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Will the Frank Thomas bashers please stand up?


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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

i concur

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

I love Frank as much as anybody. I've also defended Frank as much as anybody. I'm glad he proved everybody wrong. Here's to an MVP season for the BIG HURT :cheers

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He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.




Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.

I'll take this with a grain of salt. These mystery offers apparently were the only rumors not leaked this winter. And many times over the years Frank has made mention that his salary is too low for the market, that his salary is not in line for a player of his accomplishments, it's a slap in the face, etc. I don't believe Frank took less money to come back to the Sox.


That said, I hope he has a great year, but it may be hard to drive in a lot of runs hitting behind Harris and Rowand.

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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The Ozzie and Frank squabble seemed like much ado about nothing most of the offseason, and here's hoping that's the case. Right now it sounds like the clubhouse attitude in AZ is great and everybody's feeling comfortable. I hope that translates into a monster year for Frank and a hot White Sox team that surprises a lot of people. :headbang

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

Have you been reading anywhere near here for the past 3 months? 99% of people were pissed at Ozzie's stupidity, not at Frank. It was a pretty universal opinion that Frank deserved to be mad, even if he wasn't.


Hopefully you learn how to read before going and shooting off your mouth gloating like an amatuer. You pretty much just did the Sosa hop on a warning track ball there buddy.

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

Hu...? :huh



People are ON Frank's side.. not against him.

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

Gay Moronotti?


Sometimes, it's REAL easy to tell the age of a poster......

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

I must say I bashed Frank for not returning calls. I bashed him for reports that he wanted to be traded. I AM VERY IMPRESSED at how he handled himself yesterday. He said all the right things. He came in a day early. I am very proud to have him on the White Sox. I hope he puts a phenomenal year together and the Sox make the playoffs. He also said that he is closer to Ozzie Guillen than he ever was with Manuel. It looks great right now. I bashed him when I thought he was wrong and I will praise him now for what I think was a great move. He handled everything wonderfully yesterday.

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I am not proud of him. What the hell should I be proud for? Because he didn't cause a problem on the first day? Big deal. I can name countless other guys who didn't cause a problem on their first day of spring training.


I could really care less about what the guy does as long as he keeps his mouth shut and plays baseball. He usually gets himself in trouble by opening that big trap and complaining about something.


Oh let me count the ways that I am thrilled to have Frank Thomas on the White Sox this year. He's led us to the promised land so many times... :puke


Oh how I long for the days when, as "the Hawk", as he likes to call himself as if he is a 3rd person being, HE GAWN!

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I am not proud of him.  What the hell should I be proud for?  Because he didn't cause a problem on the first day?  Big deal.  I can name countless other guys who didn't cause a problem on their first day of spring training.


I could really care less about what the guy does as long as he keeps his mouth shut and plays baseball.  He usually gets himself in trouble by opening that big trap and complaining about something.


Oh let me count the ways that I am thrilled to have Frank Thomas on the White Sox this year.  He's led us to the promised land so many times... :puke


Oh how I long for the days when, as "the Hawk", as he likes to call himself as if he is a 3rd person being, HE GAWN!



Take Frank off this team, trade him for some prospects and then root for the Sox as they are in the cellar of the Central. Great Logic.


Most people just look at Frank for the numbes that he puts up. Take his threat (that most pitchers in the AL take seriously) out of the lineup and Maggs #'s will drop. In many ways, Maggs has Frank to thank for the pitches that he sees, as does the #2 hitter (especially when CLee is batting in the 2-hole).

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Look for Frank to post awesome number this season.  I see a repeat of last year with a higher average.  Hey, he's due to earn $11.5 million next year.  He'll want to make the Sox pick up that option without blinking an eye.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I just recently read that was a guaranteed $11.5M

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I just recently read that was a guaranteed $11.5M

I have heard so many thing about his contract status hat I am not sure what is right. However, I do know that having a happy Frank Thomas in a Sox uniform IS right. I think he will have a great year and if we have a 25-player team playing with enthusiasm and up to potential I think we will have a real good season. I am counting on it.

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So if Frank has a monster year, there is NO WAY we can keep both Frank and Maggs.  That sucks.

With Maggs comments about wanting to stay.. yet testing the FA waters.. I'm not sure his ego will fit here.


And before anyone jumps on me.. I am the HUGEST Maggs supporter. I just think he's talking out of both sides of his mouth and it doesn't sit well with me. JMO..

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With Maggs comments about wanting to stay.. yet testing the FA waters.. I'm not sure his ego will fit here.


And before anyone jumps on me.. I am the HUGEST Maggs supporter. I just think he's talking out of both sides of his mouth and it doesn't sit well with me. JMO..

I kind of got that impression too, Steff.

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With Maggs comments about wanting to stay.. yet testing the FA waters.. I'm not sure his ego will fit here.


And before anyone jumps on me.. I am the HUGEST Maggs supporter. I just think he's talking out of both sides of his mouth and it doesn't sit well with me. JMO..

Didn't Frank say the same thing a couple seasons ago when 'the clause' went into effect? :huh:


Who can blame Maggs for wanting to look around tho.


And no Steff I am not jumping on you, just trying to get the facts. :)

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Didn't Frank say the same thing a couple seasons ago when 'the clause' went into effect?  :huh:


Who can blame Maggs for wanting to look around tho.


And no Steff I am not jumping on you, just trying to get the facts.  :)

Maggs wanting to test FA and a pay raise from the the Sox is fine with me. The part I don't like and think his ego showed through is when he is asking for Vlad $$$. :bang

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