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Inspired by YASNY's e-mail:


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While not eloquent as YASNY's piece, I still wanted to get my point across without it being profanity-laced or incoherent. Here's the context, and please, be gentle. :lol:

Mr. Mariotti:



It has become quite clear at this point in time where your allegiance lies at within this city. To say that you are a fair and impartial journalist would not be an honest and fair assumption. In strict contrast to a quote you made earlier on your radio show today, not all fans in this city believe in curses. That is to be left for you and fellow fans who want to place blame for your team's failures on overzealous fans and farm animals. What is disturbing for myself (and quite possibly, other fans) is your complete, blatant, and total disregard for the other professional baseball team that plays in this town. Having read your previous articles, you have dismissed them as the "South Side Marauders", referred to their stadium as "The former ballmall once known as Comiskey", and placed constant ridicule on individuals such as Frank Thomas and Ken Harrelson with childish nicknames like "The Big Blurt" and "Houseman Hawk". Make no mistake; nicknames such as those have not been lost on White Sox fans, and can only be contributed as one reason why so many can hold you in such disdain.


The mere fact that as one of the "leading" (and that term is used quite loosely) sports columnists in the city of Chicago can be so biased and one-sided towards a team in the city is a rather poor indictment of yourself and your newspaper. One can understand the Chicago Tribune being protective of the Cubs. If I was the owner of that team, I would want to be protective as well. But even that newspaper can find the time every now and then to report on the White Sox, whether the situation is positive or negative. You, on the other hand, seem to focus your columns on the White Sox (the few times a year you decide to write about them) in such a negative light that you continue to bolster a myth that Chicago is truly, a one baseball team city. And for that; you have done quite a dis-service to the fans of the Chicago White Sox, who look for news on their ballclub in publications such as the Chicago Sun-Times.


On a final note, one of your favorite whipping boys for your articles, the aforementioned Frank Thomas, reported to White Sox camp a day early, with no problems or baggage, and spoke on nothing but glowing terms for his teammates, his manager, and the organization in general. And yet, to begin your radio show today, how did you greet it when you were in your Cubdom envy: By mentioning that your radio telecast would not include among other things, no "Big Blurt" news. I thank you again, Mr. Mariotti for your partial, biased assumption. It has not been lost among White Sox fans.



A loyal White Sox fan

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My email will just say:



"You suck."



I don't want to waste much time authoring an email to that idiot.  :lol:

You should've seen my first email. I had to delete it because half of it consisted of the "7 deadly words". :lol:

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