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Too much head


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Wildlife experts in Britain are stunned by the apparent discovery of a frog with three croaking heads and six legs, Local 6 News reported Friday night. The frog was reportedly found at a children's day nursery in the English village of Weston Super-Mare in Somerset, according to the report.


The staff at the Green Umbrella nursery first thought it was three frogs huddled together but after closer inspection they realized the frogs were joined together.


A wildlife biologist said a reason for the three-headed frog’s development could have been damage to the embryo, according to a report.

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That frog in itself is only unusual in that it has survived to adulthood. More and more amphibians are being found with extra limbs, heads, organs, and other deformities. At the same time the population numbers of amphibians worldwide has plummeted.


Biologists pretty much agree it's a really strong indication that most of the natural systems these animals inhabit are majorly screwed up. Amphibians are very sensitive 'indicator species' especially during their embryonic and larval development. Environmental labs have used frog eggs for nearly a hundred years in pollutant and toxicity assays for that reason.


That these indicator species - known 'early warning' species - are dying out and being born with increasingly common deformities has made national news in recent years, but largely the world has yawned and switched channels. Given the importance of amphibians as a link in a lot of food webs, the disturbance is reverberating through the remaining linkages. Not good.

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That frog in itself is only unusual in that it has survived to adulthood.  More and more amphibians are being found with extra limbs, heads, organs, and other deformities.  At the same time the population numbers of amphibians worldwide has plummeted.


Biologists pretty much agree it's a really strong indication that most of the natural systems these animals inhabit are majorly screwed up.  Amphibians are very sensitive 'indicator species' especially during their embryonic and larval development.  Environmental labs have used frog eggs for nearly a hundred years in pollutant and toxicity assays for that reason.


That these indicator species - known 'early warning' species - are dying out and being born with increasingly common deformities has made national news in recent years, but largely the world has yawned and switched channels.  Given the importance of amphibians as a link in a lot of food webs, the disturbance is reverberating through the remaining linkages.  Not good.

and now on a serious note...... ;)


those frogs are phucked up! :lol:

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