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John Kerry


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it is not a matter of you or me paying $1 moe for a made in US product


it is matter of ripping away every tax break from every corporation that moves jobs out of the US and moves offshore for tax purposes and still wants every US tax break possible -



I am sick unto death of corporate welfare for those who move our jobs away and then scream about having to pay unemployment compensation and their f***ing tax burden


f*** them


he fact that I live in a town of 8,000 and just lost our biggest employer of 2,700 people and are about to lose our 4th biggest employer of 350 people - the first corporation decided $81 million in annual tax breaks was not enough on a plant that was making them a profit - 2,700 people unemployed from a profitable plant, $81 million not enough tax break and I say tax the hell out of them for being off shore for tax purposes and taking our jobs for their profits


you want a tax break from the US? Then keep the jobs here.

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Any time you want to find out which way the wind is blowing from just ask a Democrat.  They always have a wet index finger in the air.

better than asking a republican, as they have their wet index fingers up their ass




:usa :headbang


a republican sticking the wet index finger up his/her ass is a symbol of course to represent what bush is doing to america... :bringit




nuke, you left the door (so to speak) wide open (so to speak) for that one - :lol:

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Better to have a wet index finger up ones ass than what you average Democrat has up there.

tell the truth, Nuke -

that is a picture of Bush looking for (1) weapons of mass destruction, (2) his national guard records (3) his coke stash


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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OK guys here is the deal. Who here is willing to pay 10-15 times more for your everyday products that are made overseas? Also who here is willing to give away half the money in their 401K's?


That is the wage differencial that companies are looking at. Are you willing to pay $1000 for a VCR? If that is the case then by all means we will save American jobs, but as long as people want cheap consumable good, it can't be done both ways. Are we willing to lose all our retirement money as we see stock prices plummet to bring them in line with higher wages, and lesser profits from people buying less because ordinary things cost multiple times more than they used to.


Is anyone out there making these sacrifices?


I want to here it.

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OK guys here is the deal.  Who here is willing to pay 10-15 times more for your everyday products that are made overseas?  Also who here is willing to give away half the money in their 401K's?


That is the wage differencial that companies are looking at.  Are you willing to pay $1000 for a VCR?  If that is the case then by all means we will save American jobs, but as long as people want cheap consumable good, it can't be done both ways.  Are we willing to lose all our retirement money as we see stock prices plummet to bring them in line with higher wages, and lesser profits from people buying less because ordinary things cost multiple times more than they used to.


Is anyone out there making these sacrifices?


I want to here it.

I'm not. I'm going to school so I can become a partner for a CPA firm doing a service. I'm going to school so I can provide a service and help the economy be more efficient, because I believe thats where the future is.


Like I said, I'm not willing to pay way more for products to be built by Americans. I should add, I do buy American cars or at least I try to. I'm driving a Honda right now, which I absolutely love, but before that I drove a Ford and was damn proud it was made in America.


Everyone has differnet thresholds of what they are willing to pay more for, for an American good. Would I pay a buck more, probably, but 20 bucks more...hell of a lot less likely.


When it comes to the corporate tax cuts, while we like them or not, lets also remember whose paying so much of these taxes. It is the corporations and the wealthy so they are going to save money.


I know economic theory states that the best people to give the savings to is the middle class, because they are typically the people that have the highest savings rate (How much of a buck they save...basically) compared to upper class people and lower class people.


Like I say, sometimes you have to really fight to keep an industry going in the US. For example, we have to subsidize for farmers, because we never want to be fully dependent on getting food from other countries. We always want to be able to trust our own food first. That is a basic need and one we shouldn't risk.


With oil, which is one of the most limited resources, we rarely try to use our reserves or mines, imo, because we want to get it from elsewhere as long as we can, so when and if its necessary, we can tap into ours, but as long as we don't need to, we don't, we keep it in reserves and such.


Its a hard issue, becasue there are so many things you have to look at. But like I've said all along, my theory is I find it absolutely impossible to do the things Kerry is saying because I don't think it works that way. Thats not to knock Kerry, but more to knock what I feel is the economic basis or theory of the democratic party. I simply don't agree with that theory.

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Though the money debate is in a different thread, I thought I'd share my opinion on one topic relevant to both sides. i have absollutely changed my mind about a matter to be voted on within 9 days several times within my 2 1/2 years in municipal office, I think the unwillingness to change is very prohibative( pardon the drunkedness) but if you can'tchange in light of new iformation, you are not doing you elected duty properly in my opinion.

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