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Gasoline Surging to new High Prices


WHat will you do if gasoline costs are $3 per gallon?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. WHat will you do if gasoline costs are $3 per gallon?

    • No change, I gotta go
    • Drive Less
    • Trade for a fuel efficient car
    • Public Transportation
    • Walk, Ride
    • Motorcycle
    • Combo of above

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Have we not bailed out half of the middle east. Why are we not overflowing in cheap gas?  :huh  :headshake

If I land the job I'm hoping for, I hope to put more miles on my bicycle than on my truck.


Last Year I don't know the exact mileage for my truck, but it was somewhere in the 8,000 mile range, and 2,000 miles of that was driving to and from Colorado.


Miles on the bike last Year = 3,000 + I don't know exactly I lost my odometer sometime in late july and never replaced it. It was at about 2,000 when I lost it.

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If that's the case why is gas more expensive in Europe?

Yep, when I was in Scotland it was a Pound (about a 1.60) a LITER. That's expensive....


Of course over there they all drive tiny VERY fuel efficient cars...

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stupid hippies.

NO not stupid hippies... Over the past 20+ years the MPG rating of all passenger vehicles has gone down.


The government will quote you statistics otherwise, but they hold all those damn SUV's that only run to the grocery store and back as Trucks and aren't required to meet the same standards. The SUV/truck market is now greater than that of cars. The result is the overall fuel efficiency of all vehicles has actually declined.


What's the reason for this. Government didn't have the balls to stand up to the oil and auto industries. Clinton had plans in place, and was slated to rush them through in the last months of his presidency, but talks with the Auto industry, and the Gore, who also supported it, but wanted it as a back-burner issue, waited as to not damage Gore presedential campaign. When Gore recieved more votes than bush and lost the election, The auto industry had a new oil friendly regime in office.


The plans Clinton had were scrapped. New plans that actually rewarded the purchase of large vehicles were put in place (the tax credit for vehicles over certain weight).


The possibilty was in place in the late nineties to produce cars that got in excess of 75 MPG. All three major american auto makers were involved in a program to see who could make the most cost effective fuel efficient car. GM Precept - And not one of those tiny asian model cars, an actual 5 passenger luxury style automobile that would get 80 MPG.


The result of the crushing of the federal funding for this program is that the American Auto makers have essentially scrapped all operations on the projects. The foriegn auto makers (honda, Toyota) already have efficient hybrid MPG cars on the market... In five years, if nothing is done about the price of gas, we are all going to be complaining about

1) The price of the american Hybrid cars

2) The reliability of the American hybrid cars

3) How come the Foriegn models are cheaper/less prone to failure/ and more fuel efficient than the American models

And ultimately you'll see the Government come have to step in a rescue the struggling US atuomakers who failed to see the writing on the wall...




The Chicago tribune had a three part article on this a couple years back... Great read. I think it was around the time of the auto show... back then you went on thier website and typed "supercar" and you'd get the link... now when you type supercar. is this - a V-12 engine car that will rival ferrari's enzo. That's great.

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Currently Gas over here is about 80c a litre, not sure what the conversion from litre to gallon is.

1 gallon is 3.785 litres. So, you're paying about $3aus a gallon--bet you wish we would shut up, huh?


And the Brits/Europeans are paying about $6 a gallon (at least they were a year ago)...


I haven't complained about gas prices since I returned...

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1 gallon is 3.785 litres. So, you're paying about $3aus a gallon--bet you wish we would shut up, huh?


And the Brits/Europeans are paying about $6 a gallon (at least they were a year ago)...


I haven't complained about gas prices since I returned...

Yeah but it's not too bad I guess. It only a few years ago gas prices were about 50 to 60c a litre, but with the war in Iraq and everything, it went up to about a $1 a few months ago, and the price still fluctuates a lot especially on weekends. That's why I get my gas very early in da week. :)

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I put on about 22,000 miles a year. Luckily my car gets about 26-30 MPG, but still, prices are getting pretty ridiculous. Out here in SoCal almost every station is about 2.20. There are a few as low as 2.10, but thats as low as I've seen.


