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Broken hip....


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Just found out my grama in Florida fell and broke her hip at dialysis this morning. She's 75...  :o

Not a pleasant injury.... I know two people who have broken thier hips in the past year, both are relatively young for broken hips, (one's 28) and niether have had an easy time with recovery. One actually is building a malpractice suit against his doctors.


That being said, I can remember my late great-grandmother bouncing right back for a broken hip, and later hip replacement surgery, with little trouble




I hope she is like the latter and has a speedy and easy recovery.

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:o Yikes. I hope she recovers well. I'll pray for her.

Thanks eye.


She's been depressed since my grampa passed away and I just have a bad feeling that this will put her even more in the dumps. She's still very active and the thought of her being bedridden isn't a good one...

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Not a pleasant injury.... I know two people who have broken thier hips in the past year, both are relatively young for broken hips, (one's 28) and niether have had an easy time with recovery.  One actually is building a malpractice suit against his doctors.


That being said, I can remember my late great-grandmother bouncing right back for a broken hip, and later hip replacement surgery, with little trouble




I hope she is like the latter and has a speedy and easy recovery.

I hope my grama has the mindset like your great-gram.



How in the heck did a 28 year old break their hip...? Isn't the hip the strongest bone in the body?

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Steff, would ya believe I just found out what I've been doing wrong to get in here? Well I did and believe me, I'm hangin' my head in shame that I didn't realize it sooner. Oh well, just like a bad dream, I'm back!


Hey, sorry to hear about granny's hip, but if she's anything like her granddaughter, she'll be up kickin' some ass in a few days now.


Go Granny-Go Granny-Go Granny Go ('sposed to be da Beach Boys, but when I sing it, sounds more like the b**** Boyz...YAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



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Steff, would ya believe I just found out what I've been doing wrong to get in here?  Well I did and believe me, I'm hangin' my head in shame that I didn't realize it sooner.  Oh well, just like a bad dream, I'm back!


Hey, sorry to hear about granny's hip, but if she's anything like her granddaughter, she'll be up kickin' some ass in a few days now.


Go Granny-Go Granny-Go Granny Go ('sposed to be da Beach Boys, but when I sing it, sounds more like the b**** Boyz...YAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



Well, well... look what the cat dragged in.. ;) :lol:


Glad you finally found your way. :cheers If only you had asked Pat for help earlier.. :lol: :P


And thanks for the well wishes. Despite the injury, she seems to be in good spirits. It's going to be a long road, but hopefully she'll be OK.

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Damn broken hips are very hard to recover from. My mom did her's when she fell down da steps bout 6 years ago, took her at least a few months for her to get back on her feet. All da best for ur grandma Steff and a speedy recovery. :headbang

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Steff, would ya believe I just found out what I've been doing wrong to get in here?  Well I did and believe me, I'm hangin' my head in shame that I didn't realize it sooner.  Oh well, just like a bad dream, I'm back!


Hey, sorry to hear about granny's hip, but if she's anything like her granddaughter, she'll be up kickin' some ass in a few days now.


Go Granny-Go Granny-Go Granny Go ('sposed to be da Beach Boys, but when I sing it, sounds more like the b**** Boyz...YAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



indeed welcome to soxtalk! :cheers :cheers

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From all your friends herepraying-hands-montage.jpg

Tex.. thank you very much. I found out she did not break her hip but actually just the ball joint that connects the hip to the pelvis. Less trama, less recovery and PT time.. but way more painful.


I called her room this morning to talk to my aunt and she answered the phone.. she's so drugged up.. she barely knew who I was. :-(


My aunt said she is very doped up - which I guess is necessary - that she barely remembers her name (my aunts). I don't know why, but I feel so sad after hearing her voice. My grama and I have gotten much closer since my grandfather passed away 3 years ago and with her depression Jim and I have been going down to Florida to see her 3 times a year to keep her spirits up. She was just here in October to see our new house. For some reason I have always worked hard to make her the proudest of me (first grand-daughter to graduate college :headbang ). I've modeled my life after hers in many ways.


Sorry for the sentimental crapola... and thank you all for taking the time to express your well wishes.


I truly appreciate it.

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Ouch. IMHO the least heralded advancement the last century was longevity. We are living an amazing amount of time now. A hundred years ago 50 was a ripe old age. Now it's 80. But we are finding all new frailities of our bodies. Soon we will fix those.


60 years ago a broken hip was damn near terminal. Now it's a concern but not nearly as life threatening. God Bless her. She already has a huge factor helping her, family and fiends who love her and will take an interest in her recovery.

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60 years ago a broken hip was damn near terminal. Now it's a concern but not nearly as life threatening. God Bless her. She already has a huge factor helping her, family and fiends who love her and will take an interest in her recovery.

Hell with 60 years ago, about 15 years ago it was considered terminal.


My gramma in Ireland broke her hip and then had a hip replacement. Everyone (doctors) thought that was the end for her. She was scheduled for a second one (or at least needed a second replacement surgery) when she died from stomach cancer. or at least that is what my dad said Gram died from. July 2 will mark 12 years since she passed - I still look in the mail around St. Pat's day for the card and ribbon she always sent us. I try not to, but I can't help it. :(


Also, I hope your gramma recovers fully and then some Steff.

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A hundred years ago 50 was a ripe old age. Now it's 80.

I was watching the Autopsy show on HBO the other night.. and they had a story on about the twins from China who were the actual "Siamese Twins" and that they had wanted to be separated but since doctors had no idea how the patch of skin that connected them at the chest effected their body functions (it was initially thought that they shared a liver - they didn't) and that the LE back then was 35.. they lived into their 70's I believe. :o

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I was watching the Autopsy show on HBO the other night.. and they had a story on about the twins from China who were the actual "Siamese Twins" and that they had wanted to be separated but since doctors had no idea how the patch of skin that connected them at the chest effected their body functions (it was initially thought that they shared a liver - they didn't) and that the LE back then was 35.. they lived into their 70's I believe.  :o

Cheng and Eng? Their story is a very interesting one.

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I am saddened and impressed that my 87 yr old grandmother still lives on her own and function very well. I am not too old to have such and aged grandmother so I thank every day she stays strong and can only beg for half that life.

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