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My email to Jay Mariotti


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You guys aren't gonna believe this, but Mariotti took the time out to reply to my SPAM! According to Jay:


"Thanks to you, I will never, ever open another email that has anything to do with the White Sox. I hope that you're happy, you sick f***. Do you have any idea how long it took for me to delete all of that bulls***? I swear, you're either an idiot, or 12, or both. As far as I'm concerned, you represent all Sox fans with your antics. I'll be sure to make a note of this in my column. And f*** Big Frank."

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And you're the genius that thinks intelligent conversation with Mariotti via email or any other medium is even possible.  Dude, straight up, get your head out of your ass.

Is the child having another tantrum? We all knew it was only a matter of time...... :rolleyes:



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He either stole it from someone else, or it has been his autoreply for years...

Way to be self-centered and naive.


As if such a distinguished man of Letters as Mariotti would ever stoop so low as to actually steal auto-reply ideas from message board geeks.


Why, you'd get laghed at in most bars.



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"Thanks to you, I will never, ever open another email that has anything to do with the White Sox. I hope that you're happy, you sick f***. Do you have any idea how long it took for me to delete all of that bulls***? I swear, you're either an idiot, or 12, or both. As far as I'm concerned, you represent all Sox fans with your antics. I'll be sure to make a note of this in my column. And f*** Big Frank."




94, you might just make my Grand Imperial Deuchebag list when it's all said and done, but the above is not without its charm.

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Is the homo trying to come on to other dudes on a message board? :wub:


We all knew that it was only a matter of time.

Ah as I was expecting, a childish insult. I'm not gay either, and calling someone out like that is inappropriate. Get a f***ing clue, and cut the s***.



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Deuchebag = douchebag of the decidedly Kraut descent. Momo, ya dig?



Anyway, the love affair is over.  I move to ban this trollerific tool.

I agree. This guy is as pathetic as they come. He spends most of his time cramming Kotex boy's mail box full of spam and trying to pick fights with other board members. I think it's time to have his plug pulled. :headbang



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He spends most of his time cramming Kotex boy's mail box full of spam and trying to pick fights with other board members.

Starting fights with other board members? When was that? I never started anything. All that I did was respond.


And when you tell me that you're not gay, I don't believe you, because if you weren't gay, then you wouldn't have to tell us this because we'd already know, correct?

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And when you tell me that you're not gay, I don't believe you, because if you weren't gay, then you wouldn't have to tell us this because we'd already know, correct?


Being gay is one of the pillars this country is founded on.


Homosexuality = Greatness as well as superior hand-eye coordination.


Who are you to tell CWSOX45 he can't be all he can be?


I thought so. Putz.

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