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Colombia Space Shuttle

Guest wsc425

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A space shuttle, Colombia, was landing this morning and at 200,700 feet, traveling at 12K, it some how exploded. It is really scary to think that it may be an attack. Another attack, on Febuary 1st 2003, when on September the 11th, 2001, our nation suffered yet another terrorist attack. I am shocked. I believe it is a terrorist attack, yet, I am not sure.

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I don't believe that this was a terrorist attack. CNN reported that some pieces broke off of the shuttle at launch, and struck a wing. NASA did not believe at that time that the damage was serious enough to turn the shuttle back around, but I think we'll find that the damage hampered the return to Earth, and that's what caused the explosion.


It's truly a tragedy, and the worst part has to be the fact that the astronauts' loved ones were at the landing area, and I'd hate to have the job of informing and consoling them.


While every astronaut knows that something like this can happen, they have so many successful missions that I think you start to feel that this kind of disaster won't happen again.


May God rest their souls...

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No, all news outlets seem to be making clear there is no reason at this time to suspect terrorism.


I think what is sad is the state of our space program. I will admit I was one of the many that did not know there was a shuttle flying at the time. What's sad is that it takes a tragedy such as this for people to pay any attention to the space program. This could also mean the end to manned space flights for quite some time in the US. We have already invested alot of money in the International Space Station, though, so I hope we can resume missions safely as soon as everything is safe.

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Holy Mary, Mother of God...may the lord be with the souls who died this tragic Saturday.

man that is a bad news. i am watching the cnn and its horrible. i remember watching the first explosion of the space shuttle some 15 yrs ago.


no terrorist attack and i wonder if those parts that was lost was the reason. does anybody know what parts were lost?

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While I'm not ruling out the possibility of a terrorist attack, do you actually have any idea how many minor things can go wrong on a space shuttle landing? I mean, one nail off or an inch to the left or a trajectory off by a degree and everything can go wrong.

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Bush's speech soon...

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1.) Not at Sox fest today, would like to go to chat...lets go to one at like 12:40.

2.) I think some of my posts are good in Pale Hose Talk. Please read.

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Time.com reports that a few tiles falling off on launch/during the course of a mission is quite common and usually no cause for concern. The loss of tiles would have to have been pretty tremendous to cause this disaster.


To sum up the article, the most likely cause is the re-entry angle causing the shuttle to roll and expose unprotected portions to the heat of friction. It has always been the toughest part of any spaceflight mission since the Mercury days even though we have never lost a space crew on this part of the mission before.


The rest of the article can be found here

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Bush's speech soon...

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1.) Not at Sox fest today, would like to go to chat...lets go to one at like 12:40.

2.) I think some of my posts are good in Pale Hose Talk. Please read.

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Lets keep some respect for those who perished today in that shuttle....... keep this thread to information....pertaining to the shuttle.

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Bush's speech soon...

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1.) Not at Sox fest today, would like to go to chat...lets go to one at like 12:40.

2.) I think some of my posts are good in Pale Hose Talk. Please read.

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Lets keep some respect for those who perished today in that shuttle....... keep this thread to information....pertaining to the shuttle.

Bush is on now........

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God, how tragic....this is quite scary. It just goes to show that even the best can be flawed at times, and sometimes stuff like this happens. However, we must move on.


But this was obviously not a terrorist attack....you're not going to sneak up to the launch pad and put something on the shuttle, and it's way too big to do something like that, and then you're not going to hit it with a missle of any type at all...I'm pretty sure that it would be quite hard to hit something going at 12,000 MPH.

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A space shuttle, Colombia, was landing this morning and at 200,700 feet, traveling at 12K, it some how exploded. It is really scary to think that it may be an attack. Another attack, on Febuary 1st 2003, when on September the 11th, 2001, our nation suffered yet another terrorist attack. I am shocked. I believe it is a terrorist attack, yet, I am not sure.

Hey wsc, I know you mean no harm and that its just what you do for all your threads but when posting about such tragedies could you please not do the "cool" smilie? I know, and others know, you mean no offense but a newcomer could see that and attack you for it. Thanks...

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