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Will the Frank Thomas bashers please stand up?


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I am not proud of him.  What the hell should I be proud for?  Because he didn't cause a problem on the first day?  Big deal.  I can name countless other guys who didn't cause a problem on their first day of spring training.


I could really care less about what the guy does as long as he keeps his mouth shut and plays baseball.  He usually gets himself in trouble by opening that big trap and complaining about something.


Oh let me count the ways that I am thrilled to have Frank Thomas on the White Sox this year.  He's led us to the promised land so many times... :puke


Oh how I long for the days when, as "the Hawk", as he likes to call himself as if he is a 3rd person being, HE GAWN!

He didn't have to say anything at all. He could have pouted and taken the comments in the paper the wrong way and pouted about them. He came in and sat down with Ozzie and then said all the right things to the press. He didn't even have to come in yesterday. He had until today and actually had until next week. He showed a lot of character through both what he had to say and his actions yesterday.

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Don't you have some buehrle-I-rather-be-a-cardinal poster to go worship somewhere?


Pretty ironical that you want to bash Frank, the man who embodies the White Sox, while you cannot get enough of mark buerhle....the punk who would rather play for the cardinals

MB is happy here, and now he's making the money he deserves to make. Both times Mark made comments about it being kind of a neat idea to some day play for the team he grew up cheering for it was a NON-STORY that the press tried to make something out of. Frank is happy here and is readdy to play for ex-teammate Ozzie. The apprehension about his arrival at ST and the trouble brewing was, again, a NON-STORY that the press tried to make something out of.


I can't wait until ST games begin next week and the press can actually write about that for a change.


And speaking of the press stirring up trouble, I know Shoenweis is going to miss a few days because his wife is having a baby. But what is the "personal business" that's taking Koch away from camp for the next few days?

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The sig and avatar says it all for moi.

Same here. I know Thomas has had his share of good and bad moments over the years, but he's the first player I latched on to when I started following the Sox in the early '90s. I just think it would be a shame for us to have to trade him away. I think it'd be great if he can start and end his career in the same uniform.

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MB is happy here, and now he's making the money he deserves to make.  Both times Mark made comments about it being kind of a neat idea to some day play for the team he grew up cheering for it was a NON-STORY that the press tried to make something out of.  Frank is happy here and is readdy to play for ex-teammate Ozzie.  The apprehension about his arrival at ST and the trouble brewing was, again, a NON-STORY that the press tried to make something out of.


I can't wait until ST games begin next week and the press can actually write about that for a change.


And speaking of the press stirring up trouble, I know Shoenweis is going to miss a few days because his wife is having a baby.  But what is the "personal business" that's taking Koch away from camp for the next few days?

And how many times have the press and blind fools like aboz made a big issue wit Frank?


Facts are he is the best White Sox player for the last 10 years. Treat him with some respect.

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Thomas is my favorite player.


Regardless of what happens he will always be an icon of the White Sox to me.


When he does well it is the best feeling, and when he struggles it is the most frustrating.


I hope he does awesome this year and no longer him ending his career in a Sox uniform is in doubt.


Hopefully he is a lifer.



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I am not proud of him.  What the hell should I be proud for?  Because he didn't cause a problem on the first day?  Big deal.  I can name countless other guys who didn't cause a problem on their first day of spring training.


I could really care less about what the guy does as long as he keeps his mouth shut and plays baseball.  He usually gets himself in trouble by opening that big trap and complaining about something.


Oh let me count the ways that I am thrilled to have Frank Thomas on the White Sox this year.  He's led us to the promised land so many times... :puke


Oh how I long for the days when, as "the Hawk", as he likes to call himself as if he is a 3rd person being, HE GAWN!


Bastard STFU


Will ya?

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I am not proud of him.  What the hell should I be proud for? 

How about 418 homers, all as a White Sox player? a .310 average? 1390 RBIs? or the more telling stats, a career .428 OBP, a career .568 SLG%, and a career .996 OPS, which is only the 10th best of all time.


Or being considered the greatest player in your franchise's history. That's an OK honor as well.


Because he didn't cause a problem on the first day? 


If he were your troublemaker of a kid and he was in his first day of school, yes.


He usually gets himself in trouble by opening that big trap and complaining about something.


