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Howard Stern this morning...


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It's a real tricky subject, no doubt.  I suppose what will eventually happen is Stern will take his show to satellite radio, and every single free-air station that used to air him will watch their profits go straight into the crapper.  It's just like what's happening to the free-TV networks.  They're all on the slow path to obsolescence, because of cable.

If I'm not mistaken I believe that CC actually has a stake in those sattelite radio stations. There is, however, premium channels on those services that could be used for more of a "free" speech platform. Ironic that you have to pay to hear "free speech".

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And the point I am trying to make (and I guess not very well) is that we should not have an anything goes over the airwaves. Sterns argument is (at the minimum) my show is ok, it's the religious wackos coming after me.


I believe from other discussion you would not describe yourself as a religious wacko. You have agreed that we should have some form of censorship. I believe every American should have a voice in where the line is drawn. To disregard someone because they attend a worship service, or live in the suburbs, or vote Republican, is wrong.


For many Americans Stern's show crosses their boundry of decent and indecent. It is their right and I would add responsibility, to work towards regulations that they agree with. I also believe it is Sterns and others who would go further to work towards regulations they can live with. The healthy debate and discourse helps America to set standards and laws we all can live with.


I'm defending Bush and his cronies in this thread, and ripping the boy in another. No wonder neither party wants me. :D

I agree with you, Tex, but my problem that the ONLY people that seem to be factoring into the decision are right-wing groups and republicans. Stern has 18 million listeners, he's the #1 rated show almost everywhere he's on. Obviously, there are tons of people who want him on the airwaves, and they're concerns are seemingly being disregarded.

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If I'm not mistaken I believe that CC actually has a stake in those sattelite radio stations.  There is, however, premium channels on those services that could be used for more of a "free" speech platform.  Ironic that you have to pay to hear "free speech".

Yeah, but you can't really get porn videos for free either. Or see uncut R-rated movies. And that doesn't bother me so much, because I can understand a parent not feeling comfortable with their kid listening to Stern's show. I mean, if you are a parent, how are you supposed to always know between June and September what your kid is listening to from 6-7am til 10-11am every morning? My fear is that they're taking things too far. That whole thing about the Super Bowl was a joke. Anyone who thinks their kid was sent down the road to deviancy because they saw Janet's boob is an idiot. It was a boob, so f***ing what? I have no clue why people think plain nudity is something that kids can't handle. It's anatomy, it's human, it's part of life. I wouldn't want my 10-year old watching heavy-bondage gay porn, but I certainly wouldn't have any problem showing him/her Michaelangelo's David.

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And that comes with being organized. A lot of groups are well organized and get a lot accomplished in thier sphere of interest. Look at the NAACP, NRA, AARP, MLB, etc. The ACLU will probably take up the cause at some point. Plus Stern and Co. have $millions to invest in a lobbying effort. And don't think they will not spend $millions.


As a proud member of the Insane Coho Lips, owner of Pet Fishsticks, and a frequest visitor to Dahl's web site, I'm not always tuned into NPR, and the local rock station. I've enjoyed a lot of Stern's show. I also believe he crosses over the line of what should be available on the "free" public airwaves. He is smart enough and talented enough to deal with the line being moved in a couple degrees.

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And that comes with being organized. A lot of groups are well organized and get a lot accomplished in thier sphere of interest. Look at the NAACP, NRA, AARP, MLB, etc. The ACLU will probably take up the cause at some point. Plus Stern and Co. have $millions to invest in a lobbying effort. And don't think they will not spend $millions.


As a proud member of the Insane Coho Lips, owner of Pet Fishsticks, and a frequest visitor to Dahl's web site, I'm not always tuned into NPR, and the local rock station. I've enjoyed a lot of Stern's show. I also believe he crosses over the line of what should be available on the "free" public airwaves.  He is smart enough and talented enough to deal with the line being moved in a couple degrees.

This is bulls***... When Howard goes off the air... I think Im gonna reconsider my political affiliation... In no way shape or form, does the government have the right to tell me what I can and cant listen to..... This sucks

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In no way shape or form, does the government have the right to tell me what I can and cant listen to..... This sucks


So you believe that anything can be said over the airwaves? Zero censorship? Or just what you believe is appropriate?


For example a new DJ decides to push the envelope with an opening:


Hey dumb motherf***ers, it's after school time, how was kindergarten, I hear that new teacher has some great tits. lets' all f***ing kick back, get our dicks sucked, or suck dick, maybe get raped up the ass! Man look at that lesbian suck that cock?


No way the Government should be allowed to stop something like that.


Perhaps we could have a nice racist start every morning with a rant about Italians, of gays, or heterosexuals, or blacks. because



In no way shape or form, does the government have the right to tell me what I can and cant listen to..... This sucks




Of course the government can, and should regulate what goes out over the public airwaves.

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Sterns argument is (at the minimum) my show is ok, it's the religious wackos coming after me.

