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which crime is worse


what crime is worse?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. what crime is worse?

    • child molestation
    • Selling weed

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I can not believe this is even a question..??




My God.. whoever said selling weed is worse is a complete idiot!



Oh.. IMO, of course.  :headshake

Thank you someone is married to a child moleser and they tried to talk s*** about me because i use to sell weed, and i blew up because her husband is in jail for molesting his step daughter. and i didnt understand how she could say selling weed was worse than molesting a 12 yearold step daughter.


Just seeing if i was going crazy or not.

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What is worse is that the ACLU is defending a prominent boy-man love group (NAMBLA to be specific) pro-bono.


A young boy was murdered and then raped by a gay couple.  Lots of NAMBLA literature was found in the couple's home.  The family has decided to try to sue NAMBLA, and the ACLU is defending them pro-bono.


In good concious I just could not do that.

Well then....lets get rid of the oh-so-stalinist ACLU....



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My God.. whoever said selling weed is worse is a complete idiot!


I was one. *ducks*


A really stupid question warrants a response that will highlight and satirize it's stupidity


Plus, this guy is self-serving as hell -- always trying to justify his drug-dealing past with these inane analogies and reasoning.

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Well then....lets get rid of the oh-so-stalinist ACLU....



I'm a card-carrying member of the ACLU, as I'm sure is cw. The country would be a lot worse off without them around, which is why I support them financially. But that doesn't mean you have to believe in every case they take on. Still, while I don't know the details of the case (and as such may be way off), I can see what ACLU took on the case.


NAMBLA is a sickening group - all the more so now that I am a father. But, if the suit brought against them by the boy's parents claims the NAMBLA literature MADE these two sick people kill and rape the boy, I can see ehy ACLU is part of it.


At the same time, cw's right, I likely could not rush to the defense of a group I hold in disdain.

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