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Some people really suck

Queen Prawn

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Whether it was abandoned there or not, who knows.


I know it happens on the DR all the time though - I know a few people who've actually seen it happen.

I don't know how anyone could do that. Take it to a farm. Farms take strays a lot.

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Why let facts get in the way of what some may consider a witty sign?  :huh


Kind of like those campaign ads for Blair Hull that blames Bush for NAFTA, though the bill was signed in 1992 and went into effect on 1/1/94, during Clinton's administration. But hell, it must be Bush's fault!

BTW I will add two things to this. The official definition of a recession is two straight declining quarters...


And this is an article to back up my March 2001 date.



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BTW I will add two things to this.  The official definition of a recession is two straight declining quarters...


And this is an article to back up my March 2001 date.



And he is a much more detailed write up. It gives much more industry related info and terminology. Good info



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I'll take back the jab at Republicans but I stand by my comment that if it was a homeless person instead of a dog, the reaction would be different. If a dog sits there and looks starving, dirty, etc. we feel pity and someone will toss him some food. Same look from a human being, and most people will walk on by.


2 for the price of 1


Presidents get too much blame and too much credit for the economy.

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I'll take back the jab at Republicans but I stand by my comment that if it was a homeless person instead of a dog, the reaction would be different.  If a dog sits there and looks starving, dirty, etc. we feel pity and someone will toss him some food. Same look from a human being, and most people will walk on by.


2 for the price of 1


Presidents get too much blame and too much credit for the economy.

Agreed. Thank you. Yes, you're probably right about people reacting differently. Sad commentary about our society.

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Why let facts get in the way of what some may consider a witty sign?  :huh


Kind of like those campaign ads for Blair Hull that blames Bush for NAFTA, though the bill was signed in 1992 and went into effect on 1/1/94, during Clinton's administration. But hell, it must be Bush's fault!

if the bill was signed in 1992, who signed it? name the president in 1992.


who negotiated it? that would be the presidents from 1981-1993.


is NAFTA flawed? yes I have no idea what Blair Hull (?) is saying but my state has lost 120,000 manufacturing jobs since Jan 2001 and Ohop ahs lost 160,000 and that is not all jobsm, that is manufacturing jobs and there is Bush in Mexico saying he wants to extend NAFTA to everywhere


the economic arguments that I hear in here are so rhetorical and so without all the facts that it is like to cub fans


talk about spin and sloganeering - anyone who thinks the economy is healthy to day is a damned fool especially when to pay for the tax cuts to the rich Greenspan says social security needs to be cut and Bush says yeah


reinstate the tax rates under Clinton for the top brackets and cut the damned deficit now


Bush is the worst spender in US history bar none, and September 11th has nothing to do with it, factor that out and Bush is far and away the worst spender in US history bar none and he is too chicken s*** to even put the Iraq costs in hius 1/2 tgrillion deficit budget


that is why the thinkinbg folks at the very conservative Heritage Associiation and others are appalled with Bush on economic matters -


the bumper sticker I posted was just that - ha ha - what was posted in reaction to that has been bunk

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is NAFTA flawed?  yes  I have no idea what Blair Hull (?) is saying but my state has lost 120,000 manufacturing jobs since Jan 2001 and Ohop ahs lost 160,000 and that is not all jobsm, that is manufacturing jobs and there is Bush in Mexico saying he wants to extend NAFTA to everywhere

The manufacturing jobs are dying both from overseas competition and technology. Save jobs, let's all throw away our computers because it eliminated secretaries. Let's go back to albums and save the vinyl record industry. Put away the automobiles and save the buggy whip manufacturer.


We could stop companies from trying to produce products for less money. Do we want to go back to $2,000 basic computers? $1,000 cell phones?


So we save manufacturing jobs in the US and pay 2X what the rest of the world pays for the same item? How does that help our economy? If we could roll back the clock, would we be better if we saved Zenith by putting a tariff on TVs so we all pay $400 for a 27" color set while the rest of the world is paying $200? Would we be better off if we built computers in the US at double the price while the rest of the world leap frogged us?


NAFTA has increased jobs in some corners of the US. The largest Japanese Chamber of Commerce outside Japan is 10 miles from me. Japan could not compete with NAFTA so hundreds of Japanese companies have moved throught the NAFTA countries.


Michigan (and other states) have been offering tax incentives for companies to move there. How does that help the people in Ohio who lose their jobs when a factory moves to take advantage of those incentives?

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What is really sad is if it was homeless guy, people would honk and flip the f***er off for slowing down traffic. Especially in Republican neighborhoods  ;)

Home for me is in a very democratic neighborhood and everyone I know would certainly "honk and flip the f***er off" for slowing down traffic. If I was in a hurry and pissed at the delay I might roll down the window and throw some pennies at the guy. But that isint because I'm a Republican its because I just dont care.

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