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Its going to be interesting when some of the states create laws for it and others don't.


Still, I do agree it is a secondary issue to the economy but I see both sides of the argument.


The one thing I ask is, if the bible wasn't around, how would people act about the sanctity of marriage, would we still think of it as something reserved for a man or a women (for those that do) or wouldn't you?


I know its hard to say the bible is around, but if we are basing our beliefs on the bible, then isn't that something that should be out of the constitution?


Who knows, I'm still pondering this issue.

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Who knows. Daley said he supports gay marriage in an attempt to divert attention from the "Hired Truck Scandal" so I guess it could become possible.

Maybe its just his ploy to try and get the Cubs out of the news. Afterall, they are about to resign Kerry Wood for like 11 mill a year for 5 years. All I know is if me and you happen to be right about Baker killing their pitchers, they could have a lot of guys tied up on the disabled list, kind of like the Dodgers have the past few years.

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if they make it legal then it will have to be taught to little kids and influencing them. that is my only problem with gays getting married.

:huh :huh :huh :huh :huh


it will be taught to little kids?



will that be in the same classroom with the same text book used to teach little kids about Ben and JLo, Britney Spears, Hooters, Average Joe, Want to Marry a Millionaire, Nick and Jessica, Dave and Carmen, Elizabeth Taylor and her 8 marriages, and everything else out that teaches the sancity of marriage when restricted to straight people? :huh :huh :huh

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I say they can do whatever they want, just aslong as they are not married in the Church.

why not in the church?


I do them in the church now.


A lot of clergy do, from a lot of church bodies.


Youn have a right to tell a UCC congregation or a UU congregation or the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Disciples, and many other congregations that they cannot do something they are now doing?


If a church body doesn't believe in something, then they won't do it I am sure but not every church group believes the same thing on everything.



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why not in the church?


I do them in the church now.


A lot of clergy do, from a  lot of church bodies.


Youn have a right to tell a UCC congregation or a UU congregation or the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Disciples, and many other congregations that they cannot do something they are now doing?


If a church body doesn't believe in something, then they won't do it I am sure but not every church group believes the same thing on everything.



No reasoning, it is wrong and should not be done in the Church...they can do whatever they want otherwise.

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No reasoning, it is wrong and should not be done in the Church...they can do whatever they want otherwise.

That should bbe for each congregation to decide for themselves. If a particular church decides not to do gay marriages and as a parishoner you oppose the decision, you find a church whose beliefs are more in line with yours. Vice versa, f your churchs decides to perform gay marriage services and you are opposed, you have the right to find a different church.


Saying they "shouldn't be performed in ANY churches" is too broad a proclamation, and presumes you can speak for the values of individual parishes better than the leaders of those churches.

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:huh  :huh  :huh  :huh  :huh


it will be taught to little kids?



will that be in the same classroom with the same text book used to teach little kids about Ben and JLo, Britney Spears, Hooters, Average Joe, Want to Marry a Millionaire, Nick and Jessica, Dave and Carmen, Elizabeth Taylor and her 8 marriages, and everything else out that teaches the sancity of marriage when restricted to straight people?  :huh  :huh  :huh

No but do you really want little kids still very influentional to have to take gay sex ed. and then a strait sex ed??????? i just dont think it really needs to be in the public school district. if it becomes legal then it becomes accepted and then it must be taught in schools.


I think if someone is gonna be gay(fine by me) they need to descover it on there own, not in a classroom.

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No but do you really want little kids still very influentional to have to take gay sex ed. and then a strait sex ed??????? i just dont think it really needs to be in the public school district. if it becomes legal then it becomes accepted and then it must be taught in schools.


I think if someone is gonna be gay(fine by me) they need to descover it on there own, not in a classroom.

that does bring up an interesting point...if gay marriage is legalized will gay sex have to be then taught as part of sex education in public schools????...


maybe there is a way out of this then...tie in gay marriages and school vouchers...gay marriage is legal but then everyone gets vouchers to send their kids to the school of their choice...


if we are gonna have choice...abortion , gay marriage ect..then shouldnt that choice be extended to the type of education our children want???

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that does bring up an interesting point...if gay marriage is legalized will gay sex have to be then taught as part of sex education in public schools????...

The actual act? Probably not. But what happens during class when little Dick or Jane raise their hand and proclaim to the class, "I have two daddy's (or mommy's)"..... and their not talking about steps either.

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No but do you really want little kids still very influentional to have to take gay sex ed. and then a strait sex ed??????? i just dont think it really needs to be in the public school district. if it becomes legal then it becomes accepted and then it must be taught in schools.


I think if someone is gonna be gay(fine by me) they need to descover it on there own, not in a classroom.

On one hand, only a brain-dead, bigoted shmuck would come up with something like that.


On the other....kids ARE highly impressonable/moldable and they DO vastly prefer to socialize with their own sex (girls/boys are icky!) up until puberty if not later. There is absolutely no way to know the long-term effects of homosexuality as accepted mainstream practice on society and on a child's psyche/identity/behaivor. None.


THAT is what scares the s*** out of many "secular" parents -- probably as much as the idea of being codemned to Hell Sodom and Gemorrah-style if they condone homosexuality/pro-gay reforms scares the s*** out of religion-minded folk.


All I am saying is....Gay Movement should not understimate the perceived legitimacy of the views held by its core opposition. Simple blanket slogans won't get you far. Know the REAL reasons why you're being discriminated against, and mount an unassailable arguementative, legalistic, scientific, theological and moral defense.

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I used to be agaisnt gay marriage, untill today someone convinced me that by taking away what sexes we are allowed to marry, that is taking away our rights.

I used to find gays disgusting. Not the "act" -- gays themselves, the way they behaved, spoke, the cologne they wore, the hairc cuts/dye jobs, etc. I guess it was a prevalent view where I grew up, among my friends and some family members.


Then I turned 15-16. And slowly but surely realized it's not ALL about my whims and sensibilities.


Last few years, I've been vociferously pro-choice/pro-diversity/pro-compassion. Now my disgust is reserved for "people" like bmr, clujer, jauggernaut, etc

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On one hand, only a brain-dead, bigoted shmuck would come up with something like that.


On the other....kids ARE highly impressonable/moldable and they DO vastly prefer to socialize with their own sex (girls/boys are icky!) up until puberty if not later. There is absolutely no way to know the long-term effects of homosexuality as accepted mainstream practice on society and on a child's psyche/identity/behaivor. None.   


THAT is what scares the s*** out of many "secular" parents -- probably as much as the idea of being codemned to Hell Sodom and Gemorrah-style if they condone homosexuality/pro-gay reforms scares the s*** out of religion-minded folk. 


All I am saying is....Gay Movement should not understimate the perceived legitimacy of the views held by its core opposition. Simple blanket slogans won't get you far. Know the REAL reasons why you're being discriminated against, and mount an unassailable arguementative, legalistic, scientific, theological and moral defense.

or only people smart enough to see that will happen. not wanting little kids taught about sex ed of gays is not descrimiting. i just dont think it is something kids should be taught about.

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