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My email to Jay Mariotti


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got the message. don't see how it matters. the fact that he acts like an asshole just to keep peeps listening and reading doesn't make him less of an asshole. the sox can be fairly criticized for plenty of things, but it was a mean-spirited article and even lamer response to yasny. i think it's reasonable to bristle when someone s***s on my team.

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You know how you can send like 50 emails at the same time? I multiplied Marrioti's email address by 50 in the address bar & hit the send button about 100 times while I was listening to the White Album, because I get down like that. The header of the email: STOP BASHING BIG FRANK No text within the email.


It gives me immense satisfaction when I think of how Mariotti will have to delete 5000 of my emails tomorrow. I encourage you all to do the same. It'll take no more than 10 to 15 minutes. No big deal. Remember the all star voting last year? I spent at least two hours voting for Frank, and in retrospect, I should have worked harder. God damn it.

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You know how you can send like 50 emails at the same time?  I multiplied Marrioti's email address by 50 in the address bar & hit the send button about 100 times while I was listening to the White Album, because I get down like that.  The header of the email: STOP BASHING BIG FRANK  No text within the email.


It gives me immense satisfaction when I think of how Mariotti will have to delete 5000 of my emails tomorrow.  I encourage you all to do the same.  It'll take no more than 10 to 15 minutes.  No big deal.  Remember the all star voting last year?  I spent at least two hours voting for Frank, and in retrospect, I should have worked harder.  God damn it.

Isn't spamming illegal? Regardless of my personal feelings toward your actions, I want to thank you on behalf of any Sox fan that would ever try to legitimately email Mariotti ever again.


Forget it....... if you think that's cool, go ahead. You'll never get it anyway....

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Yeah, sure it is.  Come on man, are you serious?

I think he is serious and I also thank you for the impact spamming will have on the perception of the emails of any of the rest of us who try to seriously communicate with Marriotti

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I think he is serious and I also thank you for the impact spamming will have on the perception of the emails of any of the rest of us who try to seriously communicate with Marriotti

When I am deleting 300+ spam emails today, I will think of people who do stupid things like you did and utter a few choice words for you.


Whether you get it or not, that was NOT cool.

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I think he is serious and I also thank you for the impact spamming will have on the perception of the emails of any of the rest of us who try to seriously communicate with Marriotti.


Who gives a flying f*** about what that guy thinks. You gotta be an asshole to read his column in the first place. Duh, I wanna see what he's gonna say next.

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When I am deleting 300+ spam emails today, I will think of people who do stupid things like you did and utter a few choice words for you. 


Whether you get it or not, that was NOT cool.


Whether or not I get it, as if this is rocket science. Have fun deleting all of that SPAM.

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what you did was not only most likely illegal, but it was childish, immature, and STUPID. Now, after getting all the garbage you sent him, why woul dhe bother reading any legitimate e-mail from a Sox fan who conveys their opinions to him in a mature, sensible, and respectful way? It wont. That was not a bright move and i cant believe you are proud of yourself for that

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what you did was not only most likely illegal, but it was childish, immature, and STUPID. Now, after getting all the garbage you sent him, why woul dhe bother reading any legitimate e-mail from a Sox fan who conveys their opinions to him in a mature, sensible, and respectful way? It wont. That was not a bright move and i cant believe you are proud of yourself for that

Aw, poor baby can't send any more "legitimate" emails to Mariotti because I ruined everything. I'm so sorry.

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