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I am sick and tired of this s***! Everyone always has to find something negative abou the Sox! What the f***? We have a lot to be optomistic and anxious about! Heres a few off the top of my head:


Will Olivo ever hit a curveball?

Will Konerko have at least a DECENT 1st half?

Will Willie finally show that he deserves to start?

Will Jose bat better than .250?

Will Crede shine into the All-Star we all know he can be?

Will C-Lee do better than last year and become an All-Star?

Will Aaron be able to stay injury/wall free?

Will Maggs continue to be the RBI guy we need?

Will Frank stop hitting for the fences?

Will Ozzie be the perfect guy for the job?

Will E-Lo be an All-Star once again and win Cy Young?

Will Buehrle be as good as expected?

Will we even have a 5th starter?

Will Takatsu be as good as advertised?

Will Koch blow a lot of games?


As you can see, we Sox fans have much to watch for and have a lot to be anxious about! Stop being pessimistic and root, root, root, for the home team! GO SOX!!!

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I am sick and tired of this s***! Everyone always has to find something negative abou the Sox! What the f***? We have a lot to be optomistic and anxious about! Heres a few off the top of my head:


Will Olivo ever hit a curveball?

Will Konerko have at least a DECENT 1st half?

Will Willie finally show that he deserves to start?

Will Jose bat better than .250?

Will Crede shine into the All-Star we all know he can be?

Will C-Lee do better than last year and become an All-Star?

Will Aaron be able to stay injury/wall free?

Will Maggs continue to be the RBI guy we need?

Will Frank stop hitting for the fences?

Will Ozzie be the perfect guy for the job?

Will E-Lo be an All-Star once again and win Cy Young?

Will Buehrle be as good as expected?

Will we even have a 5th starter?

Will Takatsu be as good as advertised?

Will Koch blow a lot of games?


As you can see, we Sox fans have much to watch for and have a lot to be anxious about! Stop being pessimistic and root, root, root, for the home team! GO SOX!!!


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Im sorry but I just cant put up with that kind of s***! Every other thread is about Thomas and Ozzie being pissed at eachother and how the Royals are gonna win the division. I mean c'mon, stop being pessimists and be fans! BTW, enough with the #5 starter threads!!!!!

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Actually, I have had no caffiene today. Im just really pissed.

I understand.. but c'mon. We're Sox fans. We've always had the highest hopes and always been let down. This year some are just skipping the "hopes" part of the routine. It will make things even sweeter when they kick ass!! ;)

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I don't know if I am as optimistic this year as I was last, but I can say I am looking more forward to this year then last. I am so excited about this team chemistry concept. Yes the media of chicago is trying their hardest to disrupt it, but as it seems, its just making them closer.


The one element I thought they never had last year, even in spring training was team chemistry. I loved seeing Frank have a smile on his face the first day of ST. I love hearing how Guillen is telling everyone to make a strong effort to get to know Shingo Takatsu. This team has so much potential to be fun to watch.


This is the first year I am not going to care about any other team in a long time. Just the Sox. I think they will be fun to watch and read about. Surely, at least it will be fun to make our great sports writers eat their words....

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Feb 26 2004, 04:28 PM)

Actually, I have had no caffiene today. Im just really pissed.



Steff said: I understand.. but c'mon. We're Sox fans. We've always had the highest hopes and always been let down. This year some are just skipping the "hopes" part of the routine. It will make things even sweeter when they kick ass!!


I always thought it was ok to ask questions? I want Olivo to hit the curveball and Frank to hit for a higher average. And please don't use curse words


Jarry Manual

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I understand.. but c'mon. We're Sox fans. We've always had the highest hopes and always been let down. This year some are just skipping the "hopes" part of the routine. It will make things even sweeter when they kick ass!!  ;)

Exactly. Does anyone else remember the blown save by Koch and the opening series against the Royals? Sorry, if the Sox had done anything during the off season besides letting a couple players go, I'd be optimistic. We lost key pieces of a 2nd place team and expect to win?!

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I am sick and tired of this s***! Everyone always has to find something negative abou the Sox! What the f***? We have a lot to be optomistic and anxious about! Heres a few off the top of my head:


Will Olivo ever hit a curveball?

Will Konerko have at least a DECENT 1st half?

Will Willie finally show that he deserves to start?

Will Jose bat better than .250?

Will Crede shine into the All-Star we all know he can be?

Will C-Lee do better than last year and become an All-Star?

Will Aaron be able to stay injury/wall free?

Will Maggs continue to be the RBI guy we need?

Will Frank stop hitting for the fences?

Will Ozzie be the perfect guy for the job?

Will E-Lo be an All-Star once again and win Cy Young?

Will Buehrle be as good as expected?

Will we even have a 5th starter?

Will Takatsu be as good as advertised?

Will Koch blow a lot of games?


As you can see, we Sox fans have much to watch for and have a lot to be anxious about! Stop being pessimistic and root, root, root, for the home team! GO SOX!!!

i dont tell you not to optomistic when in fact i think your nuts for setting yourself up for a big letdown with what will probably be another failed season...if youre so pissed right now about some of us being doubtful about this group of sox players i imagine youll have a knife to wrists in june when the team is about 10 games under 500..relax some...chances are its gonna be another long one


to answer your questions









stop hitting for the fences???




hell no


hell yes

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You want optimism? Here ya go....


Olivo: A full season under his belt. Look for all around improvement.

Konerko: He can't possibly have a season as bad as last year. So, there is an upgrade from the 1B spot.

Harris: Jiminez sucked, Alomar was OK. I can see Harris performing acceptably.

Valentin: Still very solid

Crede: Like Olivo, look for him to improve

Maggs: Maggs had a slighly below average year. I expect better this year.

Rowand: We had no offense from CF the 1st half, and no defense the second half. I look for ARow to supply both on a consistant basis all year.

Lee: He was the best player on the field last year and can get better.


Bench: Too early to tell. Let's see how it looks when we head north.


Starting rotation: Ok, we took a hit here. I still think we'll be ok.


Bullpen: See Bench


Overall, I can see reason for optimism, as well as some people's pessimism. But then, that's why baseball the greatest game of all.

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