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Steven Colbert


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This is how I see the next four years playing out. On inauguration day George W Bush will take the oath of office and assume the mantle of leader of the free world, restoring his fathers fallen dynasty. And to ensure his legitimacy Cheif Justice Renquist [sp?] will annoint his brow with crism, doves will be released and lambs will be slaughtered. Bush will mount a golden chariot, then with his aged squire Dick Cheney holding a laurel wreath over his master's furrowed brow, the man who would be boy-king will take his destined throne. And in a much-needed show of strength he will drive his enemies before him like leaves before a storm. He will make whores of our wives and slaves of our children. He will appoint a horse to the Senate. He will have the oceans whipped for daring to turn their tides without his leave. And while gangs of willowy young boys rub his body with perfumes from Persia and the fat rendered from the corpses of the persecuted poor, all about the fevered crowds will stare worshipfully at their unknowing, unseeing, girlishly giggling, idiot emperor's head. End of day one. Now, day two...



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