Supposedly the problem in California is how in the winter to summer we use different fuel for efficiency. I think other states use it, but California is a little stricter.


Anyway, OPEC did say if prices would stay up for the next week to two, that they would increase supply.


I should add, that gas prices haven't really went up, its oil refiners like mobil, etc jacking up their prices.


On top of this California is about to add an 8 cent increase per gallon on the gas tax.


I wouldn't have a problem with this, but they have already started stealing money from the gas tax and putting it into other areas. The gas tax should be soley for building new roads. Its probably the fairest tax out there.


Its a flat tax system where the more you drive the more you pay towards the roads. So if you don't drive much, you dont' pay for much of the roads. You do drive a lot, then you pay for the newer roads.


If I get the job I want to out of college, then I'll likely not have to drive much. All the major accounting firms are within 10 minutes of where I live (driving distance) which would be really sweet :headbang

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I was in San Diego this past weekend and gas there was $2.29 for regular unleaded.  Here in Kentucky it's at $1.56, as of two days ago.

San Diego has some really exorbitant gas prices. I was in downtown a few weeks ago and when we were leaving we stopped at a station and it was like 2.35. Nonetheless, we risked running out of gas and found a cheaper station :lol:

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If I get the job I want to out of college, then I'll likely not have to drive much. All the major accounting firms are within 10 minutes of where I live (driving distance) which would be really sweet


I really hope that works out for you. :cheers Once I'm done with school, I will have 4 jobs available to me that are within 8-10 miles of my home. That's one less thing for us to worry about.

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Anyone find it "coincidental" that oil/gas prices sharply rise in an election year?


I bet they'll plummet right before the election, Bush will take credit for it, and try to steal the election (Again!)


Anyone find it "coincidental" that the Bush family has been in the oil business for decades?



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Anyone find it "coincidental" that oil/gas prices sharply rise in an election year?


I bet they'll plummet right before the election, Bush will take credit for it, and try to steal the election (Again!)


Anyone find it "coincidental" that the Bush family has been in the oil business for decades?



I don't think thats going to happen. Bush has a pretty minimal control on gas prices. He can try and pressure OPEC to create more, open some of our reserves or do a few other things I guess.


The main thing is, the gouging that mobil and other companies are doing has to go down.


I think Gas prices will fall, like they usually do (I sure as hell hope they do) sometime in the next two months, but its more of a cycle. They try to gouge, we start b****ing, slowly they go back down a bit (But not as low as they were)....then it happens all over again.

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I haven't driven since December...I take public transportation just about everyday here. It is getting warm enough to walk some now though. I won't drive until May, so I hope it wouldn't effect me much.


These gas prices are getting way out of hand IMHO.

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im just waiting for my beastly truck to die(89 dodge ram charger). i just cant see buying a new car till this one is dead. there hasnt been anything wrong with it since i bought it when i was 16. then im getting a civic hybrid, or another hybrid car.


1.69 a gallon in colorado

up from 1.24 a gallon when i moved here in october

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I don't think thats going to happen.  Bush has a pretty minimal control on gas prices.  He can try and pressure OPEC to create more, open some of our reserves or do a few other things I guess.


The main thing is, the gouging that mobil and other companies are doing has to go down. 


I think Gas prices will fall, like they usually do (I sure as hell hope they do) sometime in the next two months, but its more of a cycle. They try to gouge, we start b****ing, slowly they go back down a bit (But not as low as they were)....then it happens all over again.

Yes, he does hae minimal control but sice when did that stop any politician from grabbing credit? I'm certain y'all remember the nights that MJ and I combined for 60 points, and Rodman and I would have 20 boards :D


I'm paying $1.599 here in South TX. But I could slip across the border to Mexico and pay the state supported monopoly $2.50


Guess how many vehicles are in font of me with Mexico plates? :D

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