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Fuck Rick Sutcliffe


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Someone is telling these guys what pitch is on the way, just like the 1951 Giants, who admitted to cheating later on. 

Excuse me for being naive, but how is this even possible? The time elapsed from the moment a catcher calls a pitch to when the pitchers throws is what, 5 seconds at most. In that amount of time someone would have to turn their attention away from the pitcher and to whatever/whoever is relaying the information. I've never seen a Red Sox game at Fenway (and I've seen many on digital cable) where every batter glances away from the pitcher before he throws. I'd be interested to find out exactly how the 51 Giants told the batters what pitch was upcoming.


Only way I could possibly think of would be if players had tiny headphones in their helmets. But even thats unlikely with an umpire and catcher next to you.

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Excuse me for being naive, but how is this even possible? The time elapsed from the moment a catcher calls a pitch to when the pitchers throws is what, 5 seconds at most.  In that amount of time someone would have to turn their attention away from the pitcher and to whatever/whoever is relaying the information.  I've never seen a Red Sox game at Fenway (and I've seen many on digital cable) where every batter glances away from the pitcher before he throws.  I'd be interested to find out exactly how the 51 Giants told the batters what pitch was upcoming.


Only way I could possibly think of would be if players had tiny headphones in their helmets. But even thats unlikely with an umpire and catcher next to you.

I believe the Giants used the scoreboard but I don't remember exactly. Also they didn't tell them exactly what pitch was coming, I think just whether it would be a fastball or offspeed (still a huge advantage).

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Excuse me for being naive, but how is this even possible? The time elapsed from the moment a catcher calls a pitch to when the pitchers throws is what, 5 seconds at most.  In that amount of time someone would have to turn their attention away from the pitcher and to whatever/whoever is relaying the information.  I've never seen a Red Sox game at Fenway (and I've seen many on digital cable) where every batter glances away from the pitcher before he throws.  I'd be interested to find out exactly how the 51 Giants told the batters what pitch was upcoming.


Only way I could possibly think of would be if players had tiny headphones in their helmets. But even thats unlikely with an umpire and catcher next to you.

It's very easy to get the message to the batter. A few years ago, I was coaching a teenage baseball team and while in the 3rd base coaches box, I could read the catcher's signs. I used keywords to tell the batter what was coming, either the word "smoke" or "wait". I might say, Get your pitch and smoke it, and he'd know a fastball was coming. Or I would say, "Wait on your pitch." and he'd know it was offspeed. Worked like a charm. :D

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It's very easy to get the message to the batter.  A few years ago, I was coaching a teenage baseball team and while in the 3rd base coaches box, I could read the catcher's signs. I used keywords to tell the batter what was coming, either the word "smoke" or "wait".  I might say, Get your pitch and smoke it, and he'd know a fastball was coming.  Or I would say, "Wait on your pitch." and he'd know it was offspeed.  Worked like a charm.  :D

Me, I'm all for that. If a catcher is making his signs so obvious, then he deserves. And as a hitter, it is great to know what is coming. Though some guys don't want to know, I've never understood that.

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I was watching the spring training game on ESPN to see the Cubs get drilled and they started to talk about the AL central and the other guy mentioned the Sox.  He says that Ozzie is gonna try to bring his energy and then Sutcliffe says you need talent first and "They don't have a lot of talent there".  This guy is such a deuche.  :fyou

LAst year, we had a better tem, more talented team than this year...i dont see the Sox winning the division this year. If they win, it will be like 2000, playing with intensity and some young guys helping the team.

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Who choked in game 5 in '84?? Huh?? ANSWER ME,MOTHERf***ER!!!!


Rick Sutcliffe is about as valid as the asshole on 'MVP between 9-11 AM Monday through Friday.No need to mention names. This is just the kind of event that makes you scream f*** SCRUBBIE NATION OUT LOUD.


Piss On Sutcliffe and the goddamn sCrUBs!!

Hey, Giants-9,sCrUBS-3.

Let the demolition begin!!  :lol:  :lol:

but how do you REALLY feel :D

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Sutcliffe is just echoeing what many people on this board feel. (I don't agree). If you go back a month or 2 on this board, most were saying the same things he's saying, and he was covering his ass with Cub fans. I remember when he was finishing up his career, he passed on coming to the White Sox because he thought it would be sacreligious to play for them after his emotional involvement with the Cubs. The thing I don't like about Sutcliffe is that he always cuts off the last word in every sentence he speaks. He gets about halfway done with the last word, and its on to the next sentence. That has always annoyed me.

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Sutcliffe is just echoeing what many people on this board feel. (I don't agree). If you go back a month or 2 on this board, most were saying the same things he's saying, and he was covering his ass with Cub fans. I remember when he was finishing up his career, he passed on coming to the White Sox because he thought it would be sacreligious to play for them after his emotional involvement with the Cubs. The thing I don't like about Sutcliffe is that he always cuts of the last word in every sentence he speaks. He gets about halfway done with the last word, and its on to the next sentence. That has always annoyed me.

I disagree, I think that most of the people on this board have really turned optimistic about our chances this year. Ozzie's attitude has been enough for me.

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