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Break up the bulls dynasty

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Marcus fizer has just been placed on the IL, for making stupid comments about how he was bolting for NO at the end of the season

it would be like christmas for me


So to replace Blount we have signed Paul Shirley, out of the ABA, heres his stats


9.5 rpg, 2.7 apg, 1.30 bpg and 20.5 mpg, while shooting .500 from the field


He is out of iowa state and has bounced around between minor league teams

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I just read this thread... I has no idea the bulls signed Paul Shirley...


I went to ISU back in the day. I was friends with Shirley at the time. He left the team for awhile while I was there. I'm going to look for some pics (I'm sure I have some very comprimising ones) this weekend of us in all our glory back in the day. I'll post 'em here.


I'm 6'0" weigh 155. not exactly what you would call buff. I'm a skinny guy. I remember Shirley being not that much thicker than I. Surely not properly suited to play in the NBA. If he's bulked up, I wouldn't be surprised if he was using the same trainer as Bonds.

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i just reread my reply... I didn't bash this guy enough.


He could hardly compete on the college level in the big 12. He was probably the 4th option on a mediocre Iowa State team. He has no business being on an NBA court, unless he's going to be the guy operating those t-shirt launchers.

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So one time in an intramural game I hit 13 3-pointers... can I get a 10 contract...


The guy isn't an NBA player.  This is coming from someone who played with the kid.

I wasn't suggesting that he should be in the NBA. I was simply throwing out an interesting stat.

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