Incorrect. Howard IS adhearing to the FCC rules he was given. Now they are going back THREE years to fine him for something they changed the rules to within the last 14 months. He will be fined for every incident which has potential to reach several millions of $$'s. A fine that can put infinity in a very bad spot. Howard has rules and very loudly complains about them.. but complies. No one was bothering Howard UNTIL he took a stance against Bush and the gay marriage issue. CC had just renewed him... :huh It makes no sense what Hicks did. None what so ever..

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I agree with you, Tex, but my problem that the ONLY people that seem to be factoring into the decision are right-wing groups and republicans.  Stern has 18 million listeners, he's the #1 rated show almost everywhere he's on.  Obviously, there are tons of people who want him on the airwaves, and they're concerns are seemingly being disregarded.

This morning he called for his masses not to vote for Bush...


Hate to say it.. but I think Bush is screwed.

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And we both know, he will not be fined for things that were correct at the time. The courts are very good at that. I do not know what the statute of limitations is on FCC violations. I imagine they cannot be longer than a few years.


My beef is people who think we should allow everything and anything because we can change the channel. No! I own these airwaves and as long as I can convince enough Americans my standard is right, we will follow my standard.


I also 100% support the statements:


No! Steff owns these airwaves and as long as she can convince enough Americans her standard is right, we will follow her standard.

No! Stern owns these airwaves and as long as he can convince enough Americans his standard is right, we will follow his standard.


That is the American way.

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This morning he called for his masses not to vote for Bush...


Hate to say it.. but I think Bush is screwed.

And for single issue voters whose only care is making certain they can hear Howard every morning, they should.


Wow I didn't know Bush had had strong support among Stern's listeners already. I hear Rush will ask his listeners to not support Kerry. Kerry may be screwed.

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And we both know, he will not be fined for things that were correct at the time. The courts are very good at that. I do not know what the statute of limitations is on FCC violations. I imagine they cannot be longer than a few years.


My beef is people who think we should allow everything and anything because we can change the channel. No! I own these airwaves and as long as I can convince enough Americans my standard is right, we will follow my standard.


I also 100% support the statements:


No! Steff owns these airwaves and as long as she can convince enough Americans her standard is right, we will follow her standard.

No! Stern owns these airwaves and as long as he can convince enough Americans his standard is right, we will follow his standard.


That is the American way.

Tex.. when they (he) was fined $1.7 million a few years ago it was for incidents as far back as 21 months previous. He'll be fined.. and they will be forced to pay. Infinity, just like the last time, will NEVER get a day in court to defend themselves or Howard.

Robin asked this morning if there was a SOL.. by the time the show ended there was still no answer.

No, I don't think "anything" should be allowed. But the FCC implimented rules.. and as long as the rules are followed then there should be no issues. He can't say "cock" but he can say "penis"... so he says "penis".. and when he says it 500 times in 1 morning to get under their skins then they all of a sudden want to ban that, too. It's like they follow him... and change the rules daily depending on which side of the bed they get out of.


There's an agenda. It's blatent.

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And for single issue voters whose only care is making certain they can hear Howard every morning, they should.


Wow I didn't know Bush had had strong support among Stern's listeners already. I hear Rush will ask his listeners to not support Kerry. Kerry may be screwed.

Single issue voters...?


Free speech..?

Possible changes to the constitution..?

Church overruling State..?


A war that could have possibly been handled differently..?

Questions about his Nat'l Guard service..?


Those are some substantial "issues" to think about...

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Yes there is an agenda. And the ACLUs agenda is for anything to go. And the AARP's agenda is to fight for Senior Citizens, and the NRA's agenda is to fight against any gun legislature, and Infinities Agenda is to spend millions getting Howard's show as free as they can get it. Of course there is an agenda. Jim gets an award from the GOP, they have an agenda. Stern has an agenda. He just got his listeners to talk about his show. How much free advertising will that get? Hooters begs women's groups to boycott their restaurants and gives free wings to the reporters who show up. Both groups have agendas.


Why is it if you agree with the agenda it is good and if you disagree it is wrong to have agendas? In Stern's case he has $$$Millions in this fight. And money always wins in US politics.

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Wow I didn't know Bush had had strong support among Stern's listeners already. I hear Rush will ask his listeners to not support Kerry. Kerry may be screwed.

FYI.. the average listener is 30-45 with an income over $75K..

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Single issue voters...?


Free speech..?

Possible changes to the constitution..?

Church overruling State..?


A war that could have possibly been handled differently..?

Questions about his Nat'l Guard service..?


Those are some substantial "issues" to think about...

So it isn't just censorship about his show or he would have encouraged his listeners to vote Bush?!


Seriously, did you really think, under any conditions, Howard would have encouraged voters to vote for Bush?

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That was a great and powerful broadcast by Howard this morning, and he is right this is a scary time in this country, and this censorship stuff is really putting this country back 50 years at least like he says. This religious right adgenda is bulls***, what happened to separation of church and state?

