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Some people really suck

Queen Prawn

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This morning on my way to work on the tri-state, there was a huge slow down after the 83rd street tolls. After a few minutes I realized what was causing the slow down. Someone abandoned a dog on the median. :o The poor thing just sat there watching the cars go by. I called 411 to get a number to report this, but the number they gave me (Illinois Agricultural Animal Welfare or something like that) was to an office that wasn't open. I called my mom, but outside of 311 (which my phone wouldn't connect to), she wasn't sure who to call. I tried calling Brian, but he was still asleep. Knowing him, he would have drove and got the dog himself. One person did stop and everyone was driving really slow (about 20-30 miles an hour) so I hope someone else had better luck getting a hold of some help for the dog. When I got to work, one of my co-workers gave me 312-744-4000 and said they (City Hall information) would be able to give me a better number to call. Does anyone know of a better number to call in this situation? Or is this the right number?


How can someone do that - abandon a dog on an expressway? :angry: If they can't care for the dog or they don't want the dog anymore, can't they take him to a shelter or find a decent home for the dog?


:fyou to the jagoff that did this (and to the other jags that have done such a thing in the past - my mom said this happens often).

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There are a few neighborhoods on the east side of the Tri-state in that area. Is it possible that the dog got out before the traffic got bad.. crossed into the median.. and then got scared and stayed there..?

I don't think so, but I guess it is always possible. The dog only had a leather collar, no tags or anything. Whatever the case is, I hope the pooch is okay.


I know abandoning dogs on the expressway is common on the Ryan (obviously the median is crowded with the 'L', but that doesn't seem to stop people).

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When I wa going back to East Lansing from Cleveland last month, I saw the same thing. Everyone was slowing down, and many people had gotten out of their cars to try to help. There was a cop there and an animal contorl vehicle was pulling up as we went by. Touching to see so many people try to help.

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When I wa going back to East Lansing from Cleveland last month, I saw the same thing. Everyone was slowing down, and many people had gotten out of their cars to try to help. There was a cop there and an animal contorl vehicle was pulling up as we went by. Touching to see so many people try to help.

What is really sad is if it was homeless guy, people would honk and flip the f***er off for slowing down traffic. Especially in Republican neighborhoods ;)

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One day while my mom was driving to work (not on the highway), the driver in front of her threw a dog out the driver's side window into oncoming traffic. My mom, pulled over, got the dog and we've had her happily for about 3 years now :)

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One day while my mom was driving to work (not on the highway), the driver in front of her threw a dog out the driver's side window into oncoming traffic.  My mom, pulled over, got the dog and we've had her happily for about 3 years now :)

your mother is a saint, God bless her! :headbang :headbang :usa :usa

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One day while my mom was driving to work (not on the highway), the driver in front of her threw a dog out the driver's side window into oncoming traffic.  My mom, pulled over, got the dog and we've had her happily for about 3 years now :)

I agree with CW's sentiments about your mom.


The driver is lucky it wasn't Brian that saw it cuz knowing his Irish temper and driving skills, he'd get the dog, chase the driver and then...either do to the driver what they did to the dog or call the cops...maybe both.

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It's interesting to watch the progression of a thread.


This one went from a post about a dog abondoned on the expressway to republicans flipping off homeless people.


And my Friday continues to suck....

Oh, cry me a river... :lol:

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Oh, cry me a river...  :lol:

OK. I will...


:crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying


ARGH - my tear ducts have dried out...someone get me some eye drops quick!!!!



Seriously though, today has really sucked for me. Oh, well, there is always tomorrow. Now I have to figure out if that is a good thing or a bad thing lol.

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It's interesting to watch the progression of a thread.


This one went from a post about a dog abondoned on the expressway to republicans flipping off homeless people.


And my Friday continues to suck....

if someone is going to abandone a dog they arnt gonna drop it off in the middle of an interstate imo..they would take it to one of the many forest preserves or something and dump it off there..my guess is that dog got out of its yard and just got lost...probably wandered up on the highway in the middle of the night when traffic was real slow..


btw..its mostly republicans who help the homeless..they have all the money...you democrats are too poor to give spare change :lol:

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if someone is going to abandone a dog they arnt gonna drop it off in the middle of an interstate imo..they would take it to one of the many forest preserves or something and dump it off there..my guess is that dog got out of its yard and just got lost...probably wandered up on the highway in the middle of the night when traffic was real slow..

Baggs.. that's what I think also. Right across the RR tracks that run along 294 at that point there are a ton of condo's, apartments, and houses. I think it may have just wandered away and got stuck out there. Also Fan mentioned it had a coller.. even with no tags (which really means nothing since unless you get a pure breed or one from the AW many don't bother to get shots and tags for their animals, or if they do some just don't bother to put them on), if someone was going to toss a dog out the window they would take the coller off. A coller, to me, shows that someone cared for the dog. JMO, though.

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Which would be totally economically inaccurate.  A recession was officially declared by the OMB in March of 2001, less than two months after the Bush inaguration.  Would you care to explain to me how a $6 trillion economy can go into negative growth in 6 weeks?

Why let facts get in the way of what some may consider a witty sign? :huh


Kind of like those campaign ads for Blair Hull that blames Bush for NAFTA, though the bill was signed in 1992 and went into effect on 1/1/94, during Clinton's administration. But hell, it must be Bush's fault!

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