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Possible Konerko injury:


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Olivo's last seaosn at AA, he showed he could hit for average, power and walk as well.


Him, Rowand and Harris will prove y'all wrong. I see Miggy in 250-255 range, a 305 OBP and 405 Slug and 12 steals.

is that really proving him wrong??....i mean its over the mendoza line but 250 hitter with a 700 ops...is that reallty anything to get excited about??

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I hope you were just joking.

I definitely have to agree with SoxnBears on this one. If Konerko returns to his 2002 form our chances of winning the division are improved and would be much decreased if he was to be out for a longer period of time. I hope its nothing serious! Go PK!

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Here's the next part of the interview:


"l ....................................l, I................................"

Did he need a nap break or something? He's going really slow.


Anyways, regarding the possibility of losing Konerko...I'm saying that he is easily replaced. You trade for Martinez, McGriff, Simon, Casey...etc, and we'll be fine for a little bit, and then any of the above are gone after this year if we choose not to resign them(and I see no reason, if we were to do something like that, why we would resign Martinez, McGriff, or Casey, however, I could see Simon being resigned, especially if Konerko were traded).


I hope he has a great year, however, I won't count on it. He hasn't shown he can be a huge force offensively since the first half of the 2002 season...that was a season and a half ago. I hope he does, and I hope he can atleast earn some of his $7.5 mill, however, I have my doubts.


I'm as excited as anyone on here about baseball coming back, but I will not let myself get too optimistic.

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Konerko is on the radio right now.  His speaking ability is as slow as his running ability. 


I'll post his first response to a question on March 5th.  He might actually reach first base at the same time after his first at-bat. 


So far, "Paul, what do you think about your slow start?"


Paul : "W.................................................................................e"


Stay tuned for the rest. :bang

Pasttime!!! Your killing me man!!! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lol: :lol: :lolhitting :lolhitting

Gotta share the charge-the-mound bit with some guys at work tomorrow!!!

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I definitely have to agree with SoxnBears on this one.  If Konerko returns to his 2002 form our chances of winning the division are improved and would be much decreased if he was to be out for a longer period of time.  I hope its nothing serious!  Go PK!

You should clarify that you only want PK numbers that look like the first half of 2002. Between the second half of 2002 and the first three months of last season, that's a solid year of Bad Pauley. Chalk it up to a bad foot, bad hip, whaterver... Just seems like now's as good a time as any for PK to put together a solid FULL year.

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Konerko article from da Trib, he'll be fine


TUCSON, Ariz. -- The White Sox had their first scare of the spring when first baseman Paul Konerko was hit above the left elbow while taking batting practice.


Relief pitcher Jason Grilli drilled him and he immediately grabbed his left arm while staggering up the third-base line.


The Sox's worst fears disappeared, though, when Konerko was diagnosed with just a deep bruise above the elbow.


"If it was the middle of the season, I would have been quicker to get out of the way or it would have nicked me," Konerko said. "It'll be fine in a couple days, just some soreness."


Grilli was a Rule 5 selection last December from Florida and must make the team or be returned to the Marlins.


He was visibly upset afterward in the dugout. Sox manager Ozzie Guillen made a point to tell him not to worry about it and not to change the way he throws.


"He's a human being and you don't want to hit one of your players," Guillen said. "I just want him to do his job, get his work done and continue to go on."

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You should clarify that you only want PK numbers that look like the first half of 2002.  Between the second half of 2002 and the first three months of last season, that's a solid year of Bad Pauley.  Chalk it up to a bad foot, bad hip, whaterver...  Just seems like now's as good a time as any for PK to put together a solid FULL year.

I'll take Konerko numbers that look like July-September of 2003.

Which also happen to be the most recent numbers.

Agreed, though, that he needs to perform over the entire season. Same can be said for the Sox as a team - it seems they play well for one half of the season ( usually the second half ) and stink out the joint for one half ( usually the first half ).


PK cannot be one of the main reasons for 2003 being ruined AND be insignificant to this year's chances.

And I would under NO circumstances want Mr. Anti-Clutch, Fred McWhiff, at 1b for the White Sox. Besides the fact that he's worse defensively BY FAR than Frank Thomas, he's purely and solely interested in his 30 HR and 100 RBI, and I don't want a selfish player like him around.

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