Actually, he usually gets in trouble by opening his "big trap", saying nothing controversial, having the likes of Jay Mariotti, as well as others, twist Thomas's words into something he didn't say, and then he gets into trouble. Leaving that part out is huge. You would be just as bad as Mariotti, and the others, by saying he gets himself in trouble by opening his mouth....twisting words into what you want


However, the main exception to this is his "I only care about homers" remark. That's about the only one.


Oh let me count the ways that I am thrilled to have Frank Thomas on the White Sox this year.  He's led us to the promised land so many times...


And Mark Buehrle has, and Magglio Ordonez has, and Carlton Fisk did, and Nellie Fox did, etc, etc, etc....when you have a history of disappointing results, not a lot of people will lead you to the promised land. He has been to the playoffs as a member of the White Sox more then many, many other players who have played with the White Sox.

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This is an interesting Frank quote from the Sox site on the the topic of Ozzie:


Mt. Guillen: It might be nothing but jokes and broad smiles from Guillen during the first week of Spring Training. But at least one of his former teammates believes there will be an occasion where Guillen explodes like a volcano.


“He’s going to snap. He’s going to snap,” said White Sox designated hitter Frank Thomas with a laugh. “I can see it coming. He’s fiery. He’s played for some experienced managers and has seen some of those guys really snap.


“I’m sure he has a routine planned for that too."


Sounds to me like Frank knows that Ozzie if full of bulls*** and just rolls his eyes over his antics. Perhaps we should take a clue from Frank and pay no attention to Ozzie's remarks, just judge him by his actions and results.

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How would you like your crow served? Frank walks into camp early and says he has no issues with Ozzie and is reasy to play ball. He had better offers to go to but decided to stay with the Sox.


Hopefully, one of these days you bozos will realize what this man has given to this franchise.....he is the best Sox ever.....and he will be in the HOF as a White Sox some day


Go look at today's market, then come back and tell me how many men that put up Frank's #s will be making 6 mill this year.


So, to those s***ting on Frank all off-season, here is a hearty  :fyou


May you all get to sleep next to Gay Moronotti in hell!!!

5 years ago I would have been quick to go with that statement. Now, however, he is getting more like Shamme SOSO every day. That quote in my signature is the tip of the iceberg. He's always whining about money and he's an assclown to the fans and the press. The only difference between him and Albert Belle is that he doesn;t throw baseballs at the fans. He needs to shut the f*** up and play.

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5 years ago I would have been quick to go with that statement.  Now, however, he is getting more like Shamme SOSO every day.  That quote in my signature is the tip of the iceberg.  He's always whining about money and he's an assclown to the fans and the press.  The only difference between him and Albert Belle is that he doesn;t throw baseballs at the fans.  He needs to shut the f*** up and play.

He "shut the f*** up" all winter, and people b****ed about that.

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Allow me a couple bashes:


His PR skills suck. As often as not, he's unhappy about something. Salary and dimished skills? It's the f***ing contract you signed Frank. Why do some people bash A-Rod and the Rangers for "not lying in the bed they made" and rush to Frank's defense? Baseball goes out on strike, Frank talks about how important the union is and during the strike, he builds his house with non union labor. I'm not a big union guy, but it is another PR error.


Postseason batting average:

.000 in 2000. That's correct. ZERO, Zip, Nada, Nothing. 0-9.


IN the mid 90's he was the greatest overall batter I ever saw in person. I say batter because he is more than a hitter. He could work a pitcher. When I think of Frank, as often as not, I picture him dropping his bat and jogging to first on ball four.


I have never considered him the club house leader. If his clubhouse and off field skills were 1/2 as good as his batting skills, he would be a perenniel All-Star instead of zero appearences in the past 6 years.

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Allow me a couple bashes:


His PR skills suck. As often as not, he's unhappy about something. Salary and dimished skills? It's the f***ing contract you signed Frank. Why do some people bash A-Rod and the Rangers for "not lying in the bed they made" and rush to Frank's defense? Baseball goes out on strike, Frank talks about how important the union is and during the strike, he builds his house with non union labor. I'm not a big union guy, but it is another PR error.


Postseason batting average:

.000 in 2000. That's correct. ZERO, Zip, Nada, Nothing. 0-9.


IN the mid 90's he was the greatest overall batter I ever saw in person. I say batter because he is more than a hitter. He could work a pitcher. When I think of Frank, as often as not, I picture him dropping his bat and jogging to first on ball four.


