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Ok.. so you were just sitting there minding your own business reading this thread.. when all of a sudden.. BAM! This thought just popped into your head and you felt compelled to post it, in this thread, in response to Rex, who's comment was specifically related to this issue of players never getting into trouble for this unless they are caught red handed, and not for what they might have done in the past (with complete denial and absolutely NO proof let me add... )...


But yet your analogy was not meant in any way shape or form to be associated with the topic being discussed...



OK.. gotcha.



My sincerest apologies...


Rex specifically said that the players may have done so unknowingly and said it would be hard to justify a punishment in this case. Perhaps because they were saying they did it unknowingly,not because there is not proof that they did it. You seem to have left that whole part out of your post. Hmm, I wonder why miss queenie? :huh


Rex did specifically say they may have taken things unknowingly becuase the trainers gave it to them as a supplement and not as a steroid. This is where I "BAM" jumped in with my analogy. Not where you want to make stuff up and put in my analogy and make it seem like a bunch of nonsense. I can't see why this is all going over your head.


I also took Rex's post to mean even if they did admit to taking steroids they would admit it under the pretense that they took them unknowingly in which case my analogy makes perfect sense.


Where did I ever say that it was not on the topic being discussed? I never once stated that.


Instead of always arguing with me and making my statements read the way you want them to read you should just take them as they are. Not as you want them to be.

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And Rex was specifically commenting on the fact that I was correct that no one would get in trouble for THIS without PROOF.



So.. what was the point of your post if it was not to debate Rex's comment..?


Why bother posting on THIS matter if you were not referring to THIS matter..?


Rex also stated that the players could say they have taken them unknowingly and it would be hard to punish them in that case. That is where my analogy came in. It wasn't to debate anything that Rex said. It was to show that you can get punished for something you did even if you did it unknowingly. If they ever to were admit they took steroids unknowingly then there would be the proof, the admission that they took them. The unknowingly part is where my analogy comes in. The point of my post, once again, refers to the matter that you can get punished for doing something unknowingly. I posted it for that reason. I am completely sorry that this has all gone over your head.

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This is pointless and over.


You are exactly right ss2k4. It was pointless. Yet I was the one temporarily suspeneded while the other member keeps on posting! Great job! Look over the posts and see who was attacking whom. I think your aggressions are terribly miss directed and you need to stop playing favorites. Miss queenie has to get off her high horse and realize that her opinions are not the only ones that matter and everyone is entitled to post what they think. Just becuase miss queenie doesn't agree with something does not give miss queenie the right to attack that person's post or the poster themselves. THis is bulls***!

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This is pointless and over.


Nothing like beating a dead horse. You're not making yourself look any better by pulling this s*** back up.

I knew it wouldn't take long for sum1 to giv irish a serve. :lol:

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This is pointless and over.


Nothing like beating a dead horse. You're not making yourself look any better by pulling this s*** back up.

I dont really care any hlonger cheat. That was ridiculous what happened. I did nothing to get suspended. I was clearly just stating my point of view. If someone doesn't agree that is one thing, but to get to attacking someone is another. That is what happened. I am sorry that you feel the way you do, but this is really f***ed up. This is taking favortism to the extreme.

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Nothing like beating a dead horse. You're not making yourself look any better by pulling this s*** back up.

I dont really care any hlonger cheat. That was ridiculous what happened. I did nothing to get suspended. I was clearly just stating my point of view. If someone doesn't agree that is one thing, but to get to attacking someone is another. That is what happened. I am sorry that you feel the way you do, but this is really f***ed up. This is taking favortism to the extreme.



SSI.. I did not attack YOU.. I questioned YOUR analogy.


I took it as how you posted it in a thread that was discussing a specific topic, where it didn't fit. Your point makes sense.. your analogy does not. You can not compare statutory rape to anything. There is no comparison on any level. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch.


Like how you questioned me calling Colon a better inning eater versus Loaiza and you turned that around to fit your nitpicking.... :rolleyes:


I don't agree with a LOT of the posters here and their ideas/comments yet when I say so it doesn't turn into a pissing contest with any of them... that, and that alone, speaks volumes.


You started things with the comment about things flying over my head and not getting it.


And this, quoting from and continuing a thread which has been locked, the public questioning of authority, and the name calling, is further proof of your agenda.

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I'm closing this you 2. I'm not getting involved in whatever beef you seem to have with each other in alot of topics, but I am suggesting that old issues aren't brought back to the forefront to further fuel all this bickering. You are more than welcome to use PMs to vent to each other, but not a good idea to keep rehashing it all.

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