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Bartman Ball

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Did Bartman make a lot of money off that thing then?  That guy rocks!

He didn't make a dime off of it. Some scumbag lawyer got his hands on the ball after it bounced around, and he is the one who made the 100k off of its auction.


The only good thing to come out of it, was that Juvenile Diabetes got a donation of over $1 million from the proceeds of all of this.

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Another superior John Kass write up.



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John Kass 

Curse shifted, not lifted, when ball goes boom



Published February 27, 2004



Note: The poor Cubs fans who wrote me about the Bartman ball did so before Thursday night--when movie director Harold Ramis cursed the Cubs forever by arrogantly singing the Sox Park anthem seconds after the infamous ball was destroyed.


Yeah, Kass, I am a fan of journalism, and your column is a waste of space. What does that mean, you know? What the hell does all of this mean? What's the reason for this? What's the purpose for this? Ah, you really [expletive deleted]. C.F.


Thanks, but what about this eternal question: I know you are, but what am I?


You want to give Steve Bartman the ball? Yeah, I'd give Bartman the ball--if I could toss it 90 m.p.h. into his stomach. The guy's a loser. And you stay away from Wrigley. You bring us bad luck. K.S.


Too late; I've already put together my disguise, designed for me by those fab guys on the Bravo network. Ignore the fat man behind the curtain.


Your article is typical of the entitlement-driven Tribune paper. Why should Bartman get something for nothing? He obviously wanted the ball and he dropped it. There are moments in my life that I would love to have back, but you know, history is just that, history. A.C.


As I read your note, full of the type of "divisive" rhetoric that a President John Kerry will stamp out once and for all, I wondered: What is it in your life you'd want to have back?


It's unfair that Steve Bartman is followed so much by the media. But then, take a look at what you're doing--writing about the kid. You writers love this story. You make yourself out to be a good guy. All White Sox fans love to beat on umps, beat their wife if they still have one and do mass amounts of drugs. Have fun at Comiskey. B.F.


We Sox fans are sensitive these days. For example, we wax our backs between innings to get rid of unsightly body hair--the better to wear our mesh T-shirts from the Black Sabbath concert at the Amphitheatre in '76.


Every time I see your e-mail address [email protected], I cannot help but notice the eerily similar appearance to the word "jackass" contained therein, and I think--how fitting. T.R.


I don't get it. What?


Your article mocking the Cubs for the Greg Maddux signing and saying we'll go 156-6 was not publishable quality. The Sox will be good again, probably in the next decade. Deal with it. A.W.


I wasn't mocking. The Cubs will go 156-6. Especially now, after the Bartman ball publicity stunt. And I promise to cheer them on for every game, not just the two they lost when I showed up last year.


Kass, get a [expletive deleted] life. Just because the Cubs got some good players, you act like a [expletive deleted]. Why do you have to be a [deleted] and write like that? I call [deleted] people like you Cub haters, not Sox fans. So get off your lazy [behind] and cheer for the White Sox instead of rooting against the Cubs. M.L.


Madam, please allow me to respond in language you'd understand: I'm rubber, you're glue; bounce off me, stick on you.


I'm a lifelong Cubs fan/Sox hater. I would even pull for St. Louis in a Cards vs. Sox World Series (God forbid!). I beg you, please don't attend any games at Wrigley this year. We'll root for the Sox later, just let the Cubs have theirs FIRST! D.D., N.C.


If at Wrigley some afternoon, after you've had your usual 17 Old Styles and the tuna fish sandwich your mom packed for you, and a bow-legged, hairy-backed, fat Greek guy wearing a mesh Sabbath T-shirt hugs you, know this: It's not the beer.


When you write about the Cubs, you don't make any point in your article. Sure, it's entertaining to read about your jealousy as you mock our excitement. But as a writer, you did a good job, because you kept me interested in an article that was full of garbage with no real point. You're so envious. This is all about envy. You have nothing to be excited about in the armpit of Chicago. Sincerely, J.B.


Nothing to be excited about in the armpit of Chicago? What about the Braid-Your-Buddy's-Armpit-Hair Day promotion at Sox Park this year? You're invited. If things go the way the experts believe, we might also have a Rip-Out-Your-Braided-Armpit-Hair-in-Despair Day. Sox skipper Ozzie Guillen might rip his out, and Frank Thomas' too.


They made a spectacle of blowing up the Bartman ball, but the beauty is this: It will be seen as the beginning of a new curse. The baseball gods don't smile on those who destroy history. M.K.


After they destroyed the Bartman ball at Harry Caray's Thursday night, Cubs fan and Hollywood director Harold Ramis led the crowd in singing a song. As a deranged organist played the familiar tune, Ramis happily sang the words, "Na-Na-Na-Na, Hey, Hey, Goodbye." Several media types joined in. But that's not a Cubs song. It's a Sox song. They don't even know what team they're rooting for. Using a Sox song won't end the curse. Instead, they just tripled the curse. Don't blame Bartman anymore. Blame Harold Ramis.




[email protected]

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if the cubs really want to end the curse they should blow up alex gonzalez's glove and sham-me sosa's throwing arm ;) ..you know..the real culprits in the collapse last year

Mark the Savior Prior only had to throw one more strike too. It sucks that Bartman didn't get some cash outta the whole thing, I'd have sent him a check.

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