I have never considered him the club house leader. If his clubhouse and off field skills were 1/2 as good as his batting skills, he would be a perenniel All-Star instead of zero appearences in the past 6 years.

He's not paid for his PR skills. He's paid to hit.

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This is an interesting Frank quote from the Sox site on the the topic of Ozzie:




Sounds to me like Frank knows that Ozzie if full of bulls*** and just rolls his eyes over his antics.  Perhaps we should take a clue from Frank and pay no attention to Ozzie's remarks, just judge him by his actions and results.

That is not what it sounds like to me at all. He said it with a laugh for one. If you take it as Ozzie is full of s*** then I guess all the managers that Ozzie has watched snap are full of s*** as well. All of those managers had a routine set as well. LaRussa, McKeon, Torborg... I don't think that is what Frank is saying at all and I think you are reading too much into it.

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Frank talks about how important the union is and during the strike, he builds his house with non union labor. I'm not a big union guy, but it is another PR error.


Tex, how common is using union laborers to build a house? I would think electrical contractors and such could be, but general contractors aren't usually union are they? I'm sure at the level of money Frank was spending he could have had more control than if I built a house, but generally the builder decides what sub-contractors he will use, right?


I am not trying to challenge your point, just asking out of curiosity. I built a house about 16 months ago and have no clue which if any of the workers on the house were union. It never entered my mind... Then again, as you said, I am not a big union guy.

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Tex,  how common is using union laborers to build a house?  I would think electrical contractors and such could be, but general contractors aren't usually union are they?

All (or at least a large majority) the guys that rebuilt our house were union. Good for us because the guy's union insurance covered his sliced hand (wasn't watching what he was doing when cutting the soffet (sp?)).

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Tex,  how common is using union laborers to build a house?  I would think electrical contractors and such could be, but general contractors aren't usually union are they?  I'm sure at the level of money Frank was spending he could have had more control than if I built a house, but generally the builder decides what sub-contractors he will use, right?


I am not trying to challenge your point, just asking out of curiosity.  I built a house about 16 months ago and have no clue which if any of the workers on the house were union.  It never entered my mind...  Then again, as you said, I am not a big union guy.

Very here. There are very few non-union contractors compared to the 1000's of union ones.


He used a non-union builder that used non-union contractors. If the builder is union, then he must use union contractors. Frank made the decision to use non-union to cut costs.


In his neighborhood it wasn't a big deal. Many of them used the same guys. This was at a time that lumber was at it's highest prices ever from the unions (Beatty was the prefered deliverer out there at the time and they were over 200% more than Hinz).


The house we just built was union built. Not really a big difference in the work.. the cost of non union labor is about 30% less. But if something happens like Fan said up there.. it causes HUGE problems.

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He's not paid for his PR skills.  He's paid to hit.

Not exactly. He is paid for everything he brings to the team. Look how some teams were fawning over Maddux. "Thinker, can help the other pitchers, he's a winner, etc." He is paid for everything he does. Some things increase his pay (hitting) some things decrease his pay.

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Very here. There are very few non-union contractors compared to the 1000's of union ones.


He used a non-union builder that used non-union contractors. If the builder is union, then he must use union contractors. Frank made the decision to use non-union to cut costs.


In his neighborhood it wasn't a big deal. Many of them used the same guys. This was at a time that lumber was at it's highest prices ever from the unions (Beatty was the prefered deliverer out there at the time and they were over 200% more than Hinz).


The house we just built was union built. Not really a big difference in the work.. the cost of non union labor is about 30% less. But if something happens like Fan said up there.. it causes HUGE problems.

The issue was timing. Frank was ON STRIKE at that moment as a union employee, with HIS union urging the other unions to not cross their picket line, and Frank goes and hires non union labor. Silly in a union town. Especially silly when I would guess the Sox are more popular with the rank and file union members than the Cubs.


As a batter, he is the best I've ever seen in person circa 1995.


As a help to compete with the other team in Chicago, as an ambassador for baseball,a nd all the other intangeables he rates very low. Could that be why his check is a bit lower?


God this was years ago, I should not have even brought it up.

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Not exactly. He is paid for everything he brings to the team. Look how some teams were fawning over Maddux. "Thinker, can help the other pitchers, he's a winner, etc."  He is paid for everything he does. Some things increase his pay (hitting) some things decrease his pay.

if Frank was a true leader who could run and field


he wouldn't be making 1/6 but rather 3/40+


You get what you pay for.

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