, if people want to listen to a talentless, baiting hot dog vendor, have at it.


I pity future generations.

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Sweica was a Sox fan/supporter!


Chicago radio needs more of them, there are too many Cub fans with talk shows, i.e. Murph, Harry Teinowitz, Jurko, even Mike North (closet Cub fan!)!


We cannot afford to lose Sox supporters in the media!


Dan Bernstein is the man. Sox fan who is not afraid to take a shot at Sox management and fans.


He made fun of Sammy Sosa's lies and selfishness back when it was an unpopular thing to do. And don't get me started on steriods....


The guy is smart and hilarious and off-the-wall...and is not afraid to ridicule the scores (npi) of dopes calling in. Him and former newspaperman grumpy Boers make a good pair.


They are literally worth all Score and AM1000 personalities put TOGETHER now that Jiggits is gone.

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Dan Bernstein is the man. Sox fan who is not afraid to take a shot at Sox management and fans.


He made fun of Sammy Sosa's lies and selfishness back when it was an unpopular thing to do.  And don't get me started on steriods....


The guy is smart and hilarious and off-the-wall...and is not afraid to ridicule the scores (npi) of dopes calling in. Him and former newspaperman grumpy Boers make a good pair. 


They are literally worth all Score and AM1000 personalities put TOGETHER now that Jiggits is gone.

Jiggs? Really? I couldn't take much more of him. I also can't stand North and won't even tune into the Score if he is on. I will say Buffone was a lot easier to listen to with Jiggs, but I couldn't really take much of Jiggs. Boers and Bernsie are awesome. Fred sucks ass. I can't stand him and I can't believe he calls himself a Sox fan. He should be ashamed of himself. Then again if you are not talking Cub or Pro Cub then Murph won't even hear it. I do like J Hood as well. I would like to see Laurence Holmes get a shot, he is good listening.

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Jiggs? Really? I couldn't take much more of him. I also can't stand North and won't even tune into the Score if he is on. I will say Buffone was a lot easier to listen to with Jiggs, but I couldn't really take much of Jiggs. Boers and Bernsie are awesome. Fred sucks ass. I can't stand him and I can't believe he calls himself a Sox fan. He should be ashamed of himself. Then again if you are not talking Cub or Pro Cub then Murph won't even hear it. I do like J Hood as well. I would like to see Laurence Holmes get a shot, he is good listening.

Don't you think Jiggets and Dr. Hibbert (on the Simpsons) are the same person?


They both laugh at EVERYTHING, even things that are not even remotely amusing!

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