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Tex.. when they (he) was fined $1.7 million a few years ago it was for incidents as far back as 21 months previous. He'll be fined.. and they will be forced to pay. Infinity, just like the last time, will NEVER get a day in court to defend themselves or Howard.

Robin asked this morning if there was a SOL.. by the time the show ended there was still no answer.

No, I don't think "anything" should be allowed. But the FCC implimented rules.. and as long as the rules are followed then there should be no issues. He can't say "cock" but he can say "penis"... so he says "penis".. and when he says it 500 times in 1 morning to get under their skins then they all of a sudden want to ban that, too. It's like they follow him... and change the rules daily depending on which side of the bed they get out of.


There's an agenda. It's blatent.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that the FCC accepts "gifts" from the radio station owners every year. The FCC is headed by Mike POwell, son of Colin Powell, crony of Bush. Clear Channel owned by Hicks, connected to Bush via Texas Rangers et al.


Do I think everything Stern says should be allowed on free air? No.


Do I think that the regulatory body is acting in an unbiased agenda-free manner? No.


Given the two, I would rather have kids listening to porn stars describe their first lesbian experience, than see private businesses get blatantly and obviously bullied by government agencies which are driven by an agenda.

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Yes there is an agenda. And the ACLUs agenda is for anything to go. And the AARP's agenda is to fight for Senior Citizens, and the NRA's agenda is to fight against any gun legislature, and Infinities Agenda is to spend millions getting Howard's show as free as they can get it. Of course there is an agenda. Jim gets an award from the GOP, they have an agenda.  Stern has an agenda. He just got his listeners to talk about his show. How much free advertising will that get? Hooters begs women's groups to boycott their restaurants and gives free wings to the reporters who show up. Both groups have agendas.


Why is it if you agree with the agenda it is good and if you disagree it is wrong to have agendas? In Stern's case he has $$$Millions in this fight. And money always wins in US politics.



What was OK TWO WEEKS AGO is now wrong.. without warning. CC just gave him MILLIONS and a 3 YEAR contract on ALL of their stations in ALL of their markets.


And still has YET to make a statement other than "we have changed" regarding firing him from the 6 markets they fired him from last week. What changed..? What did he do..? :huh

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If I'm not mistaken I believe that CC actually has a stake in those sattelite radio stations.  There is, however, premium channels on those services that could be used for more of a "free" speech platform.  Ironic that you have to pay to hear "free speech".

Clear Channel has a stake in XM. Not a controlling stake, but Mays isn't an idiot.


Ownership question about the Stern show. Stern's show is syndicated by Infinity (CBS) broadcasting, any station regardless of ownership can run the show, provided they pay the fees and run the network spots. The price runs somewhere around 300,000 a year for medium to large markets.

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So it isn't just censorship about his show or he would have encouraged his listeners to vote Bush?!


Seriously, did you really think, under any conditions, Howard would have encouraged voters to vote for Bush?

Obviously you don't listen Tex...


Howard was one of Bush's BIGGEST supporters when the war started. Howard has SUPPORTED Bush all this time since he got into office.


He made a negative comment about him sticking his nose in this gay marriage thing 2 weeks ago and the s*** hit the fan...

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FYI.. the average listener is 30-45 with an income over $75K..

I'm not certain what that has to do with anything.


So we should only listen to people who make $75,000? Does that make their opinion superior?



Do you believe the government should censor what goes over the public airwaves? Or should anything be allowed.


If you do believe there needs to be some censorship, who decides? ONly people who make $75,000 per year and between the ages of 30-45?

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I'm not certain what that has to do with anything.


So we should only listen to people who make $75,000? Does that make their opinion superior?



Do you believe the government should censor what goes over the public airwaves? Or should anything be allowed.


If you do believe there needs to be some censorship, who decides? ONly people who make $75,000 per year and between the ages of 30-45?

Most of his fans are Republican.


The point is that people who think idiot lowlifes are the only ones who listen to him are incorrect. Just a fact I tossed out there.


And Tex.. I ALREADY said that there should be rules.. which there are. :huh


And I didn't say s*** about those who make over $75K being superior so please don't put words in my mouth Tex..

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Obviously you don't listen Tex...


Howard was one of Bush's BIGGEST supporters when the war started. Howard has SUPPORTED Bush all this time since he got into office.


He made a negative comment about him sticking his nose in this gay marriage thing 2 weeks ago and the s*** hit the fan...

So now Stern has flip flopped because of the FCC issues. I thought this wasn't a single issue thing.


And no, his show was on for about 3 months here and finished 6 out of 7 English language stations. I and about 6 other people were the only ones listening.


My position is not dependent on Stern. I do not believe he is the arbitrator of taste for all of us.


The government has a responsibility for what goes over our airwaves. Some one has to define what that standard is. Anyone who thinks that there should not be a standard and that anything should be aired, at any time, for any reason, is wrong.


If they want to draw the line at Stern, then lobby to have that done. If they think Stern is too tame, set the standard further that way, if the think Stern goes to far, then lobby to draw it in tighter. That is how we do things here